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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?

Is it ok to reject a friendship of someone who is a member of your church?

If so, can you still fellowship together as Christians?

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Hi Amanda,

Another thoughtful question.

To me there is intimacy in both, but with friendship it just may be a bit more personal.  My friends are the few people I confide in.  They are the ones who get to hear the nitty gritty of life and all it's challenges.  They are the ones I process things with in a more personal way.  They're also the ones I go to when there is something to celebrate.  It's a mutual relationship of trust and love.

Fellowship is wonderful also... It's the ladies I do bible study with and people I see in church, perhaps people I even just meet throughout my day.  We can encourage each other and lean on each other for many things, but not really personal.  

These differences for me exist because the friendship relationships are closer.. They've developed over many years and hardships, and a level of trust has been built.  The fellowship relationships exist for different reasons and both are beneficial.  It's healthy to have a close network of people to trust and confide in, but not everyone deserves that honor.

Fellowship relationships can and do grow into friendships... but I think it takes time.


Blessings, Carla

I just reread your question, and I realize I didn't really answer it.. :-)

Yes, it's ok to reject a friendship of a church member.  Yes, I believe you can still fellowship.  There is still something to always learn... and to teach.  I don't see a reason why this mutual give and take relationship couldn't exist unless it is toxic.

It’s the mystery of unity in the fellowship of believers. God wants all kinds before the Throne He lives us all but we are different we want what we can appreciate. There will always be differences forever.
We will instantly love all who Love Jesus but we won’t instantly prefer them. One day we will not react towards each other from fear or envy because we will be transformed from this corruptible estate we are currently in and things will be so different unimaginable as a matter of fact above and beyond anything we could ask or think.
Some form of intimacy share as a Bride.
Correction: He Loves (not lives) us all

What a beautiful response HandMaiden.  I look forward to hearing from you more on here.

Blessings, Carla


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