There are a number of factors that cause this schism in the body of Christ. Lets look at some and I hope others will chime in. Before we start let's understand a couple of things first. We may disagree on certain things and yet both be saved. Also if we disagree on a subject we both cannot be 100% right and in fact we both could be wrong.
Here are some of the areas that cause division:
1) Allegoric intrepretive method vs. literal interpretive method.
2) Fundemental view vs. liberal view.
3) Lone ranger Christian vs local body connected Chrsitian.
4) Various views regarding the gifts of the Spirit.
5) Predestination vs freewill and degrees inbetween.
Why do I point this out? It has been my experience that when two people who approach God's word in love with Jesus, but differ in their approach they will debate each other until they are blue in the face, or fingers are tired of typing. They just can't seem to understand why the other does not see it their way. Often the problem is not in the presentation, but due to their "fundemental" differences regarding God's Word before the debate even began. Numbers 1 & 2 above play a major role in people's understanding of God's Word even if they do not understand what those words mean or are willing to acknowledge where they stand. Some will argue that I will not be put into a box ... well welcome to # 3 my friend and you can guess which one you just displayed if that is your type of response.
This is simply a food for thought as I was wondering if people have even considered the root of the differences. What other areas cause differences that we need to be aware? We need to be aware so that we can respond to our brothers and sisters in love and with understanding knowing that we will disagree on some things.
Last thought: People wonder why there are so many different denominations today. Look around, even here on AAG, and you will see a very diverese group that cannot agree 100% together on everything. People tend to gather with "like-minded" people.
Lord Bless,
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