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edward w hickerson
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I'm here to...
praise the lord
is to be closer to god an my wife an family . ii want a closer walk with god and i need some help to do so ineed guidence an prayer just to make it through another day and my wife was my light to the light house that was to guide me safely home an i had my eyes cosed an didnt see it now ime out here all alone trying to finde my way not knoweingwhat i might run in too it is a dangress world for a christen to be left alone in so please pray for me and my wifethat the light will light our way an we bothe have our eyes open so when god moves for us we will bothe see the way through god an not man LORD help me finde my way home as only you can . my intrest is staying close to God an getting my wife back thank you for cairing an praying for us please keep us in your hearts sincearly yours edward w hickerson.
I'm passionate about...
my passion is to be close to the lord and working for him i play giutar banjoe an mandoelin an i pray that the lord will anoint my hands so i can play better for him for music is what softens the heart then the word of God feeds our spirt man an i want to be a worker for him an playing my music is the only way i knowe how my passion is toward my music an GOD an to receave the holey spirit an GODS gifts .
My story with God
I was saved by grace back in August 15th 1999 . in alttle white church where i met my wife so you could say that i found 2 loves in my life all in one night first God then Yvonn my hole life was changed on that night i found selvation and true love when i got saved God realy pored the blessings out . See i lost my first family because of drinking and drugs and i had a hard time holding on to a job see i got hurt on the job and lost all faithe in my a builty to do the job and well one thing led to another . be for you know it i was out in the cold and all alone it was killing me not to be with my boys see i have 3 great boys Camoren Collin Colten . they are my life and allways will be . well to make a long story short i was going to kill my self but my sister inlaw came over just be for i pulled the trigger and asked me to go too church and i said i would give it a try and GOD knew what i needed that night and he blessed me like i said he saved me from death And took all my sins and shined the light to his grace it was the best thing that i ever felt all was lifted Prace God thank You Jesus . Then he gave a new family a beautyful wife and 4 loveing kids thair names is Kayla , Lee , James , Vj . so now i have 7 the perfect number Gods number . My wife Yvonn she is my angle of light she keeps me on the rigth path and is a great help mat in the Lord and as a mother and wife i couldn't ask for better i thank God for her every night . Then God blessed me again and gave me 2 grand babbys Aiden , Noah , Vjs little twins thank you Jesus . It's not all blessings God will aloud thing to happend when he feels that you aren't groweing in him and when you start thinking that you have it all he will take it from you just to let you know who is in controle and im'e right now finding out that all is His that His hand is upon everything and i would have nothing if it wasn't for my Lord and what He did upon the cross he is my personal saver and once my eyes are opened and see what he did for me i will have my wife and kids back in my life . just read about jobe and daved in salms no matter how bad it looks God will fix it and bless you when he does as long as you keep your faithe in Him . Ithank You Lord for moveing in all of my life and knowing what You have planed for my future . Igive all to you .
Other stuff about me:
i have 7 verey loveing kids an 2 beautyful grandkids an a baeutyful an wonderful wife that loves god with all her heart that i thank god for every day ime devoted to god then her then all my kids an grand kids i love my family with all that is in me well that my input thank you an god bless.

Edward w hickerson's Blog

As we step may we step in the lord our god.

Posted on January 1, 2008 at 12:00am 1 Comment

As i wake up i wake up with You lord and i pray that You watch over me as i go through the day that You have blessed me with . and as i take my first step out of my bed let my step put on the solid foundation of Your Grace and may it carry me through out my day for i know that when i put my faithe in Your fondation i will never trip too where i can't get up you will be there to pick me up . And when people try to harme me in spirit or fisical you will be there to help me.Or if anything tryes to… Continue

the laodicea church (revelation ) 3: 14- 22

Posted on December 28, 2007 at 2:00pm 2 Comments

This is the last church in the bible and i beleive we are liveing in that time right now or toward the end of this peroid so it is crucial that we have our eyes and ears open for the sound of the trumpets of Jesus comming for His church . Ver. 14And unto the angle of the church of the laodiceans writs these things say the Amen, the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God I know your works, that you are neather cold nor hot I would you were cold or hot So then because you… Continue

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At 12:14pm on February 28, 2010, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA said…
At 1:08pm on August 26, 2009, Abraham impraim said…
What's Life...

What's life?

Life is a journey
that begins at birth,
an exploration of a paradise
called earth.

Life is a breath of fresh air
against your cheek.
It's the tears that fall
and the smile that lifts you
when you're weak.

Life is an exclamation of joy
when spring has begun.
It's the excitement you feel
beneath the sun.

Life is a cherished memory
that makes you feel warm
and the comfort of a fire
in the midst of a storm.

Life is holding your newborn
and watching your child grow.
It's pigtails and roller skates,
and fights in the snow.

Life is a heartbeat
and the song of a bird.
It's the voice of those you love
and all the music you've ever heard.

Life is the most precious gift from God
that you'll ever receive,
and to live it to its fullest,
you've only to believe...

that this is your life,
and you can be,
all you've ever
hoped to be.

"What's Life," written and designed by Bobette Bryan, 2000

At 6:13am on September 21, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 8:44am on September 16, 2008, Bee said…
You are blessed to have a family please pray for me am a single lady and hope one day the Lord will give my life partner its not good to stay alone pray for me I believe the Lord will bless me
At 9:36am on July 13, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 9:36am on July 13, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 6:26am on May 9, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 5:57am on January 15, 2008, edward w hickerson said…
hey every one welcome to my site that god blessed me with . it sure is a blessing to have yall here to asemble you selves here i pray that i can help some one or give them a good word to get them through the day . The lord sead to asemble your selves in the house of the lord .Well to me this site is the place where Gods spirit moves and we gather and pray for one another we may even get blessed by a song we here the word and study our bibbles . Yes god blessed us all thank you Lord for your movement on this site and bringing people in from all around the word what ablessing that you blessed us with You blessed those that didn't have aplace to go by giveing us this site this is a place where we all can go and not be jugde for how we look or how we dress or if we showe up every sunday or not or how much we put in the pot don't get me wrong i do beleave in giveing to the lord but the right hand isn't suposeto know what the left hand is doing and theres just too much of the oppisit going on the church isn't church any more it's a gosep place. Don't take me the wrong way not all churches are that way but it's hard to finde one that isn't can i get an Amen for the truth idont care if it hurts anybodys feelings or not ! God is comming to get his bride and we better be ready to pack up and go up for the Lord is comming to take us upand i don't wan't anybody left behinde So come an jump in the boate and lets saile away together . God bless you all . Love you brother in Christ Edward hickerson THANK YOU JESUS !
At 10:49pm on January 9, 2008, edward w hickerson said…
hello every one it's a true blessing to have you all as family in my life i need people like you all in it . i need your prayers to help me get through these thing that im'e going through . my walk with CHrist is the only thing i got going for me and i put all my trust in Him . I need pray that he moves for me and my family . and pray that the lord heals me of all the paine in my back an neck and the migraine head akes for they are keeping me from getting a job please pray that i get a job so i can feel whole with in my self . For the lord seed a man should work too the swet of his browl and i don't feel verey good about my self right now . im'e liveing alone with out my help mate that God put in my life and it's my fault i let her down and i pray that the good Lord moves for me and her so i may have her back in my life for it is harde to go on with out her she was my light house that led me to the Lord and helped me unerstand what it ment to have him in my life . So please pray that God puts the love back in to her heart for me abetter love a love that's been through the fire a new love that no man or sitiaution can ever brake up i love her with every breth that i take and need her in my life ..... I thank you all for being there for me your brother in Christ edward hickerson .

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