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Question: "Will there be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture?"

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Hi Roy,

The Internet is such a monster today that it just about reads our minds. I simply type in e-sword on the Internet and away I go. The Program, Bible, Commentaries, Dictionaries are all free. Rick does have other manuscripts that are not allowed to be given away, these he sells. But I guess one won't want to argue over +/- 15-50 Bibles, commentaries etc. that are free plus all the other books etc
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>>Question: "Will there be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture?"

Ok from everything I have been reading here the answer to your question is very dependent upon where one places the Rapture to occur.

For our family who places the Rapture before the tribulation, it would seem right to say that Gentiles and Jews will still have an opportunity to be saved because there is a 3 1/2 year period of time in the tribulation of peace.

I hold to pre -wrath Rapture, so at that point is highly unlikely and/or impossible to think that at the great tribulation anyone but Jews can be saved.

If one holds pos trib rapture - then of course no one could be save after that, but here is my final answer - I really do not know. Again I hold to pre-wrath rapture.
I would like to 'reiterrate'....I do not know all of God's ways, but I 'do' believe in the power of prayer. God's 'Word' does not 'change'......but God (the Creator of Heaven and earth) can do 'all things'......'He' is do what 'He' pleases, beyound our limited understanding, and despite our human minds that are often so ready to condemn.
Jesus said, “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil".
So, that being said.....they 'might' be condemned already, but judgement is up to the Lord, not me. 'My' responsibility is to pray for all'that all might be saved.
Jesus also said, Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain Mercy. Matt.5:7
I somehow do not see Jesus teaching us mercy, if mercy were not God's own character. That would make God a hypocrite, and He is not.
Jesus' own little brother James also say's, "For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." Does anyone not want a merciful judgment from God, before whom all must stand?

The point that I am making, is that there is hope, that we should plead for mercy, instead of 'writing off' millions of people as lost. Many will be lost. But.....we could have something to say about it. 'We' 'have a say' with God. 'He' listens to us. He regards our prayers. What we want does matter to Him. 'He' desires for us to be merciful. Pray Pray Pray

I agree but there does come a time for judgment. I think of the flood. Was there just not enough prayer or was it time for God's judgment? What about Sodom and Gomorrah? When it comes time for God's judgment He will get His people out of there and then comes the judgment. Once that begins to happen I don't believe there is any hope. All mankind today have a choice. However, there will come a day when that opportunity is over. I don't think anyone here is arguing against your post. However, when that day of judgment comes, it will be over and there will not one more soul be saved. It appears to me that God's pattern is: get His people out and then comes the judgment.

Once the door of that ark is shut, the time for prayer is over. That testifies that we need to be speaking to all we know about that day. Some believe that day is very soon.

Amen Roy. I agree. Meanwhile....I still need to learn to pray more, more effectively, more often, pray as if it matters. Pray as if souls will be lost forever. Pray with compassion. Pray with my heart aching for those who will be lost, Pray that there is 'just one more' who can be saved. I believe each one of us can make a difference before the end. If I can reach 'just one', and if you can reach 'just one'.......and if some of those who are reached can reach 'just one' could add up real quick, and we could have a lot more joy in heaven. It is sure worth a try. We should not abandon hope for the lost ever.
Amen. Judgment does sound so final. It is sad to think about all those who are refusing Christ. Now is the day of salvation.

Hi Roy,
Just wondering if you managed to find e-Sword?
Yes, I did. Thanks.
I agree that we should not take the mark of the beast. What I don't understand is why you think that some will be raptured out before this. I cannot find that in Scripture. Where do you see that?
Who of us really knows the answers to any of these things.....How things will come to pass and when?  Jesus Himself said He did not know the answers to these things.  What 'men' should we believe?  Let me just ask, 'again'......Are you ready?  Whenever.....However?  Are you ready?  If God does things 'different' than 'your great understanding''...are you ready?  What if you are wrong about everything?

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
         Tell Me, if you have understanding,

Who set its measurements? Since you know.
         Or who stretched the line on it?

“On what were its bases sunk?
         Or who laid its cornerstone,

When the morning stars sang together
         And all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Job 38:4-7>>
New American Standard Bible

There are some definite things that we know about His second coming. First, we do know that He is coming back but we really don't know when. He gave us signs which indicates to me that He does want us to think about the conditions leading up to His second coming. I am convinced we cannot be certain that He is coming before, mid or post tribulation. I don't think we can even be certain about the whole tribulation thing. It may be a definite seven years. But, it may be the trumpets are already sounding. I wouldn't be at all surprised that everything happened much differently than we think.

Of this I am sure, He is coming back and we will meet Him in the air. I personally don't think there is going to be a catching away of His people before the resurrection but I have always said that I am on the first boat out of here. If there is a definite seven year tribulation and there is a rapture before that, I am going. I don't think that is the case but I will not be down here arguing with anyone if that's the way it all happens.

I will see you all in the air. I am rejoicing in the knowledge that He has saved us completely from our sins. We can be sure about our salvation. Praise our Lord for that.

Amen, Forgiven.



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