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do you guys believe in what the researchers are talking about that happened in between gen. 1-2
what is your thoughts on this.

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Dear Mike,

I find your reply very confusing...

Jeremiah 4:19-31 refers to the Judgement that will continue until people turn from their sin and listen to refers to the future destruction of could also be describing the judgement of all sinners at the end of the world.

you said this:
So, The Sun was shining in Genesis 1:1.
Scripture says this:
Gen 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

You said this:

God turned the Sun off in Genesis 1:2 because of His judgment against the inhabitants of the earth.
Scripture says this:
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

You said this:
Then, God turned the Sun back on in Genesis 1:3 and recreated planet earth. Fascinating isn't!

Scripture says this:
Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Howdy Tom!

Yes, There are false prophets in the Church today and all over this world. And, I would like to give you a teaching of a false prophet that is very popular in the Church today. The Earth standing out of the water and in the water. See 2 Peter 3:5.

So, What is this popular teaching? Simply this. The Earth standing out of the water and in the water occurred simultaneously. Quite frankly, I do not teach this. I teach the earth was standing out of the water, see Genesis 1:1, then the earth was flooded, i.e. standing in the water, see Genesis 1:2, and then the earth was dry again by a sudden abatement of the water. See Genesis 1:9.

This is what the Bible clearly shows us and this is precisely what I teach. You asked this question...****Tom--One question that I would like to ask all of you is DO WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO ADD TO THE HOLY BIBLE?****

My answer: No, We do not have any right to add to the Holy Bible. However, We do have the right to teach the Bible correctly as the Bible is written as God had His Word written by inspiration. Any teaching other than what I have just showed you from The Book of Genesis and 2 Peter 3:5 is a false teaching according to the Law of God.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Howdy Carla!

Well, with all due respect Maam, You don't sound confused to me. Your responses seem to me that you are right where I am on this subject. Let us examine what you have said...

****Carla--you said this:
Dr. Mike--So, The Sun was shining in Genesis 1:1.
Carla--Scripture says this:
Gen 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.****

Yes, The Bibles says In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Yep, He sure did. And, When He created the Heaven, God created the sun shining. Everything that God created in Genesis 1:1 was perfect and fully functional. Why?

A Perfect God speaking a Perfect Word of Creation yields Perfection. Not Chaos. See Galatians 3:7, Psalm 148:5, and Psalm 33:6 & 9.

****Carla--You said this:
Dr. Mike--God turned the Sun off in Genesis 1:2 because of His judgment against the inhabitants of the earth.
Carla--Scripture says this:
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.****

Yes, The Bible says that in Genesis 1:2. Well, Since the Sun was created perfect and shining in verse 1 and there is darkness in verse 2, What happened? The only reason why there is darkness is because the sun is not shining at this point in verse 2. The Sun was shining in verse 1 but not now in verse 2. Why? God's Judgment against the inhabitants of the earth of Genesis 1:1.

Let us prove this. Look at Matthew 24:29 in part. What is happening? Jesus Christ is returning to save Israel and to judge the inhabitants of the earth. Let us look at the wording of verse 29...

29. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light...

Well, When the sun is not shining, the moon cannot reflect any light. When the Sun is darkened, The moon is darkened as well. At this point in time, When Matthew 24:29 occurs, The earth will be dark because the Sun is not shining. Hmmm. The very same event happened in Genesis 1:2. Darkness was upon the face of the deep because the Sun was not shining. Do you see this? This is powerful.

****Carla--You said this:
Dr. Mike--Then, God turned the Sun back on in Genesis 1:3 and recreated planet earth. Fascinating isn't!
Carla--Scripture says this:
Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.****

Yes, God said let there be light, and there was light. Why? The Sun was already created perfect and fully functional in Genesis 1:1. God darkened the Sun in verse 2 and judged the earth and all of the inhabitants and in verse 3, God said let there be light. So, The Sun began shining again. God did not create the Sun in verse 3, God turned the Sun back on. Why is this so confusing? God's Judgment in verse 2 and His restoring power in verse 3 makes perfect sense to me.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Hello Mike,

It seems that you are an advocate of the 'gap theory'? Is that right?
Howdy Ms. Carla!

I hope that you had a blessed day with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You asked me...****Carla--It seems that you are an advocate of the 'gap theory'? Is that right?EOQ****

Well, To be honest with you, I am an Advocate of Truth. Why? The Word of God is Truth according to Jesus Christ in John 17:17b. And, If I may, I want to apologize for my typo. When I said Galatians 3:7 in my previous post, I meant and should have said Galatians 6:7. So, I apologize for my typo.

Now, Please allow me a moment here. There are 2 Schools of thought on Creation. I will show you what these Creation teachings are in the Christian Church today. They are as follows...

Point #1--A Perfect God speaking a perfect Word of Creation = Perfection

Point#2--A Perfect God speaking a perfect Word of Creation = Chaos

Point #1 is the Creation Teaching that I stand on. This Creation Teaching is supported by Scripture and God's Perfect Law of sewing and reaping. See Galatians 6:7. Also, Point #1 is not a very popular teaching among many Christians today or many Churches for that matter.

Point #2, however, is a very popular teaching in the Christian Church today. This Creation Teaching is not, I say again, IS NOT supported by Scripture and IS NOT supported by God's Perfect Law of sewing and reaping. How many Christians believe Point #2 is true? Millions. I hope that you are not one of them.

Secondly, Having studied the Bible in great detail from Genesis to Revelation and studying the Hebrew and Greek for nearly 20 years, I have yet to find a Scripture verse in the Bible to support Point #2. Matter of fact, This is what Point #2 does. Please listen very carefully...

A Perfect God speaking a Perfect Word of Creation = Chaos is a slap in the Face of our Creator. This Doctrinal Teaching on Creation is a violation of Galatians 6:7. The sad part about this information is that people who cling to this Doctrine of creation scenario do not know enough of God's Law to see their error. So, What do they do? They continue teaching error!

The Bible clearly teaches us in 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not to be ashamed; rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Christians who teach Point #2 are clearly by the Word of God not approved by God because they do not rightly divide the Word of Truth.

Would you like to know why they are not approved by God? 1) They do not know God's Law. And 2) No One has ever shown them the Truth of what God actually did in the first beginning. And, God tells us what He did word for word when you know where to look in the Bible. And sadly, Millions of Christians do not even know this.

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Hello Mike...

It's really a 'yes' or 'no' answer...
Howdy Carla!

Here is what I believe and teach from the Inerrant and Infallible, Holy Word of God...

Point #1--A Perfect God speaking a perfect Word of Creation = Perfection

Point #1 is the Creation Teaching that I stand on. This Creation Teaching is supported by Scripture and God's Perfect Law of sewing and reaping. See Galatians 6:7. Also see Psalm 148:5, Psalm 33:6 & 9, 2 Peter 3:6 [Jeremiah 4:23-26], and 2 Peter 2:4-5a.

Is this Creation Doctrine what you are referring to as the 'Gap theory'? Well, I have some good news for you. What I believe and teach from the Holy Word of God is not a theory. What I teach and believe is Factual Truth.

I have a question for you, Carla. Which Creation Doctrine do you believe? Point #1? Or, Point #2?

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Hi again Mike,

I believe in the literal 6 day creation...a young earth...

I don't believe that the 'gap theory' holds up to scripture....there are too many holes in it!

I will not get involved into a big debate with you...that's not why I'm here, and I also believe that you are quite set in your own beliefs.

I would ask my brothers and sisters in Christ here to let me know if there is something I am missing with Mike's teaching here... I'm anyone else confused?

Thank you ...Blessings,
Howdy Carla!

Thank you for your reply and Your response...****Carla--I believe in the literal 6 day creation...a young earth...EOQ is what I figured you believed.

And, Yes Maam, I am very set in what I believe. I do not attempt to change what anybody believes. The only thing I do is present the facts of the Creation Account as written in God's Holy Word and You have to decide what you wish to believe in God's Word.

For me? I choose to believe all of God's Word as God had His Holy Word written by Inspiration. See 2 Timothy 3:16. Now, If I may have a moment, I would like to show you something about the 6 day literal creation doctrine.

To believe in 6 days of literal Creation, This is what You must believe though, I have not met anyone yet to this date after nearly 20 years that can explain these points. The following points are Scientifically and mathematically impossible to explain in 6 Days of literal Creation...

For 6 Day literal Creation, One Must believe and teach the following points...

1) Water has 4 states--In 6 Days of Literal creation water has the following states--liquid, solid, gas, and dry land.

note: Water only has 3 states in reality. It is Scientifically and Mathematically impossible to call dirt out of water. God cannot even do this without violating His Laws of Creation.

2) A Sudden Abatement of Water (Genesis 1:9) = a 7 month Abatement of water (Genesis 8:4). In other words, A sudden abatement and a gradual abatement are exactly the same thing.

note: This is impossible.

3) The World that then was being overflowed with water, perished (2 Peter 3:6) = the heaven and earth which are now by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment (2 Peter 3:7).

note: Once again, This is impossible. Matter of fact, I have met NO ONE in 20 years who can explain these points in 6 Days of literal Creation without violating any laws of Science, Math, and God's Holy Word.

6 Days of Literal Creation teaches the following...Point #2...

A Perfect God speaking a perfect Word of Creation = Chaos.

Once again, People who believe the 6 Days of literal creation doctrine cannot explain what they believe. They also cannot explain the points I have listed above.

Question: Then, Why believe as Truth what NO ONE can explain even by God's Holy Word?

God Bless You!

Dr. Mike
Dear Found By Christ,

Yes.. I agree with you! We need to be discerning to not waste our time trying to obtain more knowledge and getting caught up in discussions that are not edifying nor are they uplifting. This is a snare of satan.

We are here for God's purposes not our own.

While I do hold the belief that our earth is young, and God created it all in 6 days, I couldn't possibly understand 'how' He did it, and I don't need to....Anyone who attempts to my opinion is trying to elevate themselves as God. There is only one God! His Spirit testifies with mine that I belong to I come to Him with a childlike faith...and that is enough!

Blessings to you my dear brother. (Tell your wife I agree with her).
However...aren't spiders amazing....the webs they weave alone point to a Creator who is Infinately beyond our understanding of the 'How's' of what He creates!

There is a fantastic video series...'Incredible creatures that defy Evolution'...done by

In Him, Carla

ps--I love your screen name.. :)
Dear Mike,

I don't desire to get into a debate with you.

I am here to uplift and edify. This is my final post regarding this particular discussion between you and I.

Living for Jesus,

Well, here I am some eight months after the fact. I wasn't around for this discussion or I would have been in it big time. Here is what you are missing:

Mike is taking the Word of God and making it agree with his theory. He is not the first to do so and will not be the last. The flaws to the gap theory are many - that is if you believe in the Word of God.

Some believe that the Word of God should be interpreted literally when possible and some believe it all needs to be interpreted by some whiz who knows all. I believe God wrote His Word to people like you and me. He didn't fill it with riddles and hidden mysteries that would take a rocket scientist to figure out.

For instance: God said in Ex. 20:11 that He created, well let's just read it:

Ex 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. KJV

Now, I know Dr. Ross and others will tell you that those six days represent long periods of times, maybe even billions of years. There is no question that if God wanted to do this job in billions of years He could have chosen language for us that would have told us so. From the beginning of time until now, we understand what God was saying when He said six days. Jesus understood the same language and His ministry references to creation certainly indicate His belief in six days. For instance - He says that God made male and female at the beginning of creation. If the universe and the earth were billions of years old, that would put the creation of man at the end - not the beginning of creation.

I did a little experiment at my school. I asked the children to please explain to me what God meant when He said six days. Even very young children completely understood the concept. They were not coaxed in any way. They all believed God created all in six days. If a child can accept that, we can too. God did not create the Bible to be complicated.

God does not have any need to be in agreement with any modern day scientific theory. And discussion of millions or billions of years are all theory. There is no evidence that exists that can prove that - it is all theory. It is not presented to our world as theory but that is all it is and some fall for these theories that completely contradict His Word.

For instance - if your discussion with Mike, he said the following:
Yes, God said let there be light, and there was light. Why? The Sun was already created perfect and fully functional in Genesis 1:1. God darkened the Sun in verse 2 and judged the earth and all of the inhabitants and in verse 3, God said let there be light. So, The Sun began shining again. God did not create the Sun in verse 3, God turned the Sun back on. Why is this so confusing? God's Judgment in verse 2 and His restoring power in verse 3 makes perfect sense to me.


A careful reading of Scripture clearly tells us that the Sun was not even there on Day 1 of creation. God did not create the Sun until Day 4. God does not need the Sun for light. He is not limited to any theory about creation laws. What He did and how He did does create physical laws but He might do something completely opposite at another time. He is not bound by any physical laws.

Also, if there was man before Adam, how can Adam be the first man? The whole Gospel message becomes flawed if Adam is not the first man. Jesus certainly understood Adam to be the first man as did Paul.

It is so much better to make scientific theory match the Word rather than the other way around. The scientific theories will change rapidly if not daily. While much of the world still is sucked in by all this evolution nonsense, the scientific community has moved on - but they have forgotten to tell our children that most of what they are teaching has already been disproved.

You are the wiser for believing God's Word in Its presentation rather than trying to make it say something that it never does. Some will say, "Do you actually believe that God made the earth before the Sun?" Yes, I do. Why? Because that is what He says. Do you think Moses when He wrote the words that on day four God made the Sun that he didn't understand sunrise and sunset? Nonsense! He had already witnessed thousands of sunrises and completely understood that when the Sun rose, there was light. Why would he say that light came before the Sun? Because he was very careful to put into writing what God told Him to. If man can't see the Spirit hovering over the waters like a mother over her child as the excitement was growing over what was about to happen - then he is missing the entire presentation. God was about to make an eternal companion in His own image. Man fulfills the purpose of God in creation.

Now, if Rev. Michael, Dr. Ross or anyone else out there has some real evidence that the simple reading of God's Word is not true, then let him present it. I might read your explanations just for a good laugh. However, when you begin to say that God's Word does not mean what it says, your reasons for such are a bunch of gobbledygook.

The wise will take God at His Word. They do not need a wild, vain imagination to understand what God is saying to them.

Mk 10:6 "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.' NIV

Jesus is clearly making a reference to Genesis 1. He often refers to the Bible and often to Genesis for His teaching.

Ge 1:27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. NIV

The insight that He gives us, is that this was at the beginning and cannot be understood as being billions or even millions of years later. Now, you may say that Jesus just didn't understand modern day scientific theory that puts man at the very tail end of billions and billions of years. I just guess I am not willing to go there. God made matter and the very first celestial body He made was earth.

For the gap theorists - was that sun in Genesis 1:1 a different Sun than in Genesis 1:14 or did God just get confused by saying He waited to Day 4 to create the Sun. Trust me: Moses already had every questionable doubt you might have when God told Him to write it exactly the way He wrote it. You don't have to understand it, it doesn't need to make sense to you, Moses or anyone else. He made the sun, moon and stars on Day 4 and when Moses squirmed a little when he wrote this down, he just said, "Yes Sir," and wrote what God told Him to write.

Again, it is wise to receive God's Word as it is written. It is unwise for me or anyone else try to make God's Word fit my theory. Six days doesn't mean 13.6 billion years or the latest figure for that matter. When God uses the word "day" to refer to a longer period of time, He makes it very clear and easy for us to understand. We don't need a guru to explain it to us. He wrote this Book to people of average (to below average in some cases) intelligence. It is the rich, the so-called wise, etc. that will struggle with His Word. It will not be His children.

Still a child in faith,


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