We have all heard the nursery rymes about how Jesus Loves us. now in your own words what does that mean for you?
For me it means Im never alone,He is everpresent with me certain things that I hear about are spiritually diserned......anything that involves Israel stirs my heart,For being grafted in we are the wild olive branch...He deeply touched my soul from the top of my head to the soles of my feet...little things remind me......How about you??? Whats your story?
God so loves each and every one of us that he gave his only Son “so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (Jn3:16)
Of all the ways God could chose to deal with us, God chooses love, not just once, but as an everlasting promise. That’s what kind of God this is. And that’s the kind of God who makes another claim on us: “I will be your God and you will be my people.” (Ez36:28)
How we live, who we are, what we become, will tell how we respond to that claim.
Although God could dazzle us with displays of power and strength, God's nature as revealed in Jesus is to win us over with the power of love. It’s the cross of Christ where we meet the nature of God most powerfully. In Jesus on the cross, we see the loving, reconciling power expressed when Jesus says: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Lk22:34)
We must remember that God's love for us is stronger than anything we could ever imagine. But we also must remember that it’s conveyed to us in the opposite way from how the world defines strength and power. Our God loves us as a mother loves her child.
I am in awe of God's incredible love and infused with his transforming grace without which I would not have the strength and the courage to cope with my failings and fears, to help others, or the hope for the future. (Heb11:1) I walk in faith in Christ. God's gifts of faith, hope and love permeate every aspect of my being and direct my thoughts and actions. Even when--and especially when--I am lost in the deepest fog and face pain and rejection and the heartache of suffering, it is in that love of God for us that we can put our confidence. His love nurtures and sustains us.
My ethos: to know Christ and be known by him, to love Christ and be loved by him, to serve Christ, to worship and glorify Christ, and to share Christ.
I know Jesus loves me because He died for me and rose back to life in order to conquer sin and death. AND---not just for me but for everyone who will accept His free gift of Salvation.
This is my favorite hymn. Just like the gospel even children can understand this simple truth and it teaches adults that simple truth as well.
The Bible, the Word of God, teaches us about Jesus and guides us to Jesus working in harmony with the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is essential, whether written or spoken (quoting God's Word) to the salvation of souls (Rom. 1:16 and Rom. 10:14-17), for in the Word of God we find the gospel message.
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