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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  • 52, Male
  • ottawa, on
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Gifts Received (2)

Red Ribbon From once upon a time Red Ribbon From lisa williamson

Michael's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
None - Past IT worker
I'm here to...
learn & network & dicuss social projects
Mental Health
Social Projects
Ecnomonies of Slace
Information Technology
I'm passionate about...
Surronding myself with people and places that keep me close to God. Where I can learn, grow, and challange myself and other to new ideas for social non profit groups.
My story with God
Like many - I was a sheep that was going a stray and ultimatly fell back into line.

Once you could say I was the man in the middle of black and white...
Other stuff about me:
Simpler Things in Life

Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 5:41pm on July 05, 2010, lisa williamson gave Michael a gift
At 6:43am on October 6, 2009, Remegio CBlanco said…
Dear Sir Michael Lombardo,

My name is Remegio C.Blanco-the senior pastor and founder of HARVESTERS CHRISTIAN MISSION INTERNATIONAL,INC.-PHILIPPINES. My prayer is that I would like to be as one of your friends. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love you all.

In Christ,

Pastor Remegio C.Blanco
Tel.Nos:+6375-573-2794/ Cell:+63908-373-4404
At 6:45am on July 7, 2009, felixpadua said…
go michael. if you truly love Jenna, go to the phone, talk to her and tell her you love her. she will be amazed and she'll love to see you in august.
At 11:40pm on June 5, 2009, charyn said…
Be prayiing for u...
At 9:51am on May 12, 2009, Nienie said…
Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
Blessings Nienie
At 8:27am on May 12, 2009, Michael Lombardo said…
I would like to write a book or story one day. Just not sure when, and if I ever will. All I know is that I've seen Jesus and God has spoken to me a few times through the vessel of someone body. If you ever have this happen you just know it.
At 7:31am on May 12, 2009, Michael Lombardo said…
Hmmm....Most people would say it was a deluision. The power of pray at sunset for a week reading from the bible till the sun set, followed my rejoice via listening and signing to song a variety of classic rock twisting the lyrics so that it is rejoice in good while concurrently walking the floor shaped in a cross praying to healing of 21 sick people. This occured for a week or more and then one sunny day while lying on the grass after reading the bible the book, I again started to rejoice in the Lord through signing with Rock music. The clouds drifted infront of the sun and I need I was intune with God, I pointed up at the sun behind the cloud and with my finger I sprially wished for the sun to reappear at that instance in a sprial fashion from the center of the sun the cloud made way for the sun.

And then there was a jail break. I wasn't in jail but we were all institualization.
At 4:19am on May 12, 2009, Pastor Bob B said…

Greetings in the Lord! This is Bob, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

In the love of Jesus.

At 10:27pm on May 11, 2009, kathleen aldea said…
Welcome Comments

Hello, welcome to this site AAG… where we can meet friends and brethren in Christ.. a christian fellowship site that helps to increase our faith, be encourage and be a blessing to all … come join also in the groups like Image and video hosting by TinyPicChristian Youth Convergence, Miracle Grow, The Net Prayer Room and others…always keep n touch en God bless you..

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