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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Brothers and sisters, this is an up-to-date firestorm controversy that I need your help on. Glenn Beck was recently joined by several Evangelical well-respected leaders in a sort of Evangelical rally at the Mall this last weekend. I am pasting a tape of his apparent testimony and I'm sure you have already seen much of the coverage of the rally. Evangelical leaders are greatly divided over the issue of whether or not to support him in his effort to get a Spiritual revival started in America. I am asking for your advice in this matter.

Remember, Glenn Beck is a declared Mormon. Take a look at the video if I can get it on. If not I will past the link and ask someone to put it on. Thanks and God bless you.


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Hey, I did it. I can't believe I got this video to post. Thanks, Carla.
Hi Roy... I like that video, and from what I've gathered, I think Glenn Beck is a true Christian. However, should he lead a spiritual revival in America? I also find that questionable after what I heard from the recent rally speeches. I was not totally delighted with all that was said. For instance, one of the first speakers, Pastor Paul repeatedly addressed "Gods" (plural) as he prayed. That makes me nervous. If the focal point of the rally was a call to Christian ethics, which I thought it should have been, then why the plural reference to God? There is only one God! For that reason, the rally rubbed me the wrong way right from the start. If America is going to accept multiple Gods as its theological trademark then it’s just as Mr. Obama declared- This is no longer a Christian nation, -and that frightens me because that is national blasphemy in my opinion... blasphemy on a very large scale that could lead to dire consequences.
Hi Ginnybee - The rally was supported by many that had different Gods such as Muslims, Jews (?) and Mormons. (probably others). This is not the first time I have seen different ones attempting to bring us all under one tent. If Beck believed that Jesus and Satan were spirit brothers but Jesus was the one to accept God's plan, came to earth to die on the cross and then was resurrected to become God, would that still qualify him for salvation? What if he believed that others could attain to deity if they reached the level of Christ's works? Are these issues important in salvation?
Those questions are beyond my ability to strictly answer, so I won't attempt it. I can only say that I personally don't believe those things and that I do believe I am saved. Blessings, Glenda
then how did you come to the conclusion hes a true christian??

The issue, John, is whether it is important to believe in Jesus as the eternal God or one that was a created being like Lucifer and evolved to a Godhead position. Do you believe Jesus is the eternal God? Is it important to believe in Him in that sense? If that is not important to you, then it would not be a big deal to you. No, the beliefs of Mormons concerning Jesus is much different from any one of the denominations you have mentioned. All of them have as part of their doctrine that Jesus is the eternal God. You are very mistaken if you do not believe there is a difference in the essentials from Glenn. He has many followers and I am praying that when he hears who Jesus really is, he will accept that and follow that. I cannot judge him but I do believe that eventually he will have to deny the doctrine of his church and accept Christian doctrine concerning Christ. I hope this answers your question from my perspective and that seems to be what you are asking.

On the other hand, it is not necessary for all of us to have a perfect understanding of the doctrines of Scripture. However, this particular doctrine is an essential doctrine of the faith. Without it, the Gospel completely falls apart. A novice would not have the understanding of the importance of this doctrine but I am guessing this man is not a novice. I might be very wrong in that assumption and I would not presume to be able to speak to the salvation of Glenn Beck. Only God knows if he is a true follower and will eventually deny his Mormon faith and testify to the Jesus of Holy Scripture.


was a little surprised to see this conversation being resurrected. I pretty much thought we had laid this issue to rest. However, I am very surprised to see so many Evangelicals who believe that Mormons believe in the same Jesus that they do. Mormonism is not just a different denomination of several that believe that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Mormonism is a cult with much different beliefs than Christianity. This didn't use to be such an issue in the church but now with the revival of universalism in the church it has become one. I have been in Branson, Mo this week with my siblings and I was surprised to find that some of them also believed that Glenn Beck was a Christian. Yes, Mormonism has attempted to make their true beliefs more deceptive but the framework of their beliefs on Jesus is much different than yours or mine. Only belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ can save one from their sins. The Gospel is very clear on who Jesus is. We are warned to not add to the Scripture. The Book of Mormon is a phony add on of the Gospels. It is not a true testimony of Jesus Christ. Faith in the Lord of the Book of Mormons will not save an individual from their sins. If we accept that this phony representation of God could save one from their sins then we have to accept all false prophets and become true universalists.

There will always be false representations of our Lord. We need to remain true to the Lord of the Bible and represent Him accurately to the world. He is the only One that can save a man from His sins. There is absolutely no other way for man to be saved.

I am shocked how so many in the church accept Beck's testimony. It is certainly a testimony of where we have come over the years. It is a true sign of a return to universalism.

I do believe it would be possible to find Jesus in many different ways. I also believe that Jesus will speak to our hearts if we are really seeking for Him. I believe that when a person hears the true Gospel, they will know that is truth in their hearts and receive it. If the person hears the Gospel and rejects it in favor of another gospel, I do not believe they are saved.

Not all churches believe alike. However, all true churches do have a good understanding of who Jesus is. The Mormons do reject the Jesus of the Bible. Not all Mormons will be lost but they must accept the Jesus of the Bible. When that Jesus is presented to them, they must receive Him at some point in order to be saved.

That is what I believe. I do not believe all Mormons have rejected Jesus as they don't know the difference. I do not know how much tolerance Jesus will give to false doctrines. He is a very merciful Lord. It is not for me to say who is saved and who is not. However, I am completely confident that many Mormons do know the difference between their Lord and the Lord of the Bible.

Hi Roy.
I don't call this an "apparent" testimony but a confession of Christ Jesus being Glen's Lord and Savior. I would stand behind him as he expresses how he feels and does it very well. I do know that Paul said,
20 Each person should remain in the life situation w in which he was called. 21 Were you called while a slave? It should not be a concern to you. But if you can become free, by all means take the opportunity. x 22 For he who is called by the Lord as a slave y is the Lord’s freedman. z Likewise he who is called as a free man a is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought b at a price; do not become slaves of men. 24 Brothers, each person should remain with God in whatever situation he was called.
The Holy Bible : Holman Christian Standard Version. Nashville : Holman Bible Publishers, 2003, S. 1 Co 7:20-24

So this political theology (Black Theology) has things kinda out of place, don't you think.

I will put my money on Glen Beck.


I am sure you are not insinuating that Glenn Beck should remain a Mormon, are you? The Evangelical community was divided as some chose to stand with him and others felt it violated their commitment to Christ and His church. Should Glenn Beck be a new spiritual leader for the Evangelical church?

Glen Beck, through his testimony, has convinced me that he is a Christian, which i suspected he was from my time listening to him. If he chooses to be Mormon, what is that to me? I know some of what they believe, certainly not all, but Christ will judge the man, not the congregation.
I do think in this time of media lies, that Glen Beck is doing his utmost to bring truth to his listeners and trying to keep us informed of those truths that we aren't hearing in other places. I think he is doing a tremendous service to the citizens of this country. I won't argue what his religion is as his confession stands true in my mind, ears, heart. Besides, one doesn't know that his confession won't change the hearts of others of the same beliefs (i.e. the Mormons).
I don't judge those that attend Methodist, Baptist, or other churches, and won't judge his church either.

Is it possible that those of the conservative right are just too concerned about doctrine. After all, when I person says he has received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, shouldn't that be enough? Beck does testify to being saved by Jesus Christ through grace through the atonement on the cross. Is that enough?

However, Beck does continue to testify that he is of the Mormon faith. Following is a credited excerpt on the Mormon's doctrine of the nature of Christ:

What Do Mormons Believe: The Nature of Jesus Christ
The Mormon church views Jesus and Satan as spirit brothers and sons of God. God put forth His plan of salvation for the world, and Satan proposed his own plan. Jesus accepted the Father's plan and offered to implement it as the Savior. The Father chose Jesus, and the spirit of Jesus was given a body through the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a Roman cross, and rose from the dead three days later to establish His deity. The character and life of Jesus is attainable by anyone who performs at such a righteous level. The Christian church teaches that Jesus Christ has existed eternally as the Son of God, the second "person" of the Trinity. Jesus took on human flesh about 2000 years ago and was born into the world through the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a Roman cross for our sins, and rose from the dead three days later to establish His deity.

As you can see there is a stark contrast to the traditional Christian belief and the Mormon belief concerning the nature of Jesus. Are the conservative Christian just too consumed with apologetics and doctrine? As some of you are aware, some Evangelicals are accepting his testimony of salvation and some are rejecting it. Is there little importance to this discussion?



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