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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Testimonies are powerful witness to God's goodness. Can you share a time when God moved in your life in a special way?


Lord Bless,


TheNET Coordinator

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Wow!! I love it, hahahaaha only Our God can do such things. Thanks for sharing my brother.

Love to you beloved. :)
This is about how my faith has grown in seeing God's hand moving in my life. Recently I took a motorcycle trip from Alabama to Nebraska, a ride that was beyond my physical condition. I am 69 years old and not in the best of physical shape, my motorcycle is 10 years old and like myself, not in the best of shape. Right from the beginning of the planning stage I knew that this was an impossibility. But it was something that I had to do in order to keep a promise that I had made last year to my daughter. At one point I actually questioned my sanity and wondered if perhaps I had reached the point of being unable to make good decisions and that perhaps I should be committed to a senior care home. But I also knew that God was leading me to do this and that if He wanted to take me out of this earthly life, what better way than doing what I love.

Here is how my faith grew, the first person that I met on my trip was a cowboy preacher who prayed over my bike. The first day's ride was easy and enjoyable. The second day I burned out a front wheel bearing in Arkansas highway 40 at 70 mph. I managed to get the bike over to the side of the rode and rode it to the nearest truck stop. I was 30 miles outside of Little Rock and had no idea of where to take it for repair. Pray and a man showed up on a motorcycle and called a parts store in Little Rock for me. They had the part that I needed but no way to transport my bike there and they didn't do repairs, parts only. Pray some more, and a customer came into the parts store that just happened to have a trailer on his pickup and he agreed to come out and pick me up. Thank you Father for answered prayers. On our ride back to Little Rock I found out that he was the pastor of a small church and also rode a motorcycle with the CMA. We went and picked up the wheel bearings and then he took me to a small motorcycle shop that specializes in building custom bikes, Orange County style. They had the equipment to build the racing for the bearings and a new axle to replace what had gotten burned up from riding it to the gas station. I had started the trip with $400.00, the repair cost me $100.00 total. I arrived in Nebraska with $13.00 left. In case you are wondering, I live on my Social Security retirement ($800.00 per month) and God's provision. I had an excellent month in Nebraska ministering to a 87 year old man suffering from Parkinson's Disease and getting to know my daughter and her family whom I hadn't seen in 14 years. Our God is a God of Reconciliation!

First day on the trip back to Alabama I soon realized that I was coming down with the flu and fast. I had bad balance, nose drainage, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, all of the symptoms and then some. God! What are you doing? What are you trying to show me?

Coming on to nightfall on the first day, I was dreading it. No money for a motel room and cold weather, yuck! I have the fear of driving in the night, deers especially. Three gas station stops and three horror stories from strangers that had been involved in motorcycle accidents just recently. Now God really has my attention. So this is how you're going to end this miserable life, huh God? Got a couple of dollars change in my pocket and the scratch off lottery tickets were drawing my attention while I paid for my gas. I had already experienced the addiction to gambling in my "old man self" years ago. My "new man" refused to covet anything and had learned to rely upon God to provide my needs. "Leave me have a lottery ticket also," my mouth said. "WHAT?," my mind shouted. The first number got me a $100.00, second number another 100 and so forth until I had 500 dollars. Motel room here I come!

There is a saying...God is Good! and the congregation responds, "All the Time!"
And all the time, God is good. Amen
I Love it bro Sam -

For you and all others in AAG that know that Jehovah Jireh is our provider. :)

This happened a little over six years ago. My husband was driving his truck filled with our furniture, while my children and I were following him in our car back home from a long 14 hours drive. We were about an hour away from home and it was very dark, when I sensed the presence of God urging me to pray, and started praying for protection, trusting in the Lord to protect us.
We got home safely, went to sleep, got up in the morning, went outside and saw one of the tires completely flat. My husband put a spare tire on, then took the car to our honest mechanic and this is what the mechanic told him: There is a nail in this tire and your wife has been driving a long long time on it, if this tire blew, it would have been a real bad accident.
I saw God's hands holding my wheels while I was driving in the real pouring rain, when I could not see anything in front of me, where I had to keep driving and there was no way for me to pull over.
I witnessed God's provision so many times. God Almighty paid every bill I asked Him to pay.
I asked God for godly friends and He answered my prayers because of His love and His grace alone. God is so good, so faithful and His Word is true.
My husband has rarely attended church, and some of his comments about God are less than what should come from a Christian so I wonder if he is one. To ask him would be the wrong thing to do.

Right now he is going through a difficult time because of his cancer which the doctors say is terminal. However, we believe (the kids and I) that God is in fact going to heal him of this horrible disease.

Yesterday he couldn't have chemo because he was too weak from not eating enough food over the last few weeks. Instead, he had to go to the hospital for blood and platelets.

Last night, after everyone had left, he and I talked about his situation and i told him, again, that I believed God was going to heal him. I also told him that if he didn't believe that God would heal him, there probably wouldn't be a healing. He has agreed to believe that he will receive his healing.

During this time, we are trying to be positive and upbeat about this and trying to be faithful to the prayers we have prayed.

I believe God is working on Danny, and I am praying for him to have hope that right now he doesn't possess. God is showing Himself to Danny and He is also teaching me about miracles. He is teaching me to expect His healing and teaching me to believe that He doesn't consider His works miracles but His *SOP*. I am asking first for salvation for Danny and then the physical healing of his body instead of the other way around as we humans are wont to do. And I am seeing God work on this situation, a little every day and seeing that He is faithful to the answering of the prayers that we have prayed.

Every day that passes I am feeling the joy of the healing that He is doing...has done.

My thankfulness is stronger than I have ever felt before because God is growing my faith as He grows Danny's.

Our God is truly AWESOME!!!!!

Blessings to you from God, Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ...
Hi LT,

The day I experienced God's hand move in my life is the biggest turning point I ever had. About 3 years ago, I was in a 2 years relationship with a Muslim boyfriend. I accepted him as my boyfriend because he really wanted to and I was thinking, why not although I am fully aware about our different religious practices. At that time, I was the Christian who went to Church for the sake of my parents. I often pray the rosary but didn't really mean what I say. So, when I was with him, the relationship was destructive, I know it in my heart. I had no light, no guide in my life. He was telling me stuffs about his religion, (the code of dressing, complete submission to husband, praying 5 times a day and lots more). I feel sad about this because I know, if I was going to follow him as in marrying him, the greatest gift God gave me will be taken away- my freewill. I will need to be the ultimate Muslim women. I feel stressed out because when we're going on a date, he would tell me not to go to certain food stalls because some food like pork (which is my favorite) is not to be eaten by them, he would tell about his authority as my boyfriend, that I should never go out without his permission (not even to the stores buying toothpaste) and that I should never take photos beside a male friend, and never ever go out with any of my male friends or touch any part of their body. He told me that I need to practice all this now, if we were going to get married. I tried at first, and it feels really weird to have the so many restrictions in my life. He was happy with my progress, and I was happy seeing him happy, but a part of me felt like dying. I have so many questions that I dare not ask him such as why would we honor God in such ways? Why is it so hard? Why can't I do what I wanted to just because I'm a woman? I then began to feel empty inside. But I continued to have the relationship because despite the differences, he was kind to me. I didn't have the heart to break the relationship. When my family knew about my Muslim boyfriend, they rejected this completely. My mom cried and my dad told me if I were going to marry him, I was not any more a part of the family and I was therefore forbidden to visit his grave in the future. I was really scared and lonely at this time. I have nowhere to turn to. I don't even know if I still believe in God at this time, because I had never been to church in about a year because my boyfriend forbade me. But I do not have any choice. So I tried and talk to God our Father. I began praying each night. I prayed so hard to God that almost all night I ended up crying while sleeping. I told Him, God, if you still love me, release me from this pain. If You still accept me as your Child, please help me. If You are true, reveal Your love to me. But if You think my boyfriend's way is the truth and that Your plan for me is to follow him, then I'll accept it God. I'll be the Muslim women even if it's about turning myself completely away from You, my family and Christian friends. But You know my heart very well. I do not want to stray away from you Lord. Therefore help me end this suffering Lord and if You could, in the least painful way. I am weary Lord". I prayed this prayer every night and after a few days, I started having courage to disobey my boyfriend. I did everything I wanted, the normal Christian life I have always wanted. I go to church and eat whatever i want and wear whatever I want, but I still do it in secrecy. Until one night before my flight to the UK (to further my studies), I met this stranger on facebook. We were chatting about our life and what a coincidence! He too was in the midst of trying to break up with his girlfriend of 2 years who's a Muslim and his family's reaction is almost the same as mine! We were strangers but we were both crying that night in front of our laptops, telling how much we have suffered and how much we wanted to run away. At the end of the chat, a feeling of deep relief washed over me. I am not alone. I then became online friends with him, the chemical bonds are really tight! We have so many similarities, our religion, our hobbies, our interest, our way of joking around. I felt at peace. I felt at home. And there's this one feeling I have every time I am with him (online or over the phone), a total JOY. A very familiar kind of joy. I knew straight away, it comes from the Father. With this friend's help and encouragement, I broke up with my Muslim boyfriend. It was not easy, because he disapproved of it. It was tough when he told me how evil I am for the sudden change and how I have broken my promises. I kept on trying and I was not afraid anymore. I was able to see life differently, because this online friend of mine brings joy and happiness to me simply with our everyday conversations. And when I finally broke up, I praised the Lord for answering my prayers. I praise Him for His wonders, He has sent an angel to help ease my pain. I pray that my Muslim ex will heal in time and I pray for forgiveness for the days where I have turned myself from God. As for my online friend, he is Mark, and we're now in a joyous 1 year relationship and are working our way to be born again in Christ together :) Praise the Lord!


Thanks for sharing.

I noticed at the end of your post that you state taht you are working your way to being born again. Has anyone ever told you that salvation cannot be earned, but in fact it is a gift of God? The Bible says the following, (Eph. 2:8-10) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

You can be saved now and know you are His. I would be more than happy to share more of the good news with you.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Hi LT,

Yes, I know that salvation cannot be earned. I have typed my intention in a clumsy way. And what I really mean while writing that post is, how He answers my prayers, has changed me. It made me repent on what I've done in the past and to want to deepen my knowledge about the Bible and all other things related to Him so I can start sharing His good news. Apology for my inaccuracy in context. Thank you LT for correcting me and I do welcome any other sharing from you. God bless!

Hey Clare,

Thanks for repsonding. I wanted to be sure regarding your salvation as it is the most important aspect of life. I understand we some times don't convey our thoughts as clear or in the manner we intended and there is no need to apologize. I am posting below a link regarding the good news and sharing it. May it help you on your journey with Him.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator


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