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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Im sure some of the material placed by me has startled some confused others,even made some laugh but what Im about to share with you isn't funny....Soon after I received the Lord he gave me something and it has resurfaced thanks to a video that I stumbled upon.It had to be the Lord  who led me to it for such a time as this.....we are blessed this generation indeed truly i'll show you Pope Francis is the last Pope ....I mentioned something about being real have no idea!! Praise God for ever and ever  please view :    then you tell me how close and see if you start to tremble or not

and get all excited  I have relatives that wont talk to me... or people saying Im hateful because Im not for Gay anything Im not nor will I ever be

I cant have a loving conversation with a hateful homo, radical lesbian or any of the like....I wouldn't  survive being a Judge or Lawyer because I couldn't be forced to join those things in holy matrimony...

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Is calling them "those things" being loving to your enemies and not judging them?


"I cant have a loving conversation with a hateful homo, radical lesbian or any of the like...."

Why beloved? God calls us to love our enemies etc...

"I wouldn't  survive being a Judge or Lawyer because I couldn't be forced to join those things in holy matrimony..."

Amen to I couldn't be forced to join them in holy matrimony, but "those things" are human beings, who are blind and lost. We get much further with love than with anything else... don't you think?


Life in Christ is good, it is beautiful. We are living in difficult times, but the beauty of it, is that Satan is not in control, nor is the flesh. It is God who is in control of his universe. We were once children of Satan, living for the flesh, but thank be to God, who saved us from the wrath to come.

Be of good cheer my brother. We know how God started this world and we know how it ends. God wins.

We pray, we live lives pleasing to our Lord and we love, that is all we are called to do.

There is time for righteous indignation, but may love overcome the darkness, the light in us, the Holy Spirit in us, may He guide us.

Hi Chip, God bless!

1 Timothy 2:1-6 came to mind.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplication, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time.

The person who first witnessed to me, used to be gay. Someone else prayed for him and spoke Bible to him. He got saved and then he married a lovely woman and they are both good friends of mine.  :-) You just don't know who God may call. Bob (that's his name) used to have a lot of darkness in his life, but who else could have understood me?

The first moment I walked into the church in their home, I had never seen or felt true love before.



That reminds me, the first time Bob offered to pray for me because I was sick, I got scared and ran. The first time I went to communion in their home, I called and asked if I could eat something before communion? When Bob talked about being saved and accepting Jesus as Lord, I ran too.

There were some very dark things going on with me just below the surface. God forgive me, but I pulled a knife on Bob's wife. God didn't let me do that of course. All of this seems like a dream. I don't do all the weird dark arts.

I'm fairly sure they were all questioning allowing me walk in the door. Scary Mary's will be here tonight. See, the spoken Word can heal and soften a person's heart. The Word changes people.



I wouldn't  survive being a Judge or Lawyer because I couldn't be forced to join those things in holy matrimon

 "those things"? WOW  Chip........  Sin is sin, don't you think?  I think that because of the political push and the way the media is so fixated on "IMO" deliberately causing uproar between the homosexuals and the Christians and IMO they do this just because of , as Michael Jackson once said to a reporter (because it sells) . We need to be very careful that we don't let them suck us in to their  craziness. Isn't that what satan would want?   No offence to you but I just wanted to add my thought on the above comment.


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