All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

One sunday morning sittling in the pew beside my parents.; I heard the preacher talking about two places a person could go when they die.  The first one was description was so beautiful that I was caught up in my imagination and I could see myself walking there, talking to my grandfarther who had died.  We had such a wonderful time, but, I couldnt stay I had to return..and  when i came out of the vision I was sitting beside my parents and my mom was smiling and nodding her head in agreement with the pastor..she lookied so beautiful. 

I rmember thinking, that was where i wanted to go someday.

Then i heard the preacher become angry, and talking about  HELL..that it was for those who didnt love Jesus and turned the back on him and refused His free gift of salvation.

He descriped from the bible every scripture he could about what it was like, and how people were tormented without end..I remember how sad I was for the people, after all i was only 8 years of age..

The  details were frieghtening..after church, i asked my mom, was I going there..and she said ,"No, you love Jesus..?"  I said Yes.. "Then your okay" , she said.  I remember thinking I didnt feel okay..

By the next Sunday, I had decided I would find a way to sit on the front row  and when the preacher asked if anyone wanted to be saved and accept Jesus as their savior ..I WAS GOING UP AND SOLVE THIS..

Sure enough, when the service ended, I managed to get up on that row, and as the preacher said to come forward..everyone stood up, the music played, j"JUST AS I AM",, and I got scared, I was afraid i would get into trouble, with my parents, because kids back then, werent allowed to move around in chruch..

But, I stood there, glanced around, no one moved,  .then I saw a 20 year old man looking at me..watching me.  He seemed to have a lot on his mind, I looked at him waiting for him to move, He waiting for me to move..then I heard the preacher give the last time for invitation..and I took a deep breath and ran up to the preacher and told him I wanted Jesus..

When I looked around , here came that same 20 yoa man runing to the preacher and saying the same thing..we both got saved that day..I was 8 and He was 20.  My life was changed forever.

13 years later, I got married in the same church, and the preacher who married us was that same 20 yoa man, who gave his life to Christ.  He told me after the wedding, that because I took that step to the front of the church, it made him realize, that was the way he had to come to I did..


But, what would have happened that day if the preacher hadn't preached about these two places, if I hadn't had the "HELL" SCARE THAT DAY?"

Today, there are to many preachers who dont preach about Hell, we hear of Gods love and its true,

but, they dont tell of His judgement if we refuse to accept Jesus as savior and Lord.  GOD never made hell for his creation..US! But, we have a free choice to make.

What ever happened to Hell? Why dont they preach about it anymore?

Who is going to be responsible for those on judgement day, as they are thrown into a firey pit of never ending flames, never ending torment?

Will we know someone, we didnt testify to and offer Jesus to?

Will the last words we hear from them and see their hand reaching out to WHY DIDNT U TELL ME?


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Amen- Beloved, amen!!! We are still out here sis :) those of us who preach hell and Grace. There must be a balance in the message and it sounds like the preacher you described knew how preach with balance. It is unfortunate that many servants of God try to improve the massage when the message cannot be improved. It is good to remind people that God saves us from the wrath to come, His wrath. Yes Our Lord is love and Holy but He saves us from his judgment upon the wicked. 


Dear Linda,

Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony. 

I agree there needs to be a balance in the message.  God's Wrath and Love....  both are important.


Blessings, Carla

I think today,many people today want only to hold hands and sing ku by ya. Sorry if I didn't spell it right.

I worry that the church is trying to fill the pews and in doing so not wanting to offend or scare anyone. If the church starts preaching Gods judgement some will find it insulting. I also have noticed in our old church that sin and it's judgement were not spoken of very often. We were told what to do, but not what were are NOT TO DO.

I loved our old church, but have begun attending another. Why? Because the church itself has chosen to ignore biblical teachings as far as what is sinfull. If the church begins to preach about the judgement of those sins it must recognise that it itself has condoned sin. So preaching about judgement of those sins is the same as condeming itself.

Should we have a balance? Yes. Should we ignore the judgement and focus only on grace? No.

My children knew there would be consiquences for bad behavior. They also knew I loved them and would forgive them.

I'll bech ya God spoke of hell for a reason, to let us know that we, as his children, will suffer if we do not listen and obey.

Personally, I'm thankfull He did.

God is sooooooooo cool.




I disagree - God is soooooo very Cool! haha

Great post Chris

Michelle, you are absolutely right. Salvation is not universal, it is for those who turn to the Savior.

Hello Linda!


It's been my experience that no one wants to hear about hell these days. No one wants to think of themselves as deserving to go there, even if hell is where they are headed. No one wants to contemplate their own sinfulness anymore. In fact, most people don't even want to acknowledge the existence of sin. 

Linda, I prefer churches that teach the whole Bible, cover to cover. You can't miss teaching about all of the topics then. :-)


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