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I was completly intact when I first came to Jesus but after agreeing to have a vasectomy done because my then wife didnt want any more kids I should have prayed about it first. That put me out there in can not go fourth and multiply @ the clip of my vasssdifferensce I felt God take something away from me.....I have been praying to get it back I grieved the Spirit...... Im so sorry God,.....dont cast me away.......

All I have to really say is dont do it............God Loves children. and I was doing to my body a sin making it impossible to procreate. He has taken from me  other things of the spirit....I get excited in church but the fire I once had is gone all because a dumb choice.My present wife told me she wanted a baby and I cant help her..thats been hard to live with.

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This can be extended to birth control pills and condoms, how far do you go?

I guess it is dependent upon circumstances as well.  I had it made permanent.  Having a child at the age of 40 was rough.  I couldn't risk it again.  And financially wasn't in the position at the time either.  I would never do it without thought and lots of consideration.  I didn't pray about it as I wasn't saved at the time.  But I did think hard about it.  It was the age factor for me. 

Brother, I would say to you that you are living with a sin conscience, what does the bible say about if we sin? 1Jo.1:9-10, “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and if we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and the Word is not in us” Have you confessed your sin? Sounds as though you have; then take God at His Word and purge yourself from this self-condemnation; you are not being judged “by God” on your performance! You are being judged by God on your acceptance of His Son Jesus Christ as your savior, and now; He is your righteousness, your sanctification, your wisdom, your holiness.

I believe it is more of a sin for a person to have more children than he/she can afford or take care of, than to use wisdom in building a family that you don’t have to struggle with all your life just to meet their needs. If you feel you need more children, then there are a lot of unwanted pregnancies that God “I would think” would want the church to give a loving home to.

I know a preacher, that thought he was doing a good deed by adopting more children from overseas, after having at least 4 of his own, told me a few weeks ago, “JB, what was I thinking,”? He is now going to work after he preaches on Wed. nights, just trying to make ends meet. Though he knows God is able to give him strength to carry on, yet he knows that God has given us wisdom to conduct our lives in a way that can be pleasing to Him. So don’t feel guilty about what you have done, there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom. 8.. You are free from the law of sin and death. You can multiply the children or kingdom of God by showing them the plan of salvation.



I believe it is more of a sin for a person to have more children than he/she can afford or take care of, than to use wisdom in building a family that you don’t have to struggle with all your life just to meet their needs.


The way I see it, as someone mentioned...the Bible is completely silent on the matter of birth control.  But it most certainly is not silent on the matter of taking care of one's family.

With God's help, yes, you can do anything, but is God asking you to have more kids to keep you from having the resources (financially and physically) to work in ministry, so that you have to spend even more time working to support the ever increasing family?  Often we take God can help us to do anything and turn it into therefore, let me do all I want and God will help.  God's answer isn't the same for everyone.  And even if you feel you've heard Him on an issue and miss the mark, He will help you get back on you feel He said get fixed, He didn't, He can undo that.  But if you simply keep having kids and waiting on God to cut it off for ya, don't be surprised if He doesn't.  ;-)

And notice that Paul ,who said this, also said it's better to stay single.  Paul had no kids.  ;-)

Ask him where he got that information.  Would be interesting to know.

But in my opinion, it would mean that Paul was not forthcoming to make mention that he wished to remain single instead of stating the truth that he was married and his wife left.  And God wouldn't abide dishonesty.

I don't know who he is either but he certainly tosses out a lot of "likelys" to make his point.  I posted one site below that list the requirements of the Sanhedrin with no mention of marriage being a requirement and there are many others stating there's no such requirement.  Just seems to me something that could cause people to question what is said in the Bible and I only know of one who would want us questioning that.  So it sounds much like a rumor which started to discredit Paul or some such.

Its unnatural I'm alive, but some skilled doctors gave me a zipper going from my chest to back in order to correct the natural whole, murmur and closing artery I was born with. Rather than ask God if He wanted me dead, I thank Him I'm alive.

Rather than ask Him if I was wrong to have my tubes tied at 40 I daily ask His help in raising a child at my age. A child with aspergers (autism spectrum disorder) when shown children born to women in their 40s are at a higher risk having autism disorders.

I know of no reference that indicates a member of the Sanhedrin had to be married. Just to be sure, I checked numerous references, including Jewish Encyclopedias, and found no such requirement. Membership on the Sanhedrin was mostly a political appointment where scholarship was considered as a secondary factor. I see numerous claims that it was a requirement, but none indicate sources which tells me this is probably an urban legend.

I found many sites that state similar.  So do you know of any sources that indicate it was a requirement?  They also suggest that it may be that Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin, but that the Bible doesn't even make that clear that he was.

The Jewish Court System

Qualifications for a Jewish judge and the operation of the Sanhedrin.

haha - I like this brother. Tim is a blessing.


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