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Hello my fellow Christian friends!!!
I have a question,if have negative thoughts about someone,something, or even about myself, is that a sin? As long as I dont act upon them??

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This topic is near to my heart too. In fact, my website s dedicated to this topic: God's word is the foundation to being positive, staying positive, saying positive affirmations and thinking inspirational thoughts. It is the antedote to stinking thinking as they say!
Is negative, lustful thoughts a sin??

Sow a thought, you will reap an action,
Sow an action, you will reap a habit,
Sow a habit you will reap a character,
Sow a character you will reap a life.

A lot of people will say “that is mind control“!
The bible has a lot to say about the thoughts and controlling of the mind.
Whatsoever things are true, honesty, just and pure…..Phil.4:8
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Prov. 23:7
Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2Cor.10:5
Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Rom.14:23, (FAITH) pistis “a conviction and or persuasion of the heart”

I read in a book that we must realize that the dominating thoughts of our mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward physical action, and will gradually transform themselves into their physical reality, therefore we should concentrate our thoughts for thirty minutes daily upon the task of thinking about the person we intend to become, (for us Christians would be the image of Christ) thereby creating in us a clear and concise mental picture. “or image” For we know that through the principle of “Autosuggestion” that any desire that we persistently hold in our mind, will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it.
And for those few that doesn’t know about “Autosuggestion” it is a term used by psychologist, meaning “an influencing of ones own attitudes, behaviors and physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought.” So we as Christians having the mind of Christ and the Word of God established in our hearts, and our minds renewed to the Word of God, will filter every thought through this renewed mind. which is after Christ. And will esteem it as being wholesome and righteous or something that is contrary to the Word of God. Therefore accepting or rejecting it. So if we can not entertain that thought by faith, then we reject it. (faith being a conviction or persuasion of the heart). So if you know that the thought is not of God and you meditate on that thought, then it becomes sin, for what ever is not of faith is sin,
So if you can not meditate on that thought with a clear conscience, then , guess what. Rom.14:23. Also in. Matthew 5:28 (KJV)
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Also in James 1, it says that every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his lusts and enticed, and when lust has conceived it bringeth forth sin and when sin when it is finished bringeth forth death….. For every good and perfect gift is from above……
So yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin.

So we renew the mind to the Word of God and walk by faith, and not by sight.
I to alway have negative thoughts and my pastor said to always rebuke them but the thoughts just come right back. Almost every minute im asking God for forgiveness and I feel so guilty because I dont think negative on purpose. I feel that these thoughts are taking over my life. Sometimes i think they are coming from demins and I try to rebuke them away but the thoughts keep coming back. What do I do?!
Jesus is both Redeemer AND Savior. Not only does He provide forgiveness, but also deliverance from our sin.

We are sinners, and our hearts are desperately sick. Random negative thoughts should come as no surprise to us -- it is a reflection of our old self. We are sinners. Without Him, we are wretched and dirty and gross. And we are unable to free ourselves from our sin. We are hopeless without Him.

God is not surprised, nor is He is not disappointed; God knew what we would be, even before He created the earth. And so, He provided grace that is sufficient for us. We cannot change our hearts, that is His job. However, we can (and should) change our direction.

Instead of begging forgiveness, and wracking ourselves with guilt, we should thank God for His forgiveness, and praise Him for His mercy and grace. We should accept His love with a joyous heart. As we spend time with Him, mediating on His face, we are transformed. Sin loses its power over us. His light shines in the darkness of our hearts, and drives it away.

It was for freedom that Christ set you free. Be free.
I am sure it a sin because the Bible confirms it.
The son of God said "if ye look at a woman lustfully you have already sin".
So we should try as much as possible that our thoughts and actions would be directed by the Lord.
Remeber God knows your heart. Ask for devine wisdom and ask the lord that any thought that is not from him you rebuke in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Dont let satan throw any guilt your way. Heavenly father I ask in the name of Jesus that all negative thoughts that are not for your pleasing be taken away from my sister and thrown in the ocean of forgetfulness. I only accept thoughts that please my Lord in heaven. All negative things will burn in the pit of hell. Protect me Lord with the armour or Christ Amen
God bless you sister Anabell.
You could not have said it any better! God bless you for helping out one of his little lambs. Love you all

Sis Annabell
Anything contrary to the will of God is sin. The scriptures teach in (Ro. 14:23) that what is not of faith is sin. Everyone experience negative thoughts. Jesus experience negative thoughts; read (Mat. 4) when he was led up into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Negative thoughts are sin only when they are allowed to influence you to do negative things.

My answer to your question is "no" these thoughts are not sin on your part, but it would be to your advantage and I think according to the will of God, for you to learn to replace the negative thoughts with the word of God that you may find the peace of God in the situation.
HI Paige...

The bible tells us to bring every thought captive to the Lord Jesus Christ. We do that by rebuking the thought, or by asking God to remove the thought, or by quoting scripture to counter the thought. This takes time and effort, but, it is Gods way .....

Yes !!! absolutly!!!! bad thinking is part of the flesh it is called the battle of the flesh but I have excellent news for us sinners the blood of Jesus cleans you.... now listen to me close there is the sprit man where the holy ghost lives inside you and then there is your soul these two are seperate so the holy spirit is not corrupted by our sinnful nature in Romans 12:1-2 we read to renew our mind how? we must put on the full armor of God it can only be done through Jesus and continually fighting the thoughts each time a bad thought comes cover it immediatly with singing a song about the blood of jesus or just simply ask God to remove it or rememberize a scripture and say it out loud like if you think a revengful thought against someone you immediatly thank the devil for reminding you about them so now you can bless them and the devil will eventually stop the method of picking on your mind and i always pray" Lord in Jesus Name pour out your love into their heart " so they too can go to heaven like I am ----Ephessians 6 philippians 4 --- Diana


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