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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

1. Is it natural for Christians to backslide than return to God only to backslide again?
2. How can a backslidden Christian return or re-ignite his/her first love to God, & Jesus?
3. How many times can a Christian backslide and still be forgiven by God?

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Well , in my own experience backsliding is usually caused by rationalizing something we don't want let go of that God says we must let go of .. meaning we haven't fully given ourselves to Christ or there's an area of life we're not ready to let go of or stop doing that causes us to stumble . If we starve the flesh of it's desires and feed the spirit with the word of God and praying and Fellowshipping with other Christians here or in church, we begin to grow closer to God .. When we draw close to HIM , he draws close to us . There isn't anything he can't forgive and he knows we're not perfect and he is loving and patient ...waiting for us to get tired of our foolishness and really start taking HIM seriously . When we really have a desire to grow in the faith , doors will begin to open , you'll see things in a different light and even wonder why ya did'nt let go of the things that caused ya to backslide sooner. Growth is a process and takes time .All it takes is a deep heart-felt sincere desire to change , to grow , to be everything the Lord has planned for you . I hope this helps

I think you are going to have to define your definition of backsliding. Question #2 indicates that a backslidden Christian has lost his/her first love. I think that is a good definition. I'm not sure where you are from. I am from America. I think that we, for the most part, have backslidden. However, that, like the backsliding spoken of in the Bible is on a national level. The loss of first love was directed on a smaller scale but was still to a community. Another community reference is in Galations:

Gal 1:6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—NIV

This appears to be a serious but not eternal situation. When God's people turn away from Him, He begins the process by His love to get them back. He is very determined not to lose even one of His own. How can a backslidden Christian return to God? It would be very difficult for him not to since God's power is so great. He needs to respond to the call of God to return to Him and be healed, forgiven and restored. No matter how terrible the sin, God is calling us back to Him.

I believe God's forgiveness is unlimited. I have heard that God will only go so far with an individual. I suppose that is true but I do not believe that refers to one of His. I think He will work on one of His own until they finally relent and return.

Good question - I will be following other's answers and comments from you as well. Thanks.

Been there -
Wow! Great questions.

>>1. Is it natural for Christians to backslide than return to God only to backslide again?

It should not be natural. We should never accept as natural. We are new creations, old things have passed away, behold all things are made new.(2 Cor.5:17) However is does happen. I have experience that very thing. It really stinks, but it happens. If we have been cleaned, but like the pig go back to the mud we were saved from then that creates all sorts of issues.

Once you experience God's grace over and over and over again at times instead of falling more in Love with Him, you may take it for granted (not saying you are friend - just saying) and expect it and that can be a horrible place to be, because God will not be mocked and He will correct us.

You have to hate the sin. Whatever the sin is that so easily makes you fall, you have to hate it. You have to hate that it does not allow you to be the woman/mother/Daughter God has called you to be. Find your joy in Christ. Surrender to His Lordship over your life. Surrender fully to His will.

>>2. How can a backslidden Christian return or re-ignite his/her first love to God, & Jesus?

Remember what you used to do at first, when nothing else matter but Christ. Remember how your eyes were opened and life took a whole new meaning. Do what you did back then. The truth set you free - go back to the truth, go back to studying the bible. To fellowship and to worship. Pray brother. Pray that he takes your yoke for His yoke is easy. Read the gospels account of your savior's sacrifice for your freedom and remember and tell yourself when the temptations come that you are free. That you do not have to sin. You don't beloved. Christ made you free.

If you have never truly experience the joy and freedom one can have in Christ then that means that you have never really built your relationship with Him. A relationship with Christ must be cultivated.

>>3. How many times can a Christian backslide and still be forgiven by God?

God will forgive you always. The thing is that if you have a ministry gift - you disqualify yourself as a leader. Regardless whether you do or don't have a ministry gift - that is the most miserable life for a Christian to live. You can't truly enjoy the sin; unless you keep falling so often that you are in an extremely bad state spiritually. There are consequences to our sins.

>>At the moment, a really BIG question is on my mind, Is it God's Will for me to be saved or am I doomed for Eternal Damnation?

You asked this question on your profile. I think you know the answer, but if you need to hear it - I will tell you. God loves you regardless of your unfaithfulness. He is faithful. If you are born again, if you are truly a child of God (through your repentance and acceptance of Him as your Lord and savior) then He love you and He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hi David. I am extremely grateful for your answers. Especially now that my mind is settled knowing that despite going through a "roller-coaster" christian life, God can still forgive the backslider and awaits to do so Lovingly.

thank you so much,

Dear Sheena,

1. Is it natural for Christians to backslide than return to God only to backslide again?
Yes, and it is sad because so many Christians made Jesus their Savior but they did not make Him their Lord. Once you confess Him your Savior, you better confess Him Lord too. He loves you.
2. How can a backslidden Christian return or re-ignite his/her first love to God, & Jesus?
Spend time with God, tell Him you love Him, read His Word and believe in your heart and mind that no one loves you like God does, no one can match with God.
3. How many times can a Christian backslide and still be forgiven by God?
Matthew 18:21,22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
God will never tell us to do something that He Himself will not do. God Himself will forgive us not seven times, but seventy-seven times when we sin against Him and come back to Him.

In Christ
this is good advice, but what happens if you sin more than seventy seven times ?
:) thanks
Blessings Linda, I am so grateful for this opportunity to discuss this topic as I have received more insight into this discussion than I would have on my own. Not only that but I am encouraged by your words (as I have seen also from many of those who have replied my question). I thank you all for sharing your thoughts and time on my question.

God Bless,

1. Is it natural to backslide again?

For a true Christian saved by grace through faith it can happen, but if the sin continues there is an intense sense of guilt(Heb 12:8). Some Christians get saved and leave it at that. Their spirit is regenerated, but their soul (mind, will, and emotions) are still tided up in the world. God created us in His image. We are a three-fold being. We are a spirit, we have a soul, and live in the body. The regenerated spirit is expressed through the soul, and the soul is expressed through the body. If the spirit is renewed, but the a person's mind is not renewed to God's word, it still carnal (wordly). If the spirit is renewed and a person's will isn't submitted, the person is more likely to just to do what He wills to do. If the spirit is renewed and the person's emotions aren't renewed, then they are subject to how they feel instead of what God says is true (i.e A person may feel God isn't with him, but God's word says that He will never leave or forsake us Hebrews 13:5). There are stages to knowing God, and the more a person knows Him, it's more likely that they will not backslide.

2.How can a backslidden Christian return...?

By repenting. Repenting is not just saying "Oh God Im so sorry!!" It is a heart change. It is a three-step process:
-self-confrontation (a person realizes His/her wrong and knows that it was wrong)
-self-regulation( person renews the soul by getting on the right path w/ God, confessing)
-self-sacrifice (may be an apology to someone, taking action, staying with God)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

3. How many times...?

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (Matt 18:21-22)

The Lord doesn't just talk the talk, but He walks the walk. God will always take you back. When a person messes up (an we all do), he is waiting for us to repent and confess our sins (read Psalm 32). God didn't say seventy times seven because that is how many times we should forgive, but because we could never keep track! God loves us more than we can ever imagine. He waits where we have left Him, and will loving take us back.

Hope this helps..

God Bless!!
It certainly does, thank you very much for taking time to discuss and enlighten me on what God's word says.

May God richly bless you,


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