God loves you, no matter what you decide to do. I think you may be stressed by what others are telling you to do, and not to do. The thing to do is be KAYLA. You are you. I think maybe you are wanting to rebel against some of the people in your life rather than God. God is actually the only one that matters. Right now your mind is arguing with your spirit in favor of your body. When your soul is past the point of being pulled back and forth, so to speak, you will be fine.
Remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God knows you are fighting a battle. That battle is taking place within you. You are battling our foe, Satan, or one of his minions. To prove this, rebuke him in the Name of the Lord Jesus and he will flee.
We all want to live for Jesus but then something keeps telling us no. This something brings into mind the things of the world. This something wants us to renounce God. This something is Satan. He can't have you. You belong to Christ. Fight, Kayla.
Father, I ask that you strengthen Kayla so that she can fight off Your enemy and hers. Let her be reminded of Your love for her. Show her that she is wanted in your household. Let her witness again, Your strong love for her. I ask this in the Name above all names, the Lord Jesus Christ...
Blessing, Kayla. I love you and God does too!
I faced the same situation once, a long time ago. It was a situation over a girl that I loved very deeply. I turned away from God and ended up back in sin with a passion. About four years later, the girl I was in love with gave herself to God and had then been praying that we would be together. Unfortunately by that time I was so far in sin and away from God that I didn't respond back. Years later, after it was too late, I came to my senses and realized a very brutal lesson which I will share with you. The lesson is this. ---- Sin will dull your senses. After awhile, you won’t even know what love is anymore. You will become hard. You will become just like the world. You will find that the people you attract will be just like you. Cold and unfeeling. Don’t deceive yourself into believing that you will be the exception to the rule like I did. ----- I don’t know what your situation is exactly, but I would not give up on God so easily if I were you. Remember God isn’t McDonalds. You don’t always get your burger in 5 minutes. But when
God is finished laying the foundation for your life, it will be well worth your wait and faith effort. ------Take this to heart Kayla. The problem with getting angry with God and turning your back on him (for whatever reason) is that he will let you do it. Later on though, you will have to carry the burden of your decision as I have. You will get to see what you missed by not trusting God. You will play it back, over and over again in your mind. Lost love, lost chances, lost opportunities. ----- I don't normally share this information with anyone, let alone everyone but I felt led to do it.
I will pray that God will reveal to you the wonderful things waiting for you if you will just be patient and trust in him. Hang in there Kayla....
God hears you and He cares. You are correct in saying part of you doesn't care. That would be your flesh. You have the free will to go out and have fun. What are you trying to do in your obedience that would make going out and having fun disobedient? When you accepted Christ, God didn't clip your wings. No where in the Bible does it say that you are to be unhappy in the Lord. Also, just because you want to go out, doesn't mean you are going to sin by doing it.
Your Father doesn't want you to sit home, night after night, and not have contact with any of your friends. What He does want you to do is...remember who you are in Christ.
When Christ died on the cross, He died for ALL sins...past, present, future. Keep that in mind.
I have a 19 year old grandson...college student...who is out with his friends nightly. One thing I have noticed about him is that when his friends are going to do something that goes against his beliefs, he backs out at the last minute, therefore not getting involved in what they are going to do.
How do you know that you're not to do as he does? If you don't go out, you don't know how you will act.
You have done the one thing that you needed to do and that is to accept Christ as your Savior. It may be that while you are out, you will speak to someone who needs to hear about Christ, someone that needs to have close contact with a Christian.
I am not saying to go out, smoke dope, get drunk, bed down with some one. What I AM saying is...Have faith in God, believe that the Holy Spirit will guide you on the right path.
Thank you, Father, that you have given Kayla the strength to fight...in Jesus' Name....
The season of sin is short when compared to the harvest. I hope that you have the mental strength and toughness your going to need, to deal with the fruit, should you decide to go that way.
Don't give in Kayla!
I left god many many time in life he never left me at all, and I felt the way you do now, I made mistakes? We all do, and sin made me feel unhappy,if you go out and make the mistake I made you will be even unhappy,
I found god by being Obedient keeping the Ten Commandments and Jesus Christ teachings, three days ago I was filled with the Holy Spirit I was filled with joy,
We all need to pray for each other,we all need each other prayers,I will pray for you kayal please pray for me,
GOD hates sin, he wants you to hate YOUR SIN, ask him
I especially liked this statement:
"God hates sin, He wants you to hate your sin, ask Him."
Lord Bless,
Hi Kayla,
Sex is fun. No doubt about that at all. However, there will come a point in your life when it stops being fun. My oldest son is 31, he has a venereal disease because of all the "fun" he wanted to have. There is a price to pay when it comes to sexual sin. God want's you to have fun sexually, He created sex. But, He created it to be only in the context of the marriage bed with one man and one woman for life. He knew from the very beginning that all of these sexually transmitted diseases would come along. And in His great love for you and humanity, He told us not to commit these sexual sins because He didn't want us to have to suffer for our sins. Please rethink your beliefs and evaluate this "fun" you want to have, for your own sake.
Lord's blessings,
I hope you are still with us, and haven't yet decided to withdraw from your faith. Would you be open to receiving a word from a man who has been turning his back on God, his whole life? Would you listen to my experience?
My whole life, I have been in church, but I haven't always been living with obedience in faith. I can probably count on two hands, how many times I have asked Jesus into my heart, because of all the times I have back slidden in my faith. In fact, it wasn't until March of this year, that I decided to get serious with God, and really dedicate my life to him. Kayla, a good portion of my life has been dedicated to sin, though I knew the God's truth the whole time, I still chose to turn my back on him, not once, but several times. I thought the way I wanted to live would be so much more refreshing than God's way, because God would not allow for me to live like I wanted to, therefore, creating a burden for a sinful nature. Well, I lived under the false pretense that a lot of secular people live by, "I can be saved later, i'm having too much fun right now!" Well, God did allow me to live the life I wanted, but even though I was liberated to do so through my own free will, I was still miserable, because that life wasn't what I thought it would be; and I continued to be miserable until I received Jesus into my heart this year. Now, just because I am saved and have the Holy Spirit and God's promises dwelling within me, does not mean for a second that life is easy, in fact, I believe Jesus said in Matthew, that "the sons of God would have no place to rest their heads." My life has been significantly harder now, Kayla, because after many years of being a "luke warm" christian, my senses are indeed dull, and my heart is so hard, that I don't experience the joy and peace that other Christians feel, at least not yet. This is my own fault though. It is so much harder to get to where you need to be in your spirit whenever you have lost your faith, and then come back to it, rather than one who has just found theirs, and saved for the first time. Take words from someone who has gone through what you are going through: it's not worth turning your back on God. My walk is so hard right now, Kayla, it's almost unbearable, and at times, it's downright disheartening. But, my faith keeps me alive and going, even though things are tough. God will respond to me when the time is right.
You always have great questions and we do not mind your direct approach.
You have received great advice here, many have given you their love and counsel, if you cannot see the beauty of Christianity in that, then you are tripping young lady.
The issue you are confronting right now is one that is very common among Christians of all ages, they feel they are missing out on the fun they could be having and feel Christianity is boring etc... hahaha hahaha straight tripping. Christianity is the most amazing, fun life one can have. I mean, No one in the world can rejoice even in their trials but a Christian. Blessed their enemies and live in the edge, trusting to walk out of the boat into the crashing waves believing God will help us walk and not sink. All these while not hurting our mind and soul, but strengthening it, for future battles.
What in the world is fun about being used sexually, yes, having a temporary fleeing (very fleeing) pleasure to only grow older and pay the consequences of such a life is not fun. You may never get any STD's but you will for sure get an abused scared conscious. You are probably thinking, I feel no such thing but enjoyment, hu, yeah. There are consequences to all sins, but the sins against our body are extremely addictive and very damaging. Millions can attest to that, that what was fun for a short, very short time, becomes a nightmare whether that person belongs to Christ or not.
>>Has anyone ever wanted to stray from God?
My life was insane before Christ girl, so one of my biggest challenges was enjoying peace and love once I was born again, because I never wanted those things. I only wanted to kill or be killed and you can keep the love and peace, give me madness, pain and sinful pleasures. My first 5 years in Christ, while I abided in Him, were amazing, then as my abiding in Christ diminished my old desire for the happening life came back with a vengeance, so I went to God and told him to allow me to do my own thing, He clearly said "No", I told God that I heard him, but that I was willing to die if that was what it meant to disobey Him in this thing and that I was going to do my thing, to prove something to myself. I got in front of a mirror in my room and asked Satan to send me his demons, so we could go on a one on one, then I ask him not to send me his low ranking ones, but his strong ones, but then I changed my mind and asked him not to send me any demons, but for him, the main demon to come himself and fight me. to make a long story short. I got beat up really bad, I mean it got really ugly, but God never left me, He was there to clean up my mess once I was tire of my stupidity and again had nowhere to run, but to His amazing arms.
I remember never truly being able to enjoy the sinful nature (sexual intercourse included) during that period, for I had been born again and the Holy Spirit was relentless with conviction. I had experience God in my life in amazing ways. I had preached and taught His word daily and here I was, like the pig running back to the mud after being cleaned or the dog going back for a feast with his own vomit. God Never left me thought. He corrected me and loved on me, but the consequences of such bad decisions had humongous consequences. through it all I was a sorry Christian, but never sorry to know the lover of my soul.
if you are able to sin and you have no conviction of your sin, you may not be born again. If you are able to walk away and you are not corrected by God, then you may not be his and it all has been religion for you and never a relationship with God. But I don't think that is the case for you. From previous post I would say (understanding that I do not know you heart or mind) that you are a born again child of the King. You are simply experiencing what millions of Christians go through, the flesh warring against the Spirit.
If you are born again girl, you are elected and chosen of God and He will NEVER let you go.
He may or may not allow you to do your own thing, most of the time He does allow us, so we learn that there is no higher high than being in Him. No man alive can ever make you feel more beautiful, fulfilled etc... than the one that created you, no amount of sex, drugs or rock and roll can fulfilled you. The human heart and mind may seek pleasure on all the temporary things of this world that gratify the flesh, only to end up empty, used and abused. You know that. Chose you today to invest on a strong relationship with Christ or to come back to Him, if you truly belong to Him, with your soul bruised and tire, both choices will have consequences.
It is my hope and prayer that you choose life, but should you choose death, we will still love you and God through us will always welcome you back, but it does not have to be like that.
I dare say that at least 99% of Christians have felt as you do at some point of their lives and if they belong to God they can attest that there is nothing out there better than a strong relationship with our Lord.
You say that you feel 100% disconnected, welcome to God's way of maturing you into the Christian who does not live by feelings, but by the truth of His word. Here is another thing that all believers go through. God is silent at times, He remains there, for He is God and he is omnipresent, but His manifested presence is not there for some time at times, so we can mature into Christians who do not depend on feelings, but on the truth found in His word.
This post is getting long, so I will stop here but sis all I have to tell you is that you are love and appreciated here and please don't be silly and chose death.
Love you sister.
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