Please help me pray for God to heal my broken heart and restore the peace in my lefe as my inlaws are currently fighting me for a mere fact that i raised a concern over my baby's dad who did not pay child maintenance this month. i know for a fact that i wasnt wrong to question him, but i didnt think they will attack me for standing up for my child's rights.they have really said bad things to me on my face and im still hurt. please SAINTS pick me up with prayers as im currently crushed emotionally.
thank you very much Robbin,i'm really lifted with your words of incouragement. nothing will ever separate me from the Love of God. God be with you Sister
Permalink Reply by RoyW on February 22, 2011 at 11:34am
Bless you dimakastso. May the Lord bring you peace in this situation and bring conviction to the father's family to become a support rather than a hindrance to the well being of this child. Lord, bless this child and meet the needs of this child. May dimakatso find refuge in You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father, you are the Protector of widows and orphans, and as much as this sister is not supported by her husband and in-laws, she is a widow and her child has no father but You Lord on behalf of Dimakatso and her baby we claim protection, provision and security for them in the Compassionate, Saving name of Jesus the Christ.
AMEN Robin, this is it exactly, we should not be carrying the burdens....just hand them over to GOD who is BIGGER than all of these and is MORE than able to deal with our "stuff" and put us on the right path and provide and protect and heal and keep us close to HIm and hide us under His wings even as a hen hides her chickens and once we are hidden under his wings.... nothing can touch us. AMEN