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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I had a revelation in a dream. In this dream, there was a gathering of christians. The garthering was so large that I was far away. There was an ark as big as that of Noa. On top of this ark were known christian leaders all over the world. They were making selections of people who were to come to the ark. I was so disappointed because I felt no one knew me and they will not call me. At that point the Holy Spirit came on me and I asked Him why. I wanted to know if going to heaven will be by selection of the christian leaders. He answered and said to me, not to mind. He explained that God was going to do something in a minute and I was watching. Suddenly the heaven opened up and a pipe fell from heaven poring water. I saw the christian leaders fall from the ark, all of them. None stood. The Holy Spirit then said to me, call the people close to you, tell them about the pipe and the water. Let them know that it is the source to the ark. I asked Him to explain. He told me to run to the water and start fetching as much as I could and so should all the people who will hear me. The water is the way to the ark. The surprise is that the more of it any one could fetch and carry, the easier it was for them to climb up the ark. I woke.


Is this a call for christians to run to Jesus Christ as the fountain that flows from Heaven or a call for me to call people to Christ? I want us to discuss this further.

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Brother Ede,

You are fortunate. Dreams are wonderful but I have not had that many that were not diet or circumstances related. I have had to depend on His Word for Truth. There was a time, however, many years ago that I was struggling with the idea of whether or not I would go to heaven. Beginning even as a child I would dream several were standing around singing hymns and then the rapture would take place. I went to the ceiling of the church building and then would fall back to the ground. I had that dream over and over even into my adult life. I became very desperate at the age of twenty-seven still not being assured of my salvation. God led me to His Word to discover the wonderful message of His grace. (I had been raised in a very strict legalistic environment.) I knew I was guilty of so much sin I felt there was no chance that I would ever make it. Then, I discovered His grace and mercy. I realized that Christ had done everything for me. There was nothing left for me other than to receive His glorious substitutionary work on the cross. I had already been saved but didn't realize that I was saved from my sin - that He had taken it all away. I was worrying for nothing. I realized that I belonged to Him. Jesus said, If God were your Father you would believe in me. I knew I believed in Him, therefore I realized God was my Father. I was awakened to the glorious work of salvation that had already been accomplished in my life. Shortly after this experience that happened over about a month's time, I had another of the same dream. However, this time when the rapture happened, I was sailing past the stars before I awakened. That was over thirty-three years ago and I have never had that dream since. All that fear has left me. I now know that my salvation is absolutely complete in Him. I have put all my trust in Jesus for my salvation. I leave no trust in myself for I know I will fail. However, Jesus never fails. He came to get me and get me He will. I am His and I love Him with my whole heart.

The water in your dream represents God's abundant provision of His grace through His Spirit to provide more than enough for all you need for salvation. Jesus is the source. With joy shall you draw water from the wells of salvation. I believe your dream is calling you to His Word. In your dream you were asking how you were going to get to heaven. Jesus said that all who believed in Him springs of water would flow from within him. Being able to believe in Jesus means you are a child of God. This is a privilege that you have been granted. You are one of His chosen. It is our faith in Jesus that delivers us from all our sin. We are made whole through faith in Him.

God bless you brother Ede.
AMEN! Well said and done brother Roy.

Be patient Ede, Should God be calling you, He will not simply put out a single call and leave it at that.
God's call will come again and if necessary again. Besides the urge in your heart to respond, it will also be followed by confirmation amongt the brethren.

The Lord Bless you as you seek His face.

Dear Ron,

It's not a single call. God has called me before now. The experience is unforgettable and I regret not following the call. Any way, I am born again and thank God for the gift of His Holy Spirit.

Dear Roy,

Thank you for the word God has spoke to me through you. Jesus is the source. This was exactly what the Holy Spirit said to me. The word keeps coming to me. Glory to God.


Do you say your name as Ed and then with an e or do you just say Ed and the e is silent? Do you mind me asking your age?

Dear Roy,

My name is said as Ede and then with an e, but sometimes people call me with the e silent. I was in 1972 and my last birthday was on September 5. I am married and have 4 lovely children.

Thanks for asking. Please can you tell me a little about you?

Yes Ede,

I am 63 and have been in the ministry almost all of my adult life. I am a Christian school administrator and have been for the last 28 years. I have five children and 13 grandchildren all serving the Lord faithfully. If you got me to talking about my children and grandchildren I would never stop. My son is pastoring in Wyoming and my daughter is preparing to take over the school. She is finishing her doctorate at Regents University in VA. I have another daughter working with me at the school and a son working on his Masters at Okla Wesleyan University. He is also the chaplain of the school leading worship in chapel and so forth. My other son works here in the KS City area and gives us much joy. My wife and I hope he and his wife don't decide to move away. His wife also works with my wife and I in the school. God has been so good to us. The greatest thing in my life is knowing that I am a member of the family of God as you are. I am very grateful to Him for all His blessings.

You shouldn't have asked me about myself. God has blessed us so much. My son just recently went to Liberia on a missions trip. His heart was touched and his life was changed as he ministered side-by-side with the ministers there.

America is losing sight of her God. Our schools teach that we arrived on this planet by chance over millions of years. This teaching is drawing America away from God. That is why I started a Christian school. God has blessed us.

God bless you brother,
Hi Ede Roy and Mary,

Ede I am thrilled to hear that you are receiving confirmation time and time again.

"God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." 1Co 1:9

Be sure Ede, that your calling will also come with gifts in which to "arm" yourself
When Saul placed his armour on David, David rejected it. The Armour was designed for physical warfare and the need for David and us, is for the armour of God. Armour which God will provide, against which the enemy cannot stand.

"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Eph 6:11

May I suggest Ede that the most important link in this armour is love. There is no defence against love nor escape.

"I may have the gift to speak what God has revealed, and I may understand all mysteries and have all knowledge. I may even have enough faith to move mountains. But if I don't have love, I am nothing." 1Co 13:2

Roy my brother. Who better to guide Ede than one who is already in the Service of the Lord. Your family who are also occupied in the ministry, are proof of your own faithfulness to God. Well done sir!

Mary you are so right when you say: "Let the Holy Spirit work through us to lead others to the Kingdom." The Lord continue to bless all here on AAG as we work towards that Goal.

Thank you, each one of you for the inspiration you have passed on to me. I am sure that there are others who have benefitted as well.

Thank you, Ron. My wife and I are truly blessed. We have given our whole lives to the Lord. We don't have much of this earthly wealth or fame but what we have is beyond what this world has to offer. I recommend to every young couple out there to give their lives in service to our King. Men, be devoted to your family. I speak with families almost every week whose children have gone astray. God clearly tells us that if we will train our children in the way they should go (God's Word) then when they get on their own, they will not depart from it. We wouldn't trade what we have for all the wealth in this world. When my wife and I leave this world, we will be leaving behind a heritage. Folks, there is no substitute for serving God. For you young guys out there, I recommend you finding a good holiness girl. haha That is what God gave me. I found her in a holiness college. I am grateful for my parents bringing me up and my wife's parents bringing her up in the ways of the Lord. There is just no substitute for serving God. Parents, bring your children up in the ways of the Lord. Great dividends await you if you do.

And Mary,

It is good to hear that you are feeling better.

Brother Ede,

Is there revival going on there is Nigeria? I found this on YouTube:

I wish I could go with God all over this world seeing His people worship Him. Someday I will get to. What a blessing to see someone being released from the power of Satan. God bless you.

Here is another one:

Ede, I am praying that God will use you in your country to stand for Christ. You are blessed to be where you are.



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