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This question may have been asked before--if so show me the link and i will double back to that--was just wondering anyones thoughts on deliverance ministry if it is real---also with DID (MPD) alternate personalities that HE creates to help those deal with traumatic events---and Satanic Ritual Abuse--i believe(d) in that stuff--but was referred to a group/website that is totally against it and says all that is made up, not true, false prophets, hurting people more----what are your thoughts????? am i looking into something that isn't true, biblical, and real---or did satan lead me to the other website to stop me from finding help, or helping others???
just wondering thoughts---been taught wrong before, don't want to be again

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Several questions that need to be asked regarding your question
1) Are demons real? The Bible says "Yes, they are real."
2) Are they active in this world? The Bibel says "Yes, they are active."
3) Do we have authority over them in Jesus name. The Bibe again says "Yes, but it is not the use of His name alone, but the authority in Him and through Him. It is not a label, but through the relationship with Jesus that we have that authority.

There is proof in the Bible of demons being cast out of people. There are many people today who are living proof of being delivered from demons. Some of us have been involved ministries that have engaged demons indwelling a person.

One of the problems we run into is that there are some ministries who proclaim to be deliverance ministries who are actually false.

Some of these ministries have other agendas. One such agenda is control over people. There is one such group based in England.

There are some ministries who think they are engaging demons when they are in fact not engaging demons, but rather have attached a demon to ever issue in life. Sin is the central problem of mankind, but Satan is not behind every sin. Man is capable of sinning post fall without the help of Satan.

Therefore, one has to first discern if there is a demon present or not.

Demons are real, spiritual warfare is real, but through Jesus Christ we are more than conquerors.

There is more to your question, but this is a starting point.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Sweetee, if you have experienced the symptoms that a mental health professional could call "DID" because of srious personal trauma, you should not be talking about any of this coming from spiritual sources. You need consistent professional therapy from a government licensed or certified technician or therapist. In addition, I strongly recommend pastoral counseling from a calm, licensed minister who takes mental health seriously. I agree with everything that LT said, but I want to add that I do not believe most mental illness is caused by any spritual power, and DID is a mental illness. It may seem that DID helps you to cope with some bad memories, but it is not a healthy adaptation, and it can be dangerous. Get professional help. Don't look for serious help on internet websites. Your help will come from God through Scripture study, prayer, local Christian fellowship, pastoral and mental health counseling.

Michael has added some important stuff for you to consider regardng this subject, especially the last three sentences.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
thanks all--i didn't mean i had all that stuff, DID, etc---was more or less looking at peoples thoughts on them because i have been taught that is true--and have been caught in wrong doctrine before


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