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My Bride who was born into Judaism and Born Again to become a Christian, still feels strong trends towards the Sabbath day being Saturday. So guys, we are fully aware that for Christians, the

day of worship are basicly every day. But kindly allow me to stir the pot some more.

Why hold church on Sunday and not Saturday? 

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Good summary. I will twick it a bit here:

>>1. Saturday - because this is the continuation of the Jewish Sabbath where Christianity originates (Judaism is the root and Christianity is the branch).

Christianity is a continuation of Judaism. If some in the family do not want to adopt Sunday worship, then that is fine as long as they have entered the Rest (the fulfillment of the Sabbath) and do not become legalistic about the day they chose to worship corporally.

>>2. Sunday - Because it doesn't matter which day you worship the Sabbath because the old Laws were made away with and because it is the day that Jesus was resurrected thus the start of the new covenant with humanity?

The Old Testament Levitical and ceremonial laws were fulfilled in Christ. The Sabbath represented a shadow of the rest to come through Christ. We now enter the Sabbath by resting in Christ. If a person sets aside a day to completely devote it to God, then that is beautiful and truly we should all do that. I highly recommend that we all make a day a rest day. We need a day to enjoy our families and to meditate in God and Godliness.


Good job of twicking.

Thanks beloved
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