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Question: "Will there be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture?"

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When a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody there to hear it.....does it lay in the place where it fell?
'Our' understanding of these things is soo......flawed. Yesterday we thought we understood things, then we learned one teeny little thing, and it changed completely how we are able to see everything. can we now, say that we have 'definate/concrete, static.....understanding?
We are all fools. Only God knows.
(P.S. everything I just wrote could be completely wrong.)
(edited, I was rude)

One does not have to participate in these forums. If it is a topic you would rather not get into then refrain. If it is one you disagree with, then provide your reasons for disagreeing. Your latest input goes beyond commenting and is mocking what others are willing discussing. Please refrain from doing so in the future.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
LT, I think I was making a very valid point. If I am 'mocking', I am also mocking 'my own self'......alll these things that 'I myself' think at times that someone such as I could 'presume' to know all of God's doings and all of His ways. My point is: that we are all learning and 'understanding'.....and that our 'understanding' should always be a 'fluid' thing.....a place we are 'going' rather than a 'conclusion we have arrived at'. I believe that the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ as given to a 'progressive' Revelation/understanding and cannot be 'concluded' 'me' or by anyone else, until certain events unfold. So 'opinions and theories' are just that: 'opinions and theories'......including my own. Hence my analogy of the tree falling, there it lies. I am sorry, I could have made my point in a nicer way. I pray you are not angry with me for this and for my questions in the 'Sabbath' topic. I think you misunderstood me, but I was not given a chance to reply before the topic was closed. Have a very blessed Day.

I am not mad or upset at you in any way, brother. I have never had a problem with you.

My concern is in the way you closed your post above. It comes across as mocking. The other part I understand, just not the finish. Things are not always received in the manner they were intended and thus problems arise were there is no true problem because of misunderstandings.

Thanks for affirming that was not your intent.

Lord Bless,

I consider it a privilege to speak concerning these things with someone who is looking for His return. I believe His return is fundamental truth of Scripture. There are some things I believe but do not put them on the same level as I would His return. I know we agree on this.


What kind of church do you attend? I used to go to revivals but we just don't have them around here anymore. It seems people just got too busy. I haven't heard of a 10 day revival for many, many years. I envy you. It sounds like you are attending a happening church.

I will agree with you for this Michelle. Lord bless the revival you are attending. Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost come. Lord God Come. In the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen
Yes Roy,
'We' share this same love of our Saviour and Joyfully await His return. But boy oh boy do we ever get spun out with 'stuff'.....opinions, interpretations, theology etc. However hard-headed some of us are, (self included)....'we are' His body....and we are not 'headless' as we sometimes appear. I sometimes disagree with manerisms, inflections etc.....and people disagree with 'my many opinions' as well. But then Jesus said that if we were 'luke-warm' we are useless.....
But the 'skinny of it' is Roy, I know who you are. You are loved by our Saviour, that is enough for me.
The most humbling experience a person could ever have is knowing for some reason he is loved by our Savior. Our Father loves us and went beyond the extra mile to save us from our sin. This is what is important. Even the warning against being lukewarm is a rebuke made in absolute love. His command to us is that we love one another. This is how He knows if we love Him - that we love one another.

I understand what you are saying.

Brother Roy,

My what a beautiful post! Your love of God is shining like a city on a hill for all the world to see!

Blessings to you my brother!

Why would you think that God would allow His Children to go through the period of His Wrath know as the Great Tribulation? I can not credit a Father doing that to His children.

9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. 1 Th 5:9

I am not so sure that the entire tribulation is His wrath being poured out. It might be the beginning of His wrath but not the full brunt of His wrath. I believe that by the time His wrath is poured out upon the earth, the full number of His people have been brought in and then He will come. That period of His wrath may not be a full seven years. It may be a matter of months.



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