Okay, I am extremely conflicted and confused. I've asked a similar question before, but this time I'm going to word it a little different because I didn't quite get what I was looking for...
1. How much of your life do you believe is controlled by YOU? All of it? Some of it? None of it? Some people say God has a plan for us and certain things are supposed to happen to teach us something or open new doors for opportunities, etc, etc.
2. Say if question #1 is true (God having a plan for us and controlling certain or all circumstances), doesn't that defy free will? If I want to be a clown for a living and rob people for a side job or feed starving children in Africa, that's my choice, right?
3. So, how much or to what extent do you believe that free will applies? If God gave us free will to choose Him or Satan, wouldn't He give us free will to decide what we want to do with our lives and who we want to involve? And in that case, how can the saying that "God allows certain things to happen to teach us something or open new doors" be true? If the extent of free will that God gives us allows us to choose our own life, how can He intervene?
4. Also, do you believe death is a natural process or a predestined process from God ("God won't pull your ticket till He is ready")? If our death is already planned out before we're even born, doesn't that also defy free will? Like, say I'm supposed to die in a plane. No matter what, I'm going to somehow be forced on that plane( limiting my free will) so I can die. Like, I have no other choice, but to board the plane. Some verse says that when there is a death, God grieves with us. And another one that says God does not cause death. So, does that mean that death is something that just happens? And in that possibility, wouldn't that show how much free will we have if we can choose our own death or make a decision that leads us to death?
5. What about a spouse or good friend? Are they placed in our lives from God or did we just hit the jackpot and get lucky? Someone on this site responded to a discussion regarding predestined relationships and said that he didn't think that praying for a spouse is really going to bring anyone. He said God's not going to send you someone with a stamp on their forehead that says "RIGHT HERE!." You have to get up and do the work. He said that he believes that God doesn't care what you do with your life or who you involve, just as long as you are doing it in accordance with His word.
6. Let's use a metaphor: Say God does have a plan for every person and His plan is like a ballpark. Being that He gives us free will, does He allow us to choose our own seats or are they already assigned? Like, does God have a huge plan for us, but within His plan(the ballpark), our free will allows us to make the minor decisions ( the seats in the stadium at the ballpark)? Can we make our own decisions at the game(life/His plan)? What seat we want (the career we choose), what concession stand we want to eat at(who we want to marry), what team we want to cheer for(if we decide to buy a 15 acre farm or live in NYC in a studio apartment), what fights we want to pick with the opposite team( if we want to have 1 or 7 children)? Or does God not even care what ballpark we go to, let alone the seats we sit in or the food we eat?
hi Kayla
shortly after i come to know Jesus as my lord and savour, i knew i was called to go over seas as a missionary, the desire was there but it took God 13 years to get me prepared, including 5 years of bible collage, long story of all the details, so this is the short version, when i became born again i shared Jesus, with whoever i could as i didn't want them to end up in hell, as i went along God changed my desires, i wanted to share more and more, i do not even have a high school degree, but God sent me to bible collage and told me which one to go to, in the natural this was stupid and many told me i was, or i should say they usually told my wife, as many knew of my temper, but God did set me free of it, against all odds i went to bible collage on faith because God spoke to me, He did miracle after miracle, i finishes with a B.R.E. pastoral minor, the degree ment nothing to me, but God was going to send me to Albania to speak to hard core muslims university professors, business people, etc. that if i didn't have that degree would not have listened to me at all, now i did have my free will and could have said no, i don't want to go, if you think logically about it, i have a family with for kids, to move to the other side of Canada, no job, and go to collage on faith, not wise, but to me, what was more important, was doing what God wanted me to do, simply put when we come to know Jesus He sends the Holy Spirit to live within us, to lead and guide us, if i chose not to do what God asks or desires me to do, i loose out, if, i obey i win for all eternity, because the only thing we take with us when we leave this world is souls, also if i chose not to do what God wants me to do, he will send someone else, so don't fret, The Holy Spirit will direct you, in his time, and once you know the direction, wait for his timing, in preparation obey Jesus and tell as many as possible, pray for boldness, love, and divine appointments, God loves you more than you can even imagine, he also loves the rest of mankind and wants all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus, He will unfold his plan for each of us, at the proper time for us, as he knows the proper time and how much we can handle, He created us, and he will prepare us for whatever he calls us to do, but the choice is ours, on the other hand if we love him we will obey him, he never forces us, if we loose our life for him we only gain, this life is extremely short in comparison to eternity, so let it not trouble you for the One who designed your special finger print, eye print, dental print, etc., there isn't another person in the world of 6=1/2 billion people on earth, the same as you, you are special, God has even counted the hairs on your head, he will replace your desires with his, but He gives you and i the choice to obey or not, i hope this helps you, praying for you as God brings you to mind
roy ruser
Thank you for sharing beloved. My God, Our God, continue to blessed you.
The Bible says "God would have all to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth." However, when the Holy Spirit calls some, they choose not to respond to Christ.
I'm not sure where the Bible says that God chooses us. Anybody know?
I found John 15:16 but if it is taken at it's face value, that might negate what I posted above.
I think it has to do with God knowing from the beginning who would accept Christ.
Any ideas?
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