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Question: "Will there be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture?"

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Ron, Roy, David and LT,

I am new to the community, and I just want to say that you gentlemen are truly insightful on God's Word. You all are true examples of 2 Timothy 2:15!! I hope when I grow up, I can break it down like you guys!! LOL.. God bless you!
I have a feeling you can do it right now.

God bless.


hahaha When you grow up huh? hahaha well you have a great sense of humor which lets us know that the joy of the Lord is your strength, as it is ours.

Welcome and thank you for your kind words. All praise and Glory to our KIng. Looking forward to your comments in the many discussions. I taught Ron, Roy and LT all the good things they know hahaha
Just kidding guys hahaha Those guys are a true blessing to the body of Christ, they have help me grow in the knowledge of God.

Blessings beloved.
Hi Michael,
Yes thank you for the kind words. But don't listen to Dave when He says he taught us. Dave gets all his information from the Superman comics. LOL!

Enjoy your stay here, the Lord truly blesses those who participate more than those who simply read the comments.
One advantage is, it makes us turn to the Word for help while Dave rushes to the local shop for the latest edition
of Superman. "Up, up and away."

Love you Dave.
Hey Ron,

This esword is a wonderful resource.. I have been blessed for the past 3 years... I think it was 3 years ago you told me about it..

Blessings brother..
Hi Carla,
I am so glad to hear from you. I decided if I dont hear from you by the end of this weekend, I was going to fly to Canada. (What a Line!)
Yes E-sword is a remarkable piece of work. I bought my first Bible program many years ago when the Internet started. Cost me over R4000.00 and any addittions I had to buy (Little realising that the books, Bibles etc were available free on the Internet anyway.
Never the less one fortunate day I came across e-sword. What a Blessing. (Thank you Rick)
I can't tell you the amount of Classical works by Christian authours I have downloaded, plus Bibles (+/- 15) Commentaries (+/- 10) Dictionaries (+/- 8) My own works I download into e-sword plus all the reading materials put out by other Christians. What a Pleasure. There's just too much available in e-sword to talk about.... One has to see it for oneself.

OK I am glad you replied, I was getting worried (The plane trip would have cost an arm and a leg)

Lotsa Christian Love
Where's Linda and Rod? (Are you guys reading?)
Awe come on! You told me Canada is too cold for you..! Now especially since you have summer! We are in our Fall season now.. This is my favourite! Crisp cool days with sun..Just enough to not be hot...but dress cozy warm! The leaves are changing colour here now. I know that our Lord has blessed you with other magnificient shows of His Creation that I do not get to see.. but I have to say....the season of Fall is one of my personal favourites.

Blessings and Love to you in Christ, Carla

Hey Ron I am heading to Krypton soon, you care for anything from there hahhaha
LOL... now thats funny, I see now that not only will we share good truths, but there will be laughs along the way!!!
Hi Raj,
I doubt if there is any one who knows the whole Bible by heart. To understand the bible, is just as important.
There is only one way to understand the Bible and that is to invite and allow the holy Spirit to take up residence in your heart. Without this, the Bible may be read over and over again but it will always remain a closed Book.
That's why many learned and extremely knowledgable Professors, even ministers etc. reject the Bible, because they do not allow the Holy Spirit to take up residence in their hearts and interpret the inspiring verses that would lead them to a greater understanding of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. They are too busy looking for faults and comparisons with other books in order to display their masterful rejection of the Bible. Sadly they bypass the most important person Who was sent by God to teach us.
"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13.
The Lord Bless all on AAG.

May I ask all on AAG who do not have a Bible program, where Bibles, Dictionaries, Commentaries, etc. etc. are all freely available in a complete Bible Program. Please go to www e-Sword on the Internet and download the E-sword program. You will Bless Rick Meyers the author for his work and his generosity. Rick's motto is "Freely have you received, therefore freely give." I believe that there is a big Halleluja party waiting for Rick in heaven when he gets there. ( Are you reading this Rick? )

Can you give the complete address for e-sword? Thanks. I'd like to check it out.



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