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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We are all in this life together under one Spirit and God places everyone we encounter into our lives for a reason.We have each other through thick and thin and God wants us there to help carry each others burdens and so we will and can.PRAISE GOD! My question today is even when we have each other do we call upon the Lord first and foremost?I thank God every day for this family in Christ He has sooooo blessed me with but I would love to hear from you all about the last time you called upon the Lord for answers and He gave you those answers that you were seeking.Often times He speaks to us and gives us those answers through each other,sometimes He just plain drops the answer into our laps and sometimes He is just waiting for us to just plain have faith because He is working on it. Lets all share how the Lord has answered our lifes problems and trials. It is very encouraging and faith lifting for us all.

God richly Bless your days forever and always.

In His Grace,


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The Lord walked with Dorothy and me in Her battle with cancer when the Dr's gave Her 3m ths He gave Her 18 mths. Then as sDorothy got near the end of Her battle the Dr's gave her hours and I knew I could not get the family home in time for the daughter and grandson to see her one last time .A group of fellow believers meet in Her room knowing that God to get Dorothy through the night by the next morning Dorothy was grinning and hugging Her Daughters and Grandkids who had arrived during the night. Dorothy battle ended two weeks latter on May 10th at 6:41 2010. Now Dorothy is experiencing the glory of Heaven and in no pain. He is holding me up I miss her so very much and so want to join Her and walk those golden streets hand in hand.
Brother Norman, you and your dorothy were very blessed to have found each other and lived such a wonderfully loving life together.Keep holding on to your faith. God has shown Himself to you in this miracle He provided for your daughters and Grandkids to see her smiling before she went to be with Jesus and He will certainly show HImself in your healing and comfort you. Just allow Him to put HIs arm around your shoulder and feel His peace.What a peaceful thought to know that we will all be walking those golden streets one day together , all of us ! I have only just recently met you but I am very happy you have come here to share and be such a blessing to us all.
Love in Christ,
Oh wow, I love this Mary. It never ceases to amaze me how God speaks to us and it also amazes me how He will indeed provide and give us water. I love you sis. Muchly!! You are a gem and a real blessing in my life.
Nancy, I am not sure if this is the right place for my testimony, but here goes....

When I was a little bitty girl my mom took a picture of my sister, brother and I with two other children at church after Sunday school. We were standing in front of the most beautiful picture of Jesus I have ever seen. It was right behind me, like he was there protecting me. I love that picture of us that day. I still have it. I am a survivor. I was born 2 months premature. Two pounds 13 ounces. He saved me then. He also saved me 13 years ago from doing the unthinkable. Suicide. It was after my husband told me he wanted a divorce, and my mom and I had been estranged for 7 years. I found out she had terminal cancer. It was too much. I needed to let go of the emotional pain from being raped at 13 by my step dad. She left me with him to go on a drinking binge. He came home drunk and that night raped me. I was brought from Illinois to Washington state by my aunt Barb and uncle Bill in 1965 a couple days after it happened to live with my dad and sister. NO ONE knew about it. He burned me with a cigarette and told me not to tell anyone or he would hurt me worse. I hated that man for years afterwards, until I was finally able to let it go after he died. I still was angry with my mom for leaving me there with him that day. He had told her if she left to go drinking he would hurt me. She left anyway. I found this out after the birth of my second daughter in 1982. She was drunk when she asked me if that man had ever hurt me. I said yes. She said she wasn't sure if he had. I was shocked to say the least to find out this peice of news. Anyway, I carried that with me most of my life. When mom came down with cancer and my husband was leaving me because of my anger towards men and not being the wife I should of been to him due to PTSD from my rape....I couldn't stand the emotional pain any longer. It consumed me to the point where I wanted to end my life. I sat on the sofa with a gun in my hand. I cried out to the Lord to change me! I didn't want to continue hating and being angry any longer. I cried for him to make me a gentler and kinder woman and I didn't want to be angry or hate anyone any more. To take the emotional scars away. It scares me when I think about how close I came to pulling the trigger. There is a fine line between thinking about it and doing it. God saved me that day. I could feel it. He told me I wasn't going to end my life. He is in control and he wasn't done with me yet. I will never forget that day as long as I live. He saved a wretch like me!!! I have never been the same since. Oh I am not perfect and sometimes the flesh still gets in the way. But I know that all those years I was angry and took it all out on my husband of 22 years was half my fault for the downfall of my marriage. He had the affair, but I don't blame him. I drove him to it. It wasn't all bad, cause we have two beautiful daughters to prove there was love for each other. But, I should of never married an unbeliever. He gave me a way out. Not that I wanted it, but God knew it wasn't good that we weren't equally yoked. I really turned to God after he left. My daughters think I'm a bible thumper, and they didn't want to move into another place with me when we sold the farm because of my faith. So my girls have turned against me and I haven't seen my oldest in 9 years and my youngest in 3 or 4 years. I made the biggest mistake of my life not raising my daughters to know the Lord. I will never understand why I didn't. Oh maybe a little bit here and there did I tell them, but not fully. I had made my husband my God. That was the second mistake of my life. He is an athiest. I lost my family due to my non obediance to God. But, I thank God he loves me and hasn't left me. I have never known such unconditonal love as the love of God. Oh, my mom moved to Pennsylvania to live with my cousin and I went back there to take care of her for a while in her last month of her life on earth in 2000. We made peace before that. I am so thankful we did. I miss her so much. I hope some day my daughters will come back to me. I keep praying. God has brought me to the happy woman I am today. He also took away my depression I've had forever. No one else on earth has been able to help me with it. God is the greatest healer. No one will ever tell me different. Anyway, now you know the rest of the story. :) I thank God he has brought us together Nancy. You are a huge blessing in my life. I love you sister in Christ. God bless you always and forever. Amen!
Maggie. your testimony brought tears to my eyes.I am so very happy that you allowed Jesus to take your hand. I would not have the friend that I have today in you that I value so very much.I am happy we were both saved. This is a very good place to write your testimony as it is indeed a very good example of how prayers were answered when you went to God first and foremost. Thankyou so very much for sharing this here sis maggie.God is so AWESOME not only for what He has done for you but also for the blessing of having you in my life as well.
God richly bless you today,tomorrow and for all eternity.Love you muchly sis!
Nancy, Today would of been my 33rd wedding anniversary. I have been divorced 11 years now. I look back and see all the darkness and depression I had to go through to get where I am today. Alone with God. It's ok. I do wish for another chance at marriage with a Godly man, and the right one, but have resigned myself to know if it happens it will be God's plan, not mine. But, I am free today of the hate. Although some times anger still rears it's ugly head when someone I love hurts me. Not often, but when it does I ask God to take it from me. I am a work in progress still :) but thats ok. Rome wasn't built in a day. Ha! Ha!! I so much appreciate your wisdom and your help in keeping me on the right path. God brings people into our lives to help us in our walk. I am so blessed you are one of these people. God bless you and keep you safe forever....Love you oodles and bunches!!!

Hey Brod Norman it's been years we talked about her. Let go of her and where she is now I am sure she is happy. The LORD has a purpose in you being left behind not for you to be sad and gloomy by her passing but the LORD wants you to start a new and move on. I thinks it's been two years ago we talked about your dear wife, look forward and see what GOD has for you.

In all times , bad or not I will always give reverend to my LORD who always answers my need, though not what I expected for but it is always the best answer from HIM. GLORY TO YOUR NAME.


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