All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

2 Corinthians 10:3-4 3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. I believe that our problems today stem from unseen forces. It's takes daily communion with God, living a Holy life, prayer and spiritual warfare to defeat the enemies plan to destroy us, our families and our country. I am attaching a prayer that has Bible verses to meditate on to start a new month. Father God I ask in the name of Jesus that this will benefit the body of Christ. I pray Father God that Your Holy Spirit ministers to people and that they gain in knowledge, wisdom and understanding, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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God's people perish due to lack of knowledge. If you spend enough time in the Word, you will understand that God wants us to be on the offense of the enemy. Jesus went around casting out devils, David prayed prayers that brought supernatural victories against his enemies. Loving people and sharing the gospel is great, but if you don't address darkness that causes problems for Christians, you are no threat to enemy and those people will perish. You must first bind the strongman and then spoil his house. Think about that the next time you pray for someone and no answer comes!
Praise God! What concerns me is that most Christians are under the attack of dark forces they do not discern nor have the knowledge to counterattack. I'm not saying that everybody is possessed by a demon but if they were equipped with this knowledge, many would rise above oppression and be free.
I asked God for a sign that He was real. My life had been completely destroyed and now I could find no fault of my own. I needed to understand why this was happening. And I indeed got the sign I was looking for....just not in the way I ever thought it would come.

Demons are a part of everyday life. They are everywhere around us, in our lives and sometimes, inside us. I thought it was all in the movies....things flying around the house, invisible dishes breaking, black shadows darting about the bedroom at night, apparitions of wretched creatures walking across the room in broad daylight, fresh meat rotting overnight, physical attacks, groping, choking, tormenting......

All of this was never my idea of a sign of how real God is. Yet throughout this war, I have come to see that this is my greatest life's blessing. I do not have to just believe in Him. I know. Not many people will ever have the knowledge that I have. Not many will ever be able to say in this life that they have no doubt that He is real. They may say it but the human mind will doubt because they have no tangible evidence. I have tons of tangible proof that has redeemed me and allowed me through His grace to move from spiritual death into my new life with my Savior.

He visited me in dreams for a period of one week. If I'd been paying attention, I'd bet it was 7 days :) In these dreams, He would come to me and pull me out of the crowd and let me know that "You are not like the rest. They do not know me. I have chosen you because your faith is strong and you heart true. I have a mission for you and believe me when I tell you, you are already strong enough. Have faith. I would not have come to you if this wasn't truth. Now walk with me and I will never leave you alone."

The feeling of safety and love that I got from these dreams was unlike any other. I had been praying that God show me the purpose for my life. All I can really say at this point is that I know that He has a mission for me and that it won't be an easy one. But trusting Him will keep me soaring above the storm. I have an idea of what this mission might be, but I'm keeping my ears open for now....because it's not pretty LOL Whatever He wants me to do....I'll do. I have died to the world and my mind cannot even think the same as it did 6 months ago. People have seen great changes in me. I have learned one very valuable lesson:

You don't have control of your life. You are either controlled by God or you are controlled by the evil one. Period. There is no neutral ground. I've seen what the evil one has to offer. And I don't like it much. So today I choose God. I am a new soldier now. I stand ready for the next command from the Tower. So today I soldier on....
This is sooo true. Since my battle, I can now see individuals who are either probably possessed or who have oppression issues. It's like looking at someone and being able to tell if they're male or female. Sometimes that obvious.
I am attaching a prayer and meditation that I use daily. I hope it to be useful to those who need more reinforcement from the Holy Spirit and advances the Kingdom of God.
"they" probably don't want us to have it! They interfere with communication between people who can most help you. This has been an ongoing issue for me whenever I've tried contacting demonologists and priests, etc. They said it's very common.

Jessica, it is very real but remember always the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you is more powerful then any devil on the side of your enemy. You have the gift of discernment and God will use you in a mighty way in His Kingdom. I pray the Holy Spirit guide you in how to come against darkness using God's Word. Here is a rough outline of what I call "weapons of war". I loose Holy Angels into your realm, Jessica, in the name of Jesus. Father God, surround Jessica with Your firey wall of protection and the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. I command every firey dart from the enemy shot at her to back fire in the name of Jesus. Any curse put on Jessica by the enemy, I break it with the blood of Jesus and I reverse it by the fire of God back to the sender in the name of Jesus. Praise You Jesus, Thank You Father God for Jessica and use her as Your battleaxe! In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
Here ya go Advocate. Angels of God, cause this file to pass through by the Holy Fire Of God in Jesus name!


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