All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There are a number of factors that cause this schism in the body of Christ. Lets look at some and I hope others will chime in. Before we start let's understand a couple of things first. We may disagree on certain things and yet both be saved. Also if we disagree on a subject we both cannot be 100% right and in fact we both could be wrong.


Here are some of the areas that cause division:

1) Allegoric intrepretive method vs. literal interpretive method.

2) Fundemental view vs. liberal view.

3) Lone ranger Christian vs local body connected Chrsitian.

4) Various views regarding the gifts of the Spirit.

5) Predestination vs freewill and degrees inbetween.


Why do I point this out? It has been my experience that when two people who approach God's word in love with Jesus, but differ in their approach they will debate each other until they are blue in the face, or fingers are tired of typing. They just can't seem to understand why the other does not see it their way. Often the problem is not in the presentation, but due to their "fundemental" differences regarding God's Word before the debate even began. Numbers 1 & 2 above play a major role in people's understanding of God's Word even if they do not understand what those words mean or are willing to acknowledge where they stand. Some will argue that I will not be put into a box ... well welcome to # 3 my friend and you can guess which one you just displayed if that is your type of response.


This is simply a food for thought as I was wondering if people have even considered the root of the differences. What other areas cause differences that we need to be aware? We need to be aware so that we can respond to our brothers and sisters in love and with understanding knowing that we will disagree on some things.


Last thought: People wonder why there are so many different denominations today. Look around, even here on AAG, and you will see a very diverese group that cannot agree 100% together on everything. People tend to gather with "like-minded" people.


Lord Bless,


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I like the diversity. there are times when that very diversity has brought me into a better understanding of God's Word and the nature of people themselves. God places everyone in our lives for a reason. Every one of them a blessing and even though we may not always agree on everything there is something that God will show us in every situation that will help us to grow in our Spirituality even more. Lord bless you as you continue to be a blessing to others.
In His Grace,

Good input. Thanks for sharing.

Lord Bless,

I so agree with you. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to grow in our understanding of God's Word. As an older person I can say we are never too old to learn. Learning is inspiring, keeps us youthful, sharpens us, brings us closer to God and one another. What a blessing and opportunity this site brings to us all.
Blessings LT,

Can there ever be total agreeance on scripture until Jesus returns and shows us the real truth.
I am certain that a lot of people are going to be shocked when they are told by our saviour just how wrong they understood some of His word.
I pray that none of our misunderstandings of the word cause us to lose our salvation, but obviously there are complete heretics out there that don't want to know the truth or have such a twisted view that there may be no hope for them.

We need to be extremely careful when we teach, as scripture tells us a teacher who preaches false doctrine will be held more accountable come judgement than the one who receives the false doctrine.

The comment by Spurgeon that I left on the other thread speaks volumes for todays understandings of scripture.
The Holy Spirit speak differently to people depending on their needs and place in time.
We need to be mindful that the lesson we disregard given by a brother or sister may have come direct from the Holy Spirit speaking in that person's life.
And the Spirit may just have given that word to that person so that he in turn could give it to us.

What some fail to remember, and this is evident on AAG also is that one man's meat is another man's milk and vise versa.
None of us know the whole truth. Only God can reveal that and that won't be until Christ returns again.

The other major issue which causes division are the countless numbers of interpretations of the bible that are currently in circulation.
I believe that the number is somewhere over 2000 versions in print.
No wonder we have differing opinions on a piece of scripture.
Some versions are translations of Greek other Aramaic, others Latin, Greman etc etc.
Each time scripture gets translated from one language to another there must be slight changes in meaning as in many cases there isn't a corresponding word in the new language.

Of course it all depends which version of the bible we have grown up with and prefer.
I am not questioning the foundational message of scripture, which for the most part is consistent throughout the different translations, however many arguements ensue from the understanding of minor scripture also.

The final reason for differing opinions is personal pride and the need of the individual to prove that he is right and the other person has it wrong.
This shouldn't be an issue for Christians who profess to love their brothers, sisters and their enemies.
Unfortunately we live in a fallen world where egos can get in the way of truth.

My thoughts on the topic.
In His love
Hey Rod,

I chose to respond to selected parts of what you wrote.

Can there ever be total agreeance on scripture until Jesus returns and shows us the real truth.
I don’t think we, the body of Christ, will come to full agreement on all issues before Jesus’ return. Though I am sure that there are some who disagree with me on this, thus proving my point …hahaha, a little humor please :-)

I am certain that a lot of people are going to be shocked when they are told by our saviour just how wrong they understood some of His word.
I believe this is proved to us every time we change our mind regarding a particular text. We have believed and read it one way and now by either small adjustment or great change we see it differently. I think part of this is due to our maturing in Christ, but still shows our weakness and true need to lean on Him.

We need to be extremely careful when we teach, as scripture tells us a teacher who preaches false doctrine will be held more accountable come judgement than the one who receives the false doctrine.
Being a pastor and responsible for teaching and preaching numerous times a week I take this very seriously. The last thing I want to ever do is lead someone astray. I do at least two things to help prevent this. 1) I try handle the Word of God carefully through study and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. 2) I teach people to not take what I say at face value. I encourage them to verify what I say and challenge me if they think I am wrong. This gives me a chance to clarify what I said if it is a simple misunderstanding, or correct me if I missed the mark.

The comment by Spurgeon that I left on the other thread speaks volumes for todays understandings of scripture.
The Holy Spirit speak differently to people depending on their needs and place in time.
We need to be mindful that the lesson we disregard given by a brother or sister may have come direct from the Holy Spirit speaking in that person's life.
And the Spirit may just have given that word to that person so that he in turn could give it to us.

The living Word meets us in our hour of need with guidance and assurance as well as feeds us day-by-day … PTL!!!

What some fail to remember, and this is evident on AAG also is that one man's meat is another man's milk and vise versa.
None of us know the whole truth. Only God can reveal that and that won't be until Christ returns again.

This is true for various reasons. For me to lay out my perceived reasons would sound judgmental thus I will refrain.

The other major issue which causes division are the countless numbers of interpretations of the bible that are currently in circulation.
I believe that the number is somewhere over 2000 versions in print.
No wonder we have differing opinions on a piece of scripture.
Some versions are translations of Greek other Aramaic, others Latin, Greman etc etc.
Each time scripture gets translated from one language to another there must be slight changes in meaning as in many cases there isn't a corresponding word in the new language.

This is true for various reasons as well. Motivation behind the translation is important. For example, there is one version that is directed towards those who read allegorically and another that leans toward literal interpretation. Then there are some that were primarily created to sell books and make a profit. One what created for his daughter.

Of course it all depends which version of the bible we have grown up with and prefer.
You want to mess a person up, just grow up using one translation and memorizing Scripture in that translation and then switch later to a different translation and memorize the same Scripture. I did this and now quote the NKIJVV (NIV & KJV) translation. I have to stop and think before quoting John 3:16 or I will mix the two versions together.

The final reason for differing opinions is personal pride and the need of the individual to prove that he is right and the other person has it wrong.
This shouldn't be an issue for Christians who profess to love their brothers, sisters and their enemies.
Unfortunately we live in a fallen world where egos can get in the way of truth.

Woe, the beast of pride and the never ending battle to slay it!!!

Thanks for the input.

Lord Bless,
Wow - Rod

Who would have thought it possible, I agree with you hahaaha Just kidding

But I do agree with you. Good post!

Oh, man ... David and Rod in agreement? Is the rapture about to take place?


Lord Bless,
Great post LT-

The unfortunate reality is that there will never be a time when all denominations under the Christian banner - those that have the essentials, primary doctrines, in common will be in complete unity. The only time we erase all differences it appears is when the church is going through heavy persecution, then we forget about the secondary differences that separate us and we remember that above all, we are to love one another. We see in part for now and as imperfect humans we fall short. There have always been divisions due to numerous factors, the most common being the differences of interpretation of the word, it should not be so, but due to human pride it is so. The good thing is that the Lord uses all the friction between the Christian family to mature us. Better news is the fact that Jesus is not coming back for those who are doctrinally perfect, but for his church. Including knuckle heads like me. Hallelujah - He is merciful. :)

God shows how real He is through all of the barriers. God knows our heart. Let us worship Him.

I copied this from one of my old post.

1 Timothy 4:16 (New International Version)
16Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

We have primary (the essential) and secondary issues among the Christian doctrines. The denominations considered under the Christian umbrella per say, are all in agreement with the essentials, but differ in interpretational applications in secondary issues.

So we are in unity in the essentials, but differ in the secondary issues. we are one body, but some believe salvation can be lost, others that speaking in tongues has pass etc. this does not keep a person from being a Christian, but it keeps many from fellowshipping together for cooperate worship in a habitual way. We may hold conferences where we join together, but we try to be loving and sensitive to each others differences for that time, but then go back to our doctrinal beliefs and decide lovingly to fellowship among those that belief as we do. Yet we hold unity in the essentials.

The main reason why we differed so much in secondary issues is caused by various factores of which ignorance of the truth and pride to hold on to what we have been taught are on the top of the list.

At times the body seems to find common ground, but at the cost of the truth, which can not be so.


Good words for us all to ponder as we deal with one another.

I too appreciate the primary/secondary focus, but recognize that not all agree with even that :-)

Lord Bless,
Thank you for your response to my response.

Yes David and I agree. Halleluyah!!!


That's me on the right. LOL

That dog on the left looks pretty determined. He's got his paws up and ready to go. He doesn't appear to me to be backing down in any way. I would really watch out for that one.
Thanks for posting this LT.

I tell my kids this regarding disagreements... "God loves each person... God loves them just as much as He loves you. Everything you do or say to another person, you are doing and saying it to Jesus."

Great Post.. Blessings, Carla


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