All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

SUJESTIONS FOR SHARING THE GOOD NEWS, ANYTHING ANYHOW,  Ive had tracts in my bag for a long time and found some anti God books by Richard Dalkins so i PUT THEM IN HIS BOOKS.

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Yeh! exactly, thats the way it should be. No Cotton wool or saddle just bare back riding, exactly the way it is.
There is no sell by date or retirement with Jesus, and we are all maturing at the rate that was written in the book, He says Before you were born I knew your name and ALL the days of your life were written in the Book, so even if some of us have strayed and done strange things this was all predestined so that we could learn and prepare for the work the Lord has set aside for us. Some of us have to get a clout up side the ears to pay attention but when we do there is no stopping us. I tried to duck and dive for a long time from the Lord pretending I could not hear but eventually He catches one and then it is all systems go
I love busses, there you really have a captive audiance........they cannot jump off or stop the bus....... but a lot sure do get off at the next stop.....Ha Ha Ha
Nope! they run away becos they don't want to hear the word, I stand and preach to all the people on the bus becos they cannot escape while the bus is in motion, but boy you should see the exodus when it does stop.

The problem in my life was i never heard the salvation message until I was 30 years old, My church used to tell me come and confess your sins you will do some pennance pray to some idols and then be forgiven BUT there was no Jesus in all of that there was no real repentance and forgiveness of sins and one was kept in this loop of man made rules. Until I met the REAL JESUS and then my whole life changed and I have never looked back.


There is no specific bus, just pick any one in your neighbourhood, stand at the busstop and jump on the first bus and start preaching, I made some small cards with my phone number on and as I preach I hand out the cards......I get some really dirty phonecalls.....but hey! you know what they are worth it for two or three who really mean business when they phone and find Jesus


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