All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My thoughts and  reflections:

Well, God has screwed me over for the last time. I'm pleased to say that I don't care. I don't care because frankly, I don't believe and if a molecule of my existence did believe, I now hate the concept of God. So, it's been a nice 9 or 10 months that I have been on this site, but I now have the answers I seek. So, peace out people.

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Agreed Rita. We do love you Kayla, because God has loved us and loves you. This I know. This I have both understood, believed and experienced. Hope the same occurs with you.

Kayla, I don't know if you will ever read this, I assume you are no longer keeping up with things on this site. I still am going to post this in hopes that you see this.

I agree with you. This world is so messed up it is hard to believe in God.

I have been in law enforcement for 25 years. I have had to deal with things most folks don't want to believe. I have met people who have butchered innocent human beings. I have arrested people I believe are evil. I have seen the worst of the worst.

Having seen these things, it would be very easy to focus on the evil of this world and fall into disbelief of my God.

I can tell you this, God is good and He loves us and wants us to put our trust in Him. How do I KNOW this?

Every tragedy I have had to deal with I have been able to find God. You just need to look. we just need to open our eyes and our harts to find Him.

Case in point.

I arrested a man who butchered a young lady, yes, I mean butchered. I will not go into the details, but know that what he did to this young lady was horrific. I felt terrible for the family and watched them deal with the murder of their daughter, sister, grandchild.

where was God?

God was with the young lady at the time of her death. During the trial it was determined that she didn't scream or beg prior to death. She became quiet and seemed at peace.

Her family didn't become bitter. They are a Christian family and prayed for strength and peace. They had great sorrow, but not once did their faith waver.

I believe this young lady and the family had a great faith in God and because of it they were able to stay strong in the face of evil. To this day they are not bitter or angry.

In the face of evil it is hard to find God, but only if you don't look. Please give our Lord the chance to show Himself to you. If you are angry with God, tell Him, He already knows. If you feel like He doesn't exist, tell Him. If you think God has left you, tell Him. The point is tell HIM.

All my love and prayers,



I just hope and pray Kayla finds her way home.

Father, in Jesus name we ask for You to move upon the spirit, soul, and body of Kayla to return here to read these postings. Kayla, we agree as one  as brothers and sisters in Christ and speak to you to come forth here and be blessed with life and unity. We speak to all unclean principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places to be bond and removed from hindering God's work in you, Kayla, in the authority of the name of Jesus. Father, we ask for angels to be sent forth and Your Word to be given. Amen. Thank You Father for hearing us.


I stand with you regarding this post.



Gary,  I can't even imagine what you live every day in this line of work...  I just Thank and Praise God that your faith is strong.

The evidence of evil in the world is further evidence to me of the truth of scripture... and the realities of spiritual warfare around us. I will pray for you as the Lord brings you to mind that you will be His strength and courage, and His hands and feet in this dark world.. The days are evil.. Keep shining for Jesus.

Bless you..



Well said.


Lord Bless,


Amen to that.

So, I would say that the only way to understand and know  God better is  to see the expression of His love in Jesus on the cross and to read the whole of His Word which communicates God's ways. We can not take ours eyes, thoughts,etc... off of that central focus or we begin to sink, so to speak. I am only at rest in Christ.


Amen Bev..  so true


Wow, amen, sir.

You must be rare. Beautiful word and testimony. May His Grace continue to cover you.

Rare? I hope not.LOL Thanks


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