I feel like when large groups of people pray rather than one or two people, that the prayers are much more successful. I know that there are starving children in Africa, people blowing up in the Middle East, and people dying of cancer all over the world, but I really need prayer for something that seems pretty minimal compared to all of that. I need to be emotionally "free" from someone who I can't have. Basically, I feel an emotional attachment/infatuation for someone who I will never be with. I believe a lot of my pain is self-inflicted and I'm going to remove him from my life, but he's in my thoughts 24/7 and it's hurting, haunting and destroying me. He's not a bad person and he's done nothing wrong. It's my fault for allowing myself to fall for him knowing nothing would ever come of it. I want to be healed and free. I want that aching feeling to go away. I've been "in like" with him since last summer so this has been going on for quite some time. Please pray for me!
Also, I'm not feeling close to God. At all. I'm starting to doubt the existence of God and I'm struggling to embrace who God could be if I would believe in Him. I'm very much a skeptic and a lot of things do not make sense and do not feel real. I go through periods where I believe in Him (but feel resentful because I don't "feel" Him and everyone else seems to have this "connection") and then I go through periods where I believe in a higher power, but I'm unsure of who/what this higher power is. There are so many religions out there. Which one is true? Are any of them legit? Are we all missing the point of life...The "secret?" There are too many possibilities and too many what if's for me to settle for just one. I've asked God to give me signs and I never feel or see anything. Given that I do not feel God, it makes it very hard for me to believe. I attend church every Saturday night and I love the church I attend. I log onto this website everyday so obviously I'm actively seeking God, I'm just not finding Him (if He exists). I feel lost, afraid, and depressed. Extremely depressed. If God is real and He is the God that the Christian Bible paints, then I can say for sure that He has turned out the lights and shut the door on me. I ask Christians "how do you know God is who your Bible says He is" or "how do you know Christianity is the true religion" and all I get is quoted scriptures. That doesn't help. I can pick up a Bible and read scriptures. That doesn't show me anything. That's not what I'm asking. I had one person say, "well, Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we can be saved." Yes, I know that. I've read that in the Bible. But how do you know that the Bible wasn't a made up story? How do I know that's true or not true. I know there's nothing magical anyone can say, but I wish there was something. Religion, no matter which one, is just a giant leap of faith. You either choose to believe or you choose not to believe. I just don't understand why it has to be so complicating. I don't understand why God can't reveal Himself. Why we can't all worship the same God. Why is it that God isn't universal like the laws of cause and effect and the laws of polarity, mathematics, etc and etc? That is understood in every country on every continent, but yet WHO created them and WHO controls them are not understood. They are not universal. We all accept and understand the mathematics and science behind everything. We just disagree on Who set this all up.
You said, "I can pick up a Bible and read scriptures. That doesn't show me anything."
My question is do you pick it up and read it? I am not trying to be funny, but simply addressing your greatest need. Do you actually pick it up and have you read through the each gospel from chapter 1 to close of that particular book of the Bible? Do you pray and ask God to reveal Himself to you as you read? The Word of God (Bible) is God's message to us. The Holy Spirit also works on us as we read or hear God's Word. If you really want to find God, look for Him in His Word first. I encourage you to slowly read through either Luke or John asking God to reveal Himself to you as you do. Do not stop there, but continue to read and God will both reveal Himself to you and bless you. At this point in your journey I encourage you to stay in the New Testament.
Regarding you first problem, I recommend changing the channel whenever the person comes to mind. Turn your focus onto something else, which can include spending time in prayer.
Lord Bless,
Yes, I have read certain chapters. My struggle with all of this is how do I know if it's true? Any man could have made all of this up. How do we know there was ever a man named Jesus who performed miracles and rose from the dead? How do we know that there was/is a "God" who was directing Jesus and telling him everything that all of the disciples copied down? How do we know that God is father, son, and Holy Spirit? What if God is just an energy? An energy that created life, but an energy without a face or emotions? I could write a book and say I am God etc, etc and bury it and a million years from now someone could discover it and believe me.
And I plan on changing the channel when he pops into my head. It's going to be a challenge since I've allowed it for almost a year now.
You are welcome and I pray that God will use them to be a help to you.
Lord Bless,
All of the videos will be helpful, but ultimately you will find Christ as you seek for Him in the Word of God and the holy Spirit reveals Him. If you will read it and seek Him, even though you now have doubts, I am convinced He will reveal Himself to you and remove the doubts. This will then leave you with a choice, what do I do with Jesus?
Praying for you.
Lord Bless,
PR 2:1 My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
PR 2:2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding,
PR 2:3 and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
PR 2:4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
PR 2:5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
PR 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
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