All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  here it speaks of an abomination to God which is a major reason for the flood. angels and women on earth mating and having children. men of renown refers to very strong, giant like warriors such as goliath.notice it says also afterward. which means satan and his minions would go right back and do what they did before the flood. the wicked nowadays has cloned sheep and cows now comes transhumanism( and with satans help it will come about) humans and animal mixture. matthew 24:37 says in the days of noah, what was going on in the evil realm is referring to this as well. Jesus also spoke about mens hearts failing them for fear. must be pretty bad. i also think that is where this army of locusts come about in revelation a superhuman like army trying to destroy the Lord with all its evil might. how futile is that. i believe this world is more evil than anything we could ever imagine. this is also an opening for ufo or alien contact which their talking about revealing what our goverment has known for years

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russ dizdar is really good. been at the shattering the darkness over 25 years.



You are loved and appreciated in this community and I realize that is frustrating at times for some of you to have moderators, admin and other members question, debunk, challenge, and/or to receive constructive criticism which modifies the poster’s post. We all react differently to edification, correction and constructive criticism (even when is in love) to an article or opinion you may place here.  Believe me, we (admin and moderators) wish we did not have to exist, that we were all in unity in primary and secondary doctrines, but it isn’t so in secondary issues and with an abundance of tabloid theology primarily making many fall into all kinds of fears, there is a need to examine all things. Family please do not be offended because we long to bless you and come beside you to edify you, NO ONE here wants to suppress the truth about what is going on in the world. We only wish to balance these matters and remind you that we need not fear any of these SPECULATIONS. We wish we were all in unity of the knowledge of Christ, but it simply isn't so and we strive to come to that through these discussions and at the same time to keep the bond of peace by walking in the Spirit.


All that said to say that there is a lot of junk in the internet, you tube and Google in reference to end time events. There are those who make a living out of selling speculations to the people of God. Yes by all means arm yourself with the truth so much that when the okey doke is presented you quickly see it as such because you are so acquainted with the truth. I seriously get concern for the Spiritual well being of those who invest so much on speculations about the future and many times fall into all kinds of fears due to such. Yes, I know that not all fall into fears, but rather are informed and feel an urgency to share such info. Sincerely without trying to offend anyone - I say, keep it to yourself unless you know it to be fact. Speculations will not help anyone and cause more damage than a blessing. Share the truth of God in love, let us do that instead. To the young in Christ I say, eat the bread of life and the Holy Spirit will lead you to all truth. Your level of discernment will be such that whether you are informed of something happening in the world or not, you will know if it’s from God or no at the moment of being confronted by it. Trust me; the flag always goes up when we abide in Christ.


We are not called to be in fear, inform yes, but informed mainly of what? Satan’s ways? No, not so, but we should be so acquainted with the truth that the lie has no chance. I am sure many have heard that when training a new bank teller they do not show him all the fake bills out there for him to be able to discern the real from the counter fit. No instead they teach him all he can learn about the real bill so when a counter fit comes a long; he is able to quickly discern it.


No family - I am not saying it is wrong to be informed so as not to be deceived or that is wrong to investigate, nor is this post directed to the participants of this discussion, but rather to the entire community. Be careful family some of this stuff is fairly ok and other is just a bunch of nonsense. As your brother I implore you to rather know the truth so well that you can quickly discern the lie, not so much because you spend hours looking at what’s false, but rather at the truth.


I hope I made some sense and I hope no one is offended. I say all the above in love and only because I care about you, if I didn't I would not take the time to write this.


Love and blessings to you family.


Margaret your post is in the correct place sister. 

then should the catagory of spirit world be removed? what is its purpose then. the catagory has nothing to do with Christ, but angels, demons etc. its not like thats all i do all day is study satan and his ways. if the catagory exists then people will use it.

Beloved Maggie - As I mentioned above, your post is in the correct place. My post above is not directed to you beloved or Veronika only, is inclusive of you two, but is for the benefit of the community. No one is saying you spend all day studying Satan's ways sis. Please reread our posts and see our heart in these issues saint.


We love you and care about you, that is all, nothing more and nothing less. God richly bless you servant.

To add to what David said as a point of clarafication. The subejct is in the right category, though the posting technically should have been a blog instead of a forum due to the lack of posing any question(s).


Lord Bless,

im not saying im offended david, and alot of what you said above is true. so if i neglected to post my discussion as a question to others view, guilty as charged. im sure most of us has read articles or heard of or seen pictures of these cloned sheep or cows. should we not believe this cause its not in the bible. then, please, nobody read their newspapers or watch the news. if evil men can play God in this way, do you think they will stop there or try something more sinister? and in the latter days knowlegde shall increase.   shalom



The question is not are certain things happening today, but how did this man come to the conclusions that he has made. What sources were used and how much of what he presents as the future events is mere opinion and speculation based on these varied sources. There are dozens of people like him with a take on the end times. If one were to spend a lifetime studying these they would be no closer to knowing the truth and in fact become more confused by them, especailly when they rely on extra-biblical sources to be a part of the foundation of their teaching. Love for God alone does not qualify a person to speak into future events and paint pictures based on theory. The way he has been presented here by you does not bring into question what he believes but presents his beliefs as acceptable, intentional or not.


Do you think he is right or are you seeking to find out?


Lord Bless,

seeking to find out. im not asking anyone to jump all over this as true or not, just wanted to know if anyone has heard these things. then this question remains. can we rely on any other source besides the scripture to realize what once was or is today. of course they look at ancient markings or documents but also refer to scripture as well. dont we know satan is evil and so are wicked men, calling out evil spirits to make things happen. just as they did in the days of old. is it not why Jesus gave us authority over serpents and scorpions and over all evil to bind and loose in heaven and on earth in the name of Jesus. i wouldnt put it past satan to try to create his own creature just as God has done, cause he wants to be God .

The problem is not in studying extra-biblical material, but in trying to use them to predict future events. The Bible is the source for prophecy and it has revealed to us what God wants us to know. We will not figure out future prophecy by studying extra-biblical material from the past. We may look at current events and attempt to see how they align with Biblical prophecy, but even then many people have had view regarding their time period and were wrong, because they sought to see these events as the fulfillment in their lifetime.


If you are interested in what people think about his teaching start a new forum asking the question to see if people have heard of him and what they think about his POV.


Lord Bless,

Greetings all,


Along with what David has said I will post a reminder of why AAG exists.


AllAboutGOD Ministries, Inc. created AllAboutGOD.NET as a place for brand-new believers who come to Christ through our more than 15,000 web pages, to:

· learn what Christian fellowship can be like

· get encouragement for their walk in Christ

· get some of their questions about the Christian life answered

· find good links to discipleship materials

· create in their hearts a desire to be a part of a local Christian church or to start one themselves.

Those are our reasons for existence!

Even though our name is AllAboutGOD, it has never been our intention to represent "all" the points of view about God, or to be everything for everybody. Not everything goes here like on some other social networks (see our Membership Agreement), we believe the Bible is true and is the final authority when it comes to matters of faith and how we live our lives, so to some we are too restrictive. At the same time we have believers from scores of different countries and backgrounds so for others we are too permissive. We are, however, very focused on our purpose for TheNET and that will never change:

<b>To be a place for Christian fellowship, encouragement, and discipleship for new followers of Christ.</b>


(Written by Greg)



Lord Bless,


TheNET Coordinator



The category "Spirit World" was designed to answer people's questions on various subjects dealing with "Angels, Demons, Spirits, Demonization, Occult, Spiritual Warfare." There are have been many good questions posed over the course of time in this category from people seeking answers. Your post here actually should have been a blog and not a forum as you are presenting a teaching and not really asking any questions. You are not seeking answers, but have chosen to start a forum with the intent of introducing a subject that has limited information regarding Gen. 6:4 and then procede to introduce a very controversial POV from Tom Horn regarding end times. Exposing people to a POV that is "out there" as his is simply will lead people to confusion, not help them, especially those who are young in the faith. What he presents cannot be substantiated. It is conjecture and speculation.


What do you hope to learn by posting this forum? What do you hope to accomplish?


Note: As stated by Greg in the "Why the Net was Created" not everything goes here. We are currently reviewing and discussing the teaching of this fellow as to whether it meets the standard and criteria to be introduced here as an alternative teaching or view point.


Lord Bless,

i was curious if anyone else was aware of the topic, not trying to accomplish anything it was intended to see if others had any viewpoints on genesis 6:4. and the viewpoints of some of these men. there are many others that have these viewpoints and are very christian men who love God.


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