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I was reading about Christian apologetics recently.  Apparently this is the branch
of theology that deals with answering any and all critics who oppose or question the
validity of Christianity.   It can include studying such subjects as biblical manuscript
transmission, philosophy, biology, mathematics, evolution, logic, history, etc.   
But it can also consist of simply giving an answer to a question about Jesus or a Bible passage.  The later case is by far the most common.

Apologetics is the work of convincing people to change their views.  In this it is similar
to preaching because its goal is ultimately the defense and presentation of the validity and
necessity of the gospel.  It is an attempt to persuade the listener to change their beliefs 
and live in conformity to biblical truth.  This means he will come to a saving relationship with Christ.

Christian Apologetics achieve their objectives through the systematic use of reason presenting
a rational basis for the Christian faith.

Looking at the definition, isn't anyone who accepts Jesus into their life, reads the bible and tells other people about their beliefs a Christian Apologetic?  

I assume that this isn't a sect like Jehovah's Witnesses.

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Looking at the definition, isn't anyone who accepts Jesus into their life, reads the bible and tells other people about their beliefs a Christian Apologetic?

Yes, in simplistic terms but others would say that you have to be well qualified to do so - Masters in Divinity so on and so forth. Those qualifications mean nothing to Jesus. The Spirit teaches. The disciples were simple men whom Jesus taught as he can with us.

I think that Jesus is by far the best apologetic of all time in terms of the Teachers of the Law for He constantly corrected their erroneous interpretation of the scriptures. His favourite saying was, "You have heard that it was said BUT I SAY UNTO YOU". As christians we have access to that by the Spirit which leads us into all truth.

God Bless you Ian!

Linda Ruth
Hello Ian,

By definition you say : Apologetics is the work of convincing people to change their views.

When apologetics are used to change peoples views so that they look to Christ in all things, then this is great.

When apologetics are used to change people's views from the word of God to the opinion of man, then this is not so good.

Amen that we all turn from the opinion of man to the truth of God's word.
In His love
Ian -

Man this happens to be one of my fav topics bro and the one i feel God calling me to specialize in.

I even have a group here call apologetics haha :

In essentials unity, in nonessentials liberty, and in all things charity.

“Why do apologetics? Isn’t just having faith enough?” This response is typical of many Christians who believe apologetics is simply unnecessary. What is the purpose of apologetics?

The first reason why we need apologetics is that the Bible says we do. Contrary to some of the teachers in the church today who literally mock apologetics, Scripture commands us to be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks us about our beliefs and to earnestly contend for the faith (1 Pet. 3:15 and Jude 3). In 1 Peter 3:15 we actually find the Greek work Apologia, which just happens to be where we get the word apologetics from in the first place.

The Bible provides us with numerous role models when it comes to apologetics. The Apostle Paul was an apologist when he gave reasons for the faith to both the Jews and Greeks (Acts 17:15-34; 18:4). Apollos is another great example. In Achaia, he earnestly contended for the faith, publicly refuting the Jews in public debate and proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ (Acts 18:27-28). Christ himself demonstrated the significance of apologetics when he defended his divinity in discussions with the skeptical leaders of His day (Matt. 22).

Not only that, but apologetics provides empirical proof to the nonbeliever as to why he ought to choose Christianity rather than any other religion. According to apologist John Warwick Montgomery, in our pluralistic age, the unbeliever is faced with many religious options. If he went through an alphabetical list of religions, he would have already experienced Atheism, Baha’i, Buddhism and many other choices before arriving at Christianity. And by then, his mind would be so “jaded” that he wouldn’t be able to know the truth if it was standing directly in front of him!

You see, apologetics serves as a defense against false teachings. Whether we’re talking about cults, world religions, secular humanism, or even a misguided Christian, apologetics not only keeps the gospel messages pure, but demonstrates why we believe what we believe. One final thought. Apologetics provides not only a defense for the faith, but provides security to weaker Christians who need to be sure that their faith is not a blind leap into a dark chasm, but rather, faith founded on fact.

See, apologetics does not replace faith, but it does remove the mental roadblocks which prevent nonbelievers from responding to the gospel. In fact, apologetics can rightly be called the very handmaiden for evangelism. Truly the heart cannot rejoice in what the mind does not comprehend. CRI Perspective.

Great question bro. :)
Looking at the definition, isn't anyone who accepts Jesus into their life, reads the bible and tells other people about their beliefs a Christian Apologetic? Yes!!!

Love to you in Christ.


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