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The post I saw reminded me of an event That God allowed me to see a week following trying to convince a friend that we dont have everyday we have now and was he sure if He died where he would go he told me it was too biblical for him he was Catholic like it matters..He commited suicide at his girlfriends place in her garage with his car running and the doors closed...that was a friday...that night  I was awakened to a vision so gruesome...He was  in torment and he was gnawing on his toungue for blood because of his thirst....the flames flickering on his face and the screaming it was a horrible sight....the priest that was  attending the funeral told his mother he was in heaven....He didnt have a clue....he was not....He lied to her....I never met her and didnt know what she looked like and I couldnt tell her what I saw....If you die without Jesus nothing is going to help will be lost to what I felt the day the Holy Spirit poured into my soul ...I still can see that and remember in detail what I saw....It was real....but mainline religions are so far off base from where they were before the split.....Im talking about the reformation of the protestant many made made laws and rules and in that the truth got lost.... this is for Yael and his wife.....who started this discussion .....

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Seems like you may have a vivid imagination or nightmares. I don't think
God does anything or shows  anybody anything that is, or probably will
never be of any benefit to  anyone.

If he showed that to you to convince you to believe in Him then I would have
to wonder why He doesn't show it to a bunch of others people.

I perceive God is no respecter of persons.

Chip, I am not surprised or questioning your dream.  I can see benefits in knowing what hell is, if it motivates you and any other believer to share the gospel with others.

The question is, do you believe suicide is an automatic ticket to hell for one who has trusted Christ for salvation?

He may not be a respecter of persons but He gives to one & doesn't give to another. Some are teachers, some are evangelist, some work well with kids. Maybe He doesn't give dreams to you personally because He knows He can't trust you with them. He knew you would just look at it as just another dream. He also works in many ways in bringing people to follow Him. What He uses for one, He uses another method for another. Who are we to say that the Creator can't make some dream dreams in order for them to believe in Him. God isn't something logical.  To say God doesn't use dreams & visions would be disputing the Word of God. He doesn't give me dreams because I would also see it as just another dream but I would never downplay how others feel He speaks to them. Who can know the mind of God?

God has been using dreams to bring muslims to faith in Christ. 


I agree that praying for the dead is a waste of time.  That time would be better used praying for the living.  Praying for the dead will not get that person into heaven.  For by grace are we saved through faith.  It is not of ourselves lest anyone should boast.  yet to all who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God..  There is only one way to get to heaven, and that is by faith in Jesus Christ for salvation before you die.

As for suicide, have you ever been in a black hole with no way out?  Have you ever walked in the shoes of one who is seriously depressed?   I can understand why someone commits suicide.  I agree that no one should end his or her own life.  By God's grace, one can escape depression.  Depression is a life threatening illness, just as much as any other terminal illness.

Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, he has a hold of you with one hand and the Father has ahold of your other hand, and nothing can snatch you out of His Hand.  Nothing can separate a Christian from God's love.

Liked this reply Evangeline

I'll probably get a lot of flack from this one but I use it a lot of times when someone has suffered from a loved one who has committed suicide.
"No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father." John 10:18 - Did Jesus commit suicide?

You have a good point.


In the strictest since one could make an argument as He gave up His Spirit and did not die as a direct result of the crucifixion, though humanly speaking death was imminent. I think the greater point is that He was fulfilling the will of the Father and was operating as the sacrifical Lamb of God. This is a one time act that only God could perform for all of humanity. Suicide is the end of physical life, whereas by Jesus death all of mankind if offered the free gift of new life. One is senseless and outside of the will of God and the other was of divine design before the creation of the world.


Lord Bless,


Depression causes people to commit suicide.  It is the wrong way out, but when one feels completely hopeless suicide may seem like a reasonable way out.  I have a bipolar disorder.  Many times I considered suicide for brief periods of time.  I think it was partly a tool of Satan, and the rest a chemical imbalance in the brain along with past and presence trauma.  But, as a Christian I never tried, because I don't want to step off into eternity telling God, He gave me more than I could handle with Him.  But, God blessed me with perseverance.  With the help I needed, I am happier than I have ever been.  He used my MI to grow me in Him and to help other people.  If, as a believer I had committed suicide, I would have gone to heaven, prematurely, but I would have left a lot of  very hurt people behind.  It saddens me that some of my cousins did end their lives.  Our hope is in Christ.

We stand in agreement regarding suicide. Praise the Lord that you have been helped and are doing well. Good word.

Lord Bles,



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