Brother David; Thank you for this insightful and very informative foundation for dating etiquite; I really like what you, and Anna Maurice say as well as sister genuine said ; but for me I think that a hug is ok and approprite sign of affection if I felt the need at the end of the first date. I also agree with going on the first date attending church, worhiping the Father together is a blessing and exactly what I will try to do this Midnight mas to pray in the Spirit and ask His wisdom and blessings and will; I want to do it right this time, in what I believe God will be blessed and glorified. I am not perfect, made many mistakes in my life; but this time it will be on Gods grounds & foundation I want His house built on a sure, solid foundation, and His will saught, then other dates may have something lighter; but asking His advice and will,every & step of the way, I want it right this time round, only then can I have a hope for a lasting foundation... I think this may be best; but its my opinion, Be Blessed and a Blessing as you already are to many
Ever Seeking His will, and not mine,
I believe you have a valid argument that it can be dangerous , and weaken our resolve to stay strong under pressure, kudos sis!`
Wow Kaya! that is sure encouraging and it was good of you not to end him away just beacause hat you guys had was over....i love that!
God bless you sister.
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