All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

So, there are lots of religions out there. I was raised in a Christian home so naturally, I followed that. I don't believe that there is anything wrong with questioning your faith or the faith of others. I think it's only human nature. I still believe that I range more on the spiritual side than at a set denomination. Honestly, how do we know which religion is true? Judaism came before Christianity. Jesus was a Jew. How do I know that Judaism is not the true religion? Or Islam? Hinduism? Buddhism? Or whatever else. How can we just pick a religion and believe it without concrete evidence? And also, the Qur'an says this: "Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians...and (all) who believe in God and the last day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."  The Qur'an, 2:62. So, does that mean if Islam is the "true" religion, I'm still safe because I follow the Christian Bible? Ah! I know nothing about religion and this is all very complex and overwhelming!

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Preach it brother ... AMEN!!!

The true religion is the religion that compels its adherents to live and behave in a Christ-like manner. Even if the name of Jesus Christ doesn't mean to you (as a non-Christian) what it means to us, there are Gospel principles by which you can live, teachings you can admire.  How many card-carrying Christians today do not practise what Jesus preached? Too many. We have far too much Christian hypocrisy in the world today, far too many bad apples. Even the word "Christian" has been tainted. It no longer means what it supposed to mean. In a strange way, the word "Christian" is right back where it began, a derogative. In today's secular world it is synonymous with cruelty, violence, greed, corruption, and hate.


Romans 10:9 "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved.

It's a matter of ones heart.
Hi kayla,only the holy bible is the truth, to ? the truth in all other religions unless just to study it to get to know how to witness to that person in a cult or false religion] than to accept all religions/cults etc.....other than the gospel christian way jesus as saviour is to be down with the worlds way they say all is one GOd'/jesus''''there r many faces w/ falseness that proclaim they r the only way if u know Jesus'''already u r saved why ? this????? u need not be confused''confusion comes from the enemy, & to be overwhelmed is not having peace w/ JESUS"""theres nothing wrong w/ seeking understanding so u will be able to use the knowledge to win souls for Jesus'''GOD knows your movtive your heart to why''''u do everything'''human nature is decietful''''we r to live by the spirit not our human nature'''that pleases GOD""""we need to all be in GODs will for our lives its to be taken seriously'''Jesus christ is the truth & the light there is NO OTHER WAY""""the BIBLE says it its the only TRUTH"""so you stay with jesus''hes the only way& u will be safe u r right'''Jesus is Lord''''GOD bless u sis''''

There is only one God...

God the Father, God the Son, (Jesus Christ), God the Holy Spirit. There is only one Bible. It is the Will of God for our lives. Get a copy of the literal translation you are most comfortable reading. Read and pray.

John 3:1616 “For hGod so loved ithe world,9 jthat he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not kperish but have eternal life. 17 For lGod did not send his Son into the world mto condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

h Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:4; 2 Thess. 2:16; 1 John 3:1; 4:9, 10
i See ch. 1:29
9 Or For this is how God loved the world
j Rom. 8:32
k ch. 10:28
l ch. 5:36, 38; 6:29, 57; 7:29; 8:42; 10:36; 11:42; 17:3; 20:21; Rom. 8:3; 1 John 4:9, 10, 14
m ch. 5:45; 8:15; 12:47
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. Jn 3:17
There is more love where the above verses come from.
Blessings, Kayla, as you seek God's Face....

I actually agree with you, Joshua.



From you POV from whom does one ask for forgiveness from? Is it Jesus of the Bible, The fake Jesus some have created, the energy source some believe flows through the universe or yourself, since some teach we become gods? The word "god" is a n interesting word, but the various religions do not believe in the same god, nor do they believe in the same way to be saved. Some believe that you will be reincarnated, some believe you move on to another plain to live another life and do this over and over until you are perfected. Christianity teaches that when we die we either go to be with Jesus or are sent to hell awaiting our final judgment. The determining factor is not how good you have been, but rather what have you done with Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 10:13)


The Bible says that Jesus is God, a living and personal God, and man is His creation. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners deserving death and separation from God. The same Bible tells us that Jesus loves us so much that while we were at our worst Jesus died for us. Jesus dies for us on the cross that we may be forgiven if we will come to Him through repentance and ask for Him to forgive us and come into our lives as Lord and Savior. Christianity is not about man being exclusive, but recognizing that Jesus says that He is the only way and that there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.


Romans 3:23

Romans 6:23

Romans 5:8

John 3:16

John 14:6

Acts 4:12

Romans 10:9-13


Lord Bless,



Your opinion reminds me of New Age...  This scripture comes to mind:


Pro 14:12 There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

It's not about a religion, but a relationship with Christ. There are no denominations in Heaven.

God bless



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