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Why is life a struggle? it seems everyone is asking themselves that very question.Why does God put me through this?????What will I learn???? Cant he see that Im trying my best and its not doing me any good??....Where is he?? and Why??...So Common we struggle and cant seem to understand why life is so hard sometimes. I have been on the I though was good...time passed...things changed..I spiralled down...praying as I went down..every breath was prayer..for Him, them,this thing or another a friend in the hospital, a close family member  dying...and you wonder. Actually God is in everything we do and everywhere we are in our lives....he is aquainted with grief, Knows suffering more than we do, has endured...he went 40 days without eating...could we do that???? Praise God for he hears us,and is right there for us and will never forsake us even in our weaknesses...Its difficult to understand how wonderfull God really is when things are rough but he understands everything and you know he gives us a shove when we need it, or you could call it a boost like where did that come from??? How did that happen?? wow It has to be God.

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This may help to ponder when we are in a crossroads of emotions in our trials & dissapointments, I had a message some 30 yrs ago while driving w my mom; and the voice told me that basically when we feel we cannot endure any more, that something good will come out of those trials, it may not be tomorrow, or next week.or next year; But God will use it for some good, and we will know the answers then,...;)
Ive compiled this; I know; but I hope you understand what I am trying to convey anyway;
We cannot stay on the mountain tops w the Father at all times, because then He cannot use us to HIs glory an for helping others,... that is why He sends us back down into the valley and its wlorldly realities with knowledge and wisdom He imports to us, a sort of tempering of our faith and strengthen us... There will be times we are in the valley; I am in my valley at this time, and I must work my ay back up the mountain, as peaceful, and heavenly as it is; I know I must be where the Father can use me for others ...
Gods Love,

Matthew 6:34 – do not worry about tomorrow
Posted: 05 Oct 2010 11:15 PM PDT
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. – Matthew 6:34
Earlier in this passage Jesus assures his disciples that God knows their every need. If He feeds the birds of the air, will he not feed us?

Then Jesus brings us the shocking truth: our anxiety is connected to doubt and unbelief! To worry about tomorrow is a sign that we don’t trust our heavenly Father to take care of us. We are called to deal with the things of today and trust that the God who knows our name has our tomorrows in His hands. So anxiety or worry is a symptom of an unbelieving heart.

How do we get rid of worry? Our answer comes with repentance, then realigning our heart with God’s promise to meet our needs. The promises in Matthew 6 alone have enough bread from heaven to sustain us in the midst of this troubled time.
Hebrews 12:7-8 – Endure hardship as discipline

Posted: 03 Oct 2010 11:15 PM PDT

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. – Hebrews 12:7-8

Many times we look at hardship as something to be avoided at all costs. But the Scripture tells us that our Father disciplines us for our good. It is God’s discipline that tells us that we are sons (and daughters – sonship was a title of inherence back then). The Father is preparing his children to run the business with Him. So if you are in difficult times, rejoice! The One who loves you and knows you better than anyone else is grooming you. The process may be painful, but in the long run it will produce fruit that lasts forever.

I'm not disagreeing with the above post, but I do want to state that material happiness is about spiritual happiness. If a person is spiritually happy, he will consider what he has (materially) as plentiful.

Where is the struggle for a Christian? As long as I am walking in the path God wants me on, there are no struggles. I know that it wasn't always that way for me.

Most every want I have is for another, but not myself. I can say God provides everything I need, and therefore, everything I want.
I do think that Christians suffer at times from oppression and that is because they have dropped their guard and allowed Satan to interrupt their lives. The best way around that is focusing on Christ and His instructions for our lives and it quickly disappears. Some people have difficulties working their way through this because they don't have the ability to focus on the One Who has given us everything. They are ready to listen to the world as to how to cure their problem when the answer lies in their own spiritual walk.

I do not think a Christian can suffer from depression because depression is something that lies within one. Oppression , on the other hand, is a force from without. All Christians have the Holy Spirit abiding in them so for Satan or one of his cohorts to move in is impossible. Opession becomes apparent when one takes their eyes off Christ.

God is soooo awesome!

Dear Chip,
I just wanted to share with you some scripture that i've been meditating on:
Romans 5:1-5
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
And not only that but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;
and perseverance, character, and character hope.
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Excellent scripture Debbie. Scripture always says it perfectly.

Blessings, Carla
Hi Brother Chip,

My son-in-law is into NASCAR racing. We used an illustration similar to the situation you are describing.

Suppose a race-driver had a new race-car built for himself. Man, did it look good, sound super, and even smelled good (like some "Christians"). At this point he could proudly show it off, but he had to wonder, how would it do in a race ? Obviously it had to be entered into a bumping, grinding, gruleing, test to see how this car would survive, and yet come out a winner.
That`s how God checks out a person who claims John 3:16.

James 1:2-3,"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,(3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.'

Romans 8:28,"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Finally, if it was good for Jesus, it`s good enough for us. Matthew 4:1,"Then Jesus was led up by the (Holy) Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."
This is why bad things happen to good people.

Grace and Peace, Chip. I`ll be praying for you, also.


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