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I talk to Him like He's my best friend. I talk to Him like He's sitting with me in my room. I tell Him everything like He's my diary. I ask Him for everything that my heart desires. I thank Him for everything I'm thankful for. But, I just read this:

Matthew 6:5-12
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. "This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.


Am I praying wrong?????

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I also try to keep an open line to God, praying off and on continually through a day- asking and responding. I also wonder about whether or not I am asking correctly--up until I get an answer. I continually ask for the power to pray correctly but also figure that if nothing is changing maybe I am praying correctly.

I am beginning to learn more about praying in tongues and where it can be edifying in the prayer process, but haven't prayed in tongues so far.

Some say that praying in tongues no longer applies but I am beginning to believe that is incorrect. So my desire is to pray in tongues, but to also be able to interpret what my spirit is praying. I believe that if one has that ability, they would see what is truly lacking in their soul and would also see their spirit as individual from their soul (mind).

Thanks for posting this topic.



Right, I agree. I am making an effort to listen, but aren't we supposed to talk to Him? Or recite verses?

Praying in the Spirit as Rita mentioned above Ama is very edifying. All the gifts of the Spirit for the Church remain active.

I often wonder why people feel the need to recite or quote scripture in their prayers? I mean God wrote the Book, He doesn't need us to remind Him of what He said. I believe you have it correct, prayer is really just our converstaion with God. The "Lord's Prayer" is a model of how to pray, not actually a prayer in and of it self. Break it down, 1)we acknowledge God as our Father and His Holy position, 2) we honor His name, 3) we ask that He work in and through our lives to accomlish His plan (will), 4) we ask for basic needs to be met, 5) we ask for forgiveness of sin, 6) we forgive others and intercede on their behalf.

Does this help you see what Christ was doing in His prayer. He never desired for us to run around reciting what He prayed. He just wanted us to see the importance of prayer and have an understanding of what, who and how to pray for. Realizing that God knows every thought and the intent of our hearts, He still desires for us to speak to Him and listen to what He has to say in return. Just pray with a sincere and honest heart. Then listen carefully for the reply.
Thanks! I agree with you!
Really good point,  I hadn't considered the Lords Prayer as a model as such and now I think that will really help me when praying, thanks.
Nope, you did great :) Thanks!

I agree with Carl about quoting scripture in prayer. God surely remembers what He gave us. Also, Amanda's reminder to Thank God in all circumstances. I have seen, recently, where I am thanking God for the lessor of "two evils".  We often find ourselves in a mess, caused by ourselves and God seems to move to make the better thing happen. Much of the time, we are focussed on what we want, and when the result is something less than what we wanted, we don't Thank God for the result. Many, many times, this thing that happens is the better result. But, we, as finite humans, often miss it. Therefore, if we thank God for a result, we can know that He has arranged the best answer for us. What we wanted most is off thrown off track by our very selves.


Whatever God's promise happens to be, if He wrote it, He meant it. 


God is truly an AWESOME God!




Hi Kayla!


Just want to share my post as a response to your question.


Grace and Peace!

I strongly believe that when we talk to our heavenly father that he is always ready to listen. I think that when it says ''for they love to stand on the street corners to be seen by men'' it is showing that they are boastfully praying. In other words praying to make themselves look like religious men with no real meaning or have no real heart of gratitude being poured out. When you pray behind cloesed doors we can give the lord our full attention with no distractions. But i also pray to my God like a best friend and make sure i am giving my thanks when things are going good, not just to look towards him in my time of need. God is always good even when this temporal life is not. Hope this helps.


Basic praying techniques: praying it will be a help for you

A - Adoration ( Adore God for His mighty deeds and wonderful plan )

C - Confession ( Godliness is very essential upon the feet of His throne )

T - Thankfulness ( Be thankful for all things even the bad times )

S - Supplication  ( Making mention what we need and desires ) Phil 4:6-7

I - Intercession ( Praying for our loevones and brethren )


Gods word is very important when we pray. Scriptures is the revealed will of God.

He answers our prayers according to His perfect will.

Mentioning His promises in our prayer  makes our Hope, Faith and Love stronger. Truly He is our Friend but don't forget that He is our Lord and Savior the first and foremost.

You are not praying incorrectly when wepray we must get up close and personal with God. There is a number of prayers in the bible which can give you guidelines of how to pray. One of my favourite is the prayer of daniel. Daniel wanted God to forgive the sins of the people of jerusalem but he didnot just went to god and tell him to forgive them. When he prayed he acknowledge who God is first, then he identify the sins of his people and let God know he knows the consequences of the sins then he implore God to work not because we deserve anything, but because of who He is and what He is committed to.


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