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The other night as I was trying to go to sleep, while still in a 'twilight' sleep, I saw what appeared to be to be demons.  I wasn't afraid, I just want to know what this was, dream, vision, warning, or what?   Any and all input would be most helpful.  Thank you. 

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Greetings Mischelle,

We know the Bible has many references to demons, evil spirits, satan`s angels, etc..

Therefore, I believe they are real. So you might have had a "visitation experience" from such a delegation.
Also, they hang out in the "heavens" (outer space) as mentioned in Daniel 10.
For that reason, I think demons have been sighted, and referred to as - UFO`s over the years.

Plus I believe they still posess people.

That`s my story, and I`m stickin` to it.

Grace and Peace.
P.S. That`s great that you weren`t afraid.

>>visitation experience" from such a delegation.

hahaha oh man you are too much bro, thanks for the laugh. I agree with all you said and I am so glad I am not the only one who has connected (nothing new under the sun hu?) the UFO sightings with demonic deceit.

Blessings to you bro
Hi Mischelle,

I can share a personal experience I have had.. when I was in the hospital in recovery last year the doctors had me on morphine. In the state of awakeness while on morphine i saw demons at the foot of the bed in front of me in the hospital room.... they were grimacing at me. I knew they couldn't hurt me, but I was very aware they were there. I told my husband and he told the nurses and they reduced my morphine. some say it was hallucination..perhaps.. --or-- did the morphine make me more sensitive to the spirit world?

Perhaps someone else has had a similiar experience.

Eyes on the matter what!

Blessings, Carla
Dear Amanda,

This is such a sad story of the women dying.

I know what you mean about the darkness and heaviness around people. I am sensitive in discerning that also...likely many of us are.

Blessings, Carla
Carla -

Your experience could have been induced by the drug, but I highly doubt it. Demons reveal themselves at such times of drug use or at the moment we are more sleep than awake, so we can doubt the occurrence. We go through life wondering if that was just our minds playing tricks on us or did it really happen. Satan and demons are become very bold lately, but throughout history they have taken a subtle role because their success largely depends on their ability to make us doubt their existence. When they reveal themselves plainly to people they know the impact they have on them, mainly once someone clearly sees a demon they immediately realized that there is a God. That God is real.

My take on it.
that makes alot of sense David. They sure seemed real to me. It was like they knew they couldn't touch me, and I knew they couldn't touch me... but by their very presense they were attempting to torment me, just by staring... like an intimidation.
Greetings Brother and Sisters,

To me, a visitation is someone(s) "popping" in to visit us, whereever we are at the time.
Also, I firmly believe there is a reason for EVERYTHING that happens in life. God-caused, or God-allowed, or something we cause.

Yay David! Glad to hear of your position on UFO`s.

And Carla, gotta tell ya, I got chills while reading your post this morning.

Grace and Peace, and a Blessed Thanksgiving Season to all.
indeed Richard. Thank God for Jesus.
We lived in a "haunted" house where there were demons/ghosts in my grandsons bedroom. Thru faith and the power of our Lord they left/dissapeared. But before they left they were very twisted as if they were in torment at the mention of Jehovah and our Savior Jesus. Demons recognise the strength of faith and the power of God. IMO
Hi Mischelle, God bless you! I understand. I have had something like this. I have seen demons, not 24-7, but on occasion. This is my perspective...It proves what the Bible says is true. If the Bible wasn't true, then none of us Christians would be seeing demons ever.

I can't say that I've never been afraid because I've been aware of them since I was a little kid. We won't ponder my age, but I'm getting up there. :-) It just seems I never developed the veil that many people have. I'm much better now and lots more assertive. Consider this, one of satan's best weapons is the secrecy of his moves. How valuable is it to have Christians who can see them on occasion?

I can't say if there's a dream, vision or warning, you didn't say what the demons were doing, but if you need a dream interpreted, please let me know. I have some experience interpreting dreams, and I'm willing to try.

It's okay to tell the demons to be silent and to buzz off. You can tell them to go in the name of Jesus. Proof again that what the Bible says is true. :-)

When you're a little kid, that kind of stuff can be scary. I understand. I like that your mom read the Bible to you. I'm a firm believer, in the spoken Word of God.

I used to fight it or maybe it was denial. I'd think what I was seeing was my imagination. That's not good. I took a test a few years back that revealed my sensory skills are unusually strong. I can't help it, that's just me. I've grown to accept it and have peace with it. If demons are around, don't you want to know it so that you can tell them to leave in the name of Jesus? Have you ever walked into a room and been aware of their presence and watched them duck and hide? It boosts your believing and confidence that the Word of God is true and that God is truth.



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