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I have a question, and maybe I am misinterpreting the message, but I need to get clarification on it.

Jesus, during the final meal, after making known His betrayer said in Mat 26: 24 "The Son of Man is going just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been (more profitable and wholesome) for that man if he had never been born".

Am I mistaken if I say that here Jesus has actually condemmed Judas for what he would be doing? Yet, it is written in Zech 11:13 (first part of the verse) "And the Lord said to me, Cast it to the potter [as if He said, To the dogs!] - the munificently [miserable] sum at which I [and My Shepard] am priced by them!"

Here already the Lord has said what the price would be for the deliverance of our Saviour.  It goes to reason that this was all already planned as we know, for the fulfillment of Jesus to thus perish and rise again, for us all to be saved.

Why then, if it was all predestined for it to happen, was Judas thus condemmed for what he was supposed to do?

Help pls

God's blessings be on you all.


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Raj, that is funny. Yes, your mom probably thought it was nearly useless to say, cause you were going to do it anyway if you were going to do it. But 'moms'...being loving as they are will still try. I think this is very closely related to how God thinks. (:
Hey Raj,

I would not make absolute statements of things my finite mind can't fully grasp. I would be careful with trying to box God to my understanding, hence when I speak of this matters it is my biblical opinion about things we have little light on, but I am not teaching a doctrine or making an absolute statement. It was simply my opinion.

I understand what you are saying and agree with it in some level, but what I am saying is that if God was to manifest himself to you right now and He would say, Raj asked me something you want to know, and you were to ask Him, My Lord and my God when did you create the universe? I do not think God will tell you, good question, I just NOW created it. I think He would come down to our level and tell you, in human time I did it about ________, I however have no time, so a while back.

Just thoughts here.

I just try to remember, that God has not yet revealed 'all' of His incredible majesty to me.
So I am careful about talking in absolutes, except to say things like, "I know absolutely God amazes me"......I know absolutely that He will always be deeper, etc.....but I cannot be absolute as to what my 'conception of' His depths is...... I have not gotten to the bottom of it yet, and probably never will...although, 'having arrived' 'this understanding'.......I AM @ the end of the jouney, the conclusion.
It is like a 'road trip' with children.....and they keep asking, "Are we there yet?" Yes we are.....the 'destination' is the very *'advent-ture' that we are on. We arrived when we 'first believed' in the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
(note: *advent-ture.....pun intended (: ) jus havin fun
I am having fun with you Rob. The above is very cool.

Blessings David.....'Life everlasting' us 'forever' to get it all figured out. So we do not have to rush through it anymore....we can 'savor' the flavor, smell the roses.
(ps, please remind me that I posted this, I will probably forget. I am always so busy think that 'i' am the one doing it all) (:

(sorry to stray off-topic)
Ok, you brains, I am going to jump in and suggest something.

What we know is in the beginning, God. Everything God explains to us is explained to us in the frame of time. He begins with evening and morning, the first day. He then describes the concept of six days and a seventh which comprises a week. We are then introduced to the concept of years. The very first verse of the Bible communicates with us with the reference of time.

God refers to the past, present and future. He said,

Isa 43:26
6 Review the past for me,
let us argue the matter together;
state the case for your innocence. NIV

However, He knows the future so well, He can project it and even give us pictures of the future since He can already see it. I cannot explain to you how He does that but I am confident of the pictures that are given us by the prophets of those events that are yet to happen. I must admit that you guys are younger and a little bit sharper. But I am trying to hang on here with all your time talk. I am wondering when you are going to get onto parallel time and alternate time. When do the androids arrive?

A thought that came to of the reason God sees from beginning is he is "High and lifted up".

When John was taken up, he was able to see what was going to happen during the tribulation, in Christ's Revelation to him. Could it be that one located in heaven can see what is happening on earth from the beginning to the end? Would a location make a difference? Could it be that one can see through time from that location?
Paul was taken up and he found things he couldn't speak of. Was that what he did? Look through time to see the things that would take place?


Very good. There is one thing for sure, He can see the future. I think it is primarily because He has a plan. I believe He has given man a little latitude giving him limited free will. However, I don't think our free will could ever interfere with His plan. God always has the final say. It doesn't matter what Cain, Esau, Pharaoh, Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Pilate, Judas, Hitler, Stalin or anyone else - even Satan himself - wants. The final say is God's. We can be assured that what He has spoken will come to pass. This makes our salvation in Him secure. Our security is only as strong as the one who guarantees our security. In the case of our salvation, it is very secure. Blessed be the Lord! He is Lord over all that is, both physical and spiritual.


'Limited free will'? Isn't that like 'a little bit pregnant'? Either we have freewill or we do not have free will. IMHO.

What about King Saul? He was anointed by God and yet he rebelled and spent most of his time persecuting the future King David. How can that be? Unless we really and truly do have free will.


Your free will can only go to the point that it does not affect God's plan. King Saul could never have altered God's eternal plan for Israel just because of his stubborn will. God did not allow him to succeed in his plan since it conflicted with His plan.

Hitler's will was to take over the world. That was never going to happen since God's plan is greater. Our free will is very limited. I see it happening in my life all the time. I decide to do something but then He changes everything. Those who are submitted to His will do not have a problem with that. Those who are not submitted struggle as things don't go the way they intended for them to go. There is a power much greater than my free will. That is why I say that it is limited.

Does this make sense? Then we have to get into our carnal will and spiritual will. He will ultimately win that battle as well if we truly belong to Him. However, that is another discussion. These are my opinions.


It was Hitler's will to destroy every Jew on the face of this earth. Was it possible for him to fulfill his will? Our free will can never interfere with His plan. His ways are superior to our ways. That is why we should be submissive to His will. His will is going to win out anyway. It is better to just go ahead and submit.

Roy....I think God's 'plan'....can be disrupted or posponed. When we is not 'God's plan'....when Israel sins, and all of the nations of earth, it is 'not' God's is our own God has to wait it out...until we have beat our heads against the repercussions enough to desire 'His way'......then God...can resume with 'His' plan....but 'all of these lessons'....are also part of His patient enduring plan. His plan is already unfolding/ is not complete/ but yet it 'is' complete...just like the 'time' thingy we have been bouncing around. He was and 'is' and 'is' to come. Always, forevermore complete, yet is to come.


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