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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As a Catholic Christian I am often hurt by the contempt with which the Church is written about here at All About God. net.  And yet I know that many Christians would not be able to answer even basic questions about the Biblical-based teaching and practice of the Holy Catholic Church.  So, here is a quiz that I found at Catholic Bible 101.  Can you pass this quiz without looking up the answers before hand?  And if not, then could we all agree to get to know Catholic Christianity before we condemn Catholic Christians?


Take the quiz and find out. 

  1. Pope John Paul II instituted a new set of mysteries to the Rosary called the ______Mysteries.  It is suggested by the Church to say these mysteries on _______ .
  2. The 3rd Glorious Mystery of the Rosary is the ________.
  3. Saul saw Jesus as a bright light on his way to _________.
  4. The first Christian in the New Testament, as well as the first evangelist, was _______.
  5. Paul describes Jesus as the new ______.
  6. The Ark of the Covenant contained three items, according to Paul, including ____, ____, & _____ .
  7. There are at least 3 righteous people mentioned in the Book of Luke, ____, _____, and _____.
  8. According to the Bible, _______ is the prince of the air.
  9. The first murderer in human history was _________.
  10. Adam and Eve's third son was named _______.
  11. Jesus is a priest forever, in the order of _______.
  12. True or False--The Catholic Church added the 7 books of the "apocrypha" to the Bible after the Protestant Reformation. 
  13. True or False--The Bible condemns all tradition.
  14. The Liturgy of the Hours draws mainly from the Biblical book of ______.
  15. __________ was completely forgiven for his sin by God, but still had to endure the death of his child as punishment.
  16. ________ told Mary that a sword would pierce her heart.
  17. Psalm _____ foretells the crucifixion of Jesus and that lots would be cast for his clothes.
  18. Bethlehem means _______of _______.
  19. The prophet _______ foretold that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.
  20. The prophet _______ foretold that Jesus would be  born of a virgin.
  21. The prophet _______ foretold that Jesus would be sold for 30 pieces of silver.
  22. _________chopped off the head of General Holofernes, saving Israel. She is a biblical type of Mary, who crushes the head of the serpent, saving the Church.
  23. ________ was caught up to heaven in a whirlwind.  Just prior to that, ________ asked for and received a double portion of his spirit.
  24. _____ went to the Witch of Endor to get her to conjure up Samuel from the dead.
  25. True or False - Witchcraft, sorcery, and divination are not condemned by the Bible.
  26. ____ & _____ asked Jesus if he should rain fire down on a Samaritan village.
  27. Jesus appeared to his unknowing disciples after the Resurrection on the road to _______ .
  28.  In _____ chapter 6, Jesus told his disciples that if they eat ____and drink ____ they  would abide in him, and he in them.
  29. The angel Gabriel called Mary _____ of _____, rather than by her name.
  30. __________ was an Old Testament Prophet and King, who was a shepherd, was born in Bethlehem, started his Kingship at 30 years of age, and foretold that evil men would cast lots for the Messiah's clothes.
  31. Following the death of King __________in 930 BC,the nation of Israel split into the Northern Kingdom, called ________, and the southern Kingdom, called __________. 
  32. Of the 12 tribes of Israel, ___ were in the northern kingdom, and ____ were in the southern kingdom.
  33. The capital of the northern kingdom was ____________, while the capital of the southern kingdom was __________.
  34. In 722 BC, the northern kingdom was taken captive by __________.
  35. In 587 BC, the southern kingdom was taken captive by __________.
  36. The ________ kingdom eventually returned home after 70 years of exile.
  37. The ________kingdom assimilated with pagan countries and was never heard from again.
  38. Jesus said that a kingdom __________ cannot __________.
  39. According to 2 Maccabees, ________buried the Ark of the Covenant containing the 10 Commandments in a cave on or near Mount ________.
  40. Also according to 2 Maccabees, the long dead prophet _________ appeared to the former high priest Onias and to Judas Maccabees and presented a golden sword to Judas. Onias said the prophet_______much for the people and the holy city.
  41. Straight out of the Bible, the Seven Sorrows of Mary are ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, & ________.
  42. _______ was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind (at the spot on the Jordan River where ________ started his ministry years later),  after giving a double portion of his spirit to his protege, ________.

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Thank you.

His peace be with you.

Sharon, actually - those were given by Moses; Jesus merely contemporized them as part of the New Covenant. Jesus actually gave us 22 other commands which most people are generally unfamiliar with.

This would be a wonderful new forum discussion. :)
Blessings, Carla

"Jesus actually gave us 22 other commands" Really? Could you tell me about these commands?

Sharon, yes. I am writing a book to do just that; but I also blog about it from time to time. You can find the first of them in Mark 1:15a and the second in Mark 1:15b.
"The kingdom of God is near. Repent..."


"... believe the good news (Gospel)!"

The point Jesus makes here: he is preaching to Israel. The chosen people of the covenant and says "Repent" (Turn to God). Many people, like the Jews of that time, follow religious systems, but their hearts are far from God. (search the Bible on the terms "hearts far from me" and you will see that this is THE key issue God made a point to address through the prophets, through Christ and subsequently through Christ.

Jesus second point: believe the Gospel means literally Trust/depend upon the Divine Message (or Evangellion - Gospel). He spends the entirety of the rest of his ministry distinguishing the Divine Proclamation (Gospel) from the wisdom and counsel of men. He goes to great lengths to reveal that systems of men always try to interfere with the Word and Power of God, which the Apostles did also (see 2 Timothy 3:5).

I agree with Carla . This would be a very interesting topic for discussion. I don't get to a computer nearly as often as I used to but believe that we all ( especially me) would benefit from a discussion of this nature.

God bless you , my friend
Bravo Charles! I have been doing a study of the things that Jesus commanded for some time. You are 100% right when you say: "...we cannot truely love Him , by keeping His commandments if we don't know His "commandments".

The fact is that few people today, Christians or otherwise, have read them and understood them. On a typical survey that I have done, of every kind of Christian from every denomenation, there are few who know that Jesus even gave commandments.

That seems odd, doesn't it? And these are people who read the Gospel (almost) daily! How could they have missed it? Please tell us!

Well, Sharon - you are putting words in my mouth and your question seems to be dripping with sarcasm, which I hope I have not earned.

I did not say that people who read the Gospels daily have missed it; I said " ...few people today, Christians or otherwise, have read them and understood them...there are few who know that Jesus even gave commandments."

For those who do read his word daily, this is plain and obvious. My point is, rather that few people are doing that. For those who do read and pray daily - obeying his commands is generally understood.

What I am communicating to you, however, is that if you are confused about Jesus, equating him to the level of authority of Moses or to a Pope - then you will miss Him entirely and you will miss His commands. There are many who do indeed miss HIm, missing his teachings, while claiming to follow Him.

What I find in Jesus' words are very clear truth that is profound in both it's simplicity and depths of wisdom. For instance: When Jesus called Israel (and therefore the whole world) to repent, he was calling them to turn to God and therefore also away from human traditions (which obscure or contradict His word). You will find that he later clarifies this to the scribes and pharisees - especially in the Gospel of Matthew. He also called them to forsake any false piety.

Now, false piety is not the exclusive domain of any denomenation or creed, but it is well embedded into traditions and catechysms of the mainline churches - none more so than the Roman church.

We would be better served to seek God as Jesus taught, in truth - confessing what Jesus taught; and leaving the traditions of men in the archives of bad theology.

In your confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior - I commend you and acknowledge that confession as one who is a "believer" in Jesus Christ. Please do not let my disagreements and disputes with the traditions of Rome cause you to think that I consider you an enemy.

Sorry, my brother. I took your as meaning that you had some secret knowledge that the rest of us Christians are just to plain lazy or stupid to have understood.

Please forgive me. I can see now that that is not what you meant.

On an up-note, your post did lead me to a very close reading of the Gospels...again:) And actually, now that I think about it, you are right Jesus did give us many new commandments. Though I got a lot more than 22 so, maybe we need to discuss this further.

I love you my Brother in Christ!


I have read much of the posts but joining the discussion late. I must admit that I was able to answer most of the questions but not all. You have probably already addressed this but please indulge me again. Do you and other Catholic Christians recognize that there is one true church in the world that is made up of Christians from many denominations. I don't believe any one denomination can lay claim to being the one true church or even the true church for that matter. I believe each one (I have belonged to several) have many seeking Christ and have many who have no intention of doing so. Probably the one thing in the discussions that saddened me the most about the Catholics is that the seem to not know for certain that they are truly saved. I would also admit that it would be very presumptuous for us to depend on our own selves but is certainly not presumptuous to trust in Him fully for our salvation. He did not save me for any of my works or any that I will ever perform. He saved me because He loved me. I have put my complete trust in Him and not in any earthly institution.

There is one church on this earth and it is comprised of all those who are trusting in Jesus for their salvation. Those of this church attend different institutions but know they have no dependence on that institution for the forgiveness of their sins. These are trusting fully in Jesus. He did mention that only a few would find that road.

I have enjoyed reading you and others going at it. You are well-trained in the art of debate whether learned or by experience. Your stated purpose to encourage the members of this site to be more welcoming to Catholics is admirable but I don't know that is necessary. I am fairly new to the site but have noticed that those on this site rarely if ever refer to their denomination. For instance, I don't know what denomination David or Carla or others belong? I feel no need to know. So far I have noticed the site to welcome anyone who confesses Jesus as the all-sufficient Christ. After reading their posts I am confident that they would welcome any person seeking to know Christ better and would be an encouragement to them. You say there are not many Catholics on this site, Who knows, maybe there are more than you think. Is it possible that some just don't feel the need to proclaim I am Christian and I am Catholic? I have noticed that some do feel the need to do that. I certainly don't hate Catholics. My grandparents were Catholic and I loved them very much. However, I could never get them to acknowledge their salvation. I wanted so desperately to hear them say their sins were forgiven in Jesus Christ before they died. My other grandparents did not go to church but openly confessed Jesus as Lord before they died. Grandpa was anxious to pray and ask Jesus into his heart. I guess I feel he was better off than my other grandpa. I really pray both grandparents are in heaven but know for sure the ones who openly confessed Jesus before they died are.

I guess my encouragement to you would to be to use the site for encouragement and education. I have sure learned much about your church just from this forum. However, I would also encourage you to lose your tag. I would encourage anyone of any denomination to never put faith in an institution since it can't do anything to save you anyway. I think you would enjoy more what each one has to say. I guess I won't mention what earthly institution I am a member of. I belong to the Body of Christ - a group of believers that are fully trusting in Jesus. They encompass many institutions.
Roy, Sorry about the time it takes for me to respond but I do like to provide a prayerful response. So, here it is, and you know the drill bold type you plain type me:

You have probably already addressed this but please indulge me again. Do you and other Catholic Christians recognize that there is one true church in the world that is made up of Christians from many denominations.

Well, as Catholics we do recognize the One True Church, the People of God, but we don’t believe that only those who attend the Latin Rite (Roman) Catholic Church are members of the One True Church. In fact, unlike most Christians, we don’t believe that the Church is entirely and exclusively peopled with Christians. God’s people can be found throughout the world and we should praise the Truth where ever we find it.

I don't believe any one denomination can lay claim to being the one true church or even the true church for that matter. I believe each one (I have belonged to several) have many seeking Christ and have many who have no intention of doing so.

I agree.

Probably the one thing in the discussions that saddened me the most about the Catholics is that the seem to not know for certain that they are truly saved. I would also admit that it would be very presumptuous for us to depend on our own selves but is certainly not presumptuous to trust in Him fully for our salvation. He did not save me for any of my works or any that I will ever perform. He saved me because He loved me. I have put my complete trust in Him and not in any earthly institution.

This is a difficult subject because ‘being saved’ seems to be the center of Evangelical Christian life and yet for devout Catholics our daily devotion to the Lord is the center of our Christian life. For myself personally, if I am saved that’s great; I certainly don’t want to be condemned, but, my focus is on worshipping the Lord and all His Goodness. If I pass from this life into Heaven or if I pass into a burning Hell, I will devote myself to the daily worship of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

There is one church on this earth and it is comprised of all those who are trusting in Jesus for their salvation. Those of this church attend different institutions but know they have no dependence on that institution for the forgiveness of their sins. These are trusting fully in Jesus. He did mention that only a few would find that road.

Well, His idea of a few and our idea of a few many be different. Remember, His desire is that All be saved so ‘a few’ could be six billion minus one…He would miss that one.

Your stated purpose to encourage the members of this site to be more welcoming to Catholics is admirable but I don't know that is necessary. I am fairly new to the site but have noticed that those on this site rarely if ever refer to their denomination. For instance, I don't know what denomination David or Carla or others belong? I feel no need to know. So far I have noticed the site to welcome anyone who confesses Jesus as the all-sufficient Christ. After reading their posts I am confident that they would welcome any person seeking to know Christ better and would be an encouragement to them. You say there are not many Catholics on this site, Who knows, maybe there are more than you think. Is it possible that some just don't feel the need to proclaim I am Christian and I am Catholic? I have noticed that some do feel the need to do that. I certainly don't hate Catholics.

Well that is good! But, unfortunately the Catholic Church seems to be singled out for condemnation on this and many other Christian sites. Here are a few examples from recent Blog posts here on AAG:

the Roman Catholic Church is an enemy of the gospel

the brutal, deceitful and insensitive projections and behaviors of the Catholic Franciscan monks,

as much a harlot church as the Catholic Church of Rome,

beginning with Vatican II, Rome has donned evangelical apparel and added some biblical accessories (although her unbiblical salvation remains the same).

The Catholic Church murdered and tortured over 68,000,000 Christian saints

When Israel committed spiritual adultery, God called His Church a “WHORISH WOMAN”, a “HARLOT” and a “WHORE” and accused her of “ADULTERY” and “FORNICATION.” See Ezekiel 16:26-32, Jeremiah 3:1-25. The Catholic Church is in fact guilty of much worse than Israel

My grandparents were Catholic and I loved them very much. However, I could never get them to acknowledge their salvation. I wanted so desperately to hear them say their sins were forgiven in Jesus Christ before they died. My other grandparents did not go to church but openly confessed Jesus as Lord before they died. Grandpa was anxious to pray and ask Jesus into his heart. I guess I feel he was better off than my other grandpa. I really pray both grandparents are in heaven but know for sure the ones who openly confessed Jesus before they died are.

I can’t speak for your grandparents, some Catholics never attend Mass, never say the Rosary, and completely ignore the Seven Sacraments. I would agree that it is questionable if these Catholics are really saved. I hope your Grandparents were not like this but, as I said, I don’t know them so I can’t speak for them. But, let me tell you about my own daily devotion.

If acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is what it takes to be saved then I get saved every day! When I say my daily Rosary I begin with the Apostles Creed; “I believe in God the Father All Mighty Creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, Our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Ponchis Pilot, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence He shall judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting! Amen.

Now, I just did that from memory so it might not be exactly right. But, if all a person needs to do to be saved is to confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior then I am saved every day.

Additionally, look at the Catholic Mass. We confess Jesus as Savior over and over again as part of every Mass.

For example, at the beginning of every Mass we state:
P: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
P. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
C: And also with you

Then we have the GLORIA:

Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father,
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord Cod, Lamb of God,
you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right
hand of the Father, receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Then we have the opening prayer. And then we go on to the Literagy of the Word (Bible Readings).
The First Reading is always from the Old Testament; then we sing from the Psalms; then the Second Reading, which is always from the New Testament; then again, we sing the Psalms; then the reader states:

(r):The Word of the Lord
and we respond: (c): Thanks be to God
(r): The Lord be with you.
(c): And also with you.
(r): A reading from the holy gospel according to...
(c): Glory to you, Lord.

Then we listen to a reading from the GOSPEL.

Note that the congregation stands, at the time of the proclamation of the Gospel, for whereas in the first two readings the word of God is communicated in the words of the prophets and apostles of the Old and New Testaments, in the Gospel it is the Word of God Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, who speaks to the assembly.

Then the reader states:
(r): This is the gospel of the Lord.
(c): Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

After the Homily we all stand for our Profession of Faith which is either the Apostles Creed or, as we had this week, the Nicene Creed:

(c): We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us men and our salvation, He came down from heaven:

(All bow during these three lines)
by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, He suffered, died and was buried.
On the third day He rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory, to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life: who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified:
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic, and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

So, the Mass isn’t even half over and we have openly confessed Jesus Christ as Lord at least a dozen times! And we do this every day! So, I guess, if your grandparents went to Mass they would have had to work hard NOT to be saved!

I guess my encouragement to you would to be to use the site for encouragement and education. I have sure learned much about your church just from this forum. However, I would also encourage you to lose your tag. I would encourage anyone of any denomination to never put faith in an institution since it can't do anything to save you anyway. I think you would enjoy more what each one has to say. I guess I won't mention what earthly institution I am a member of. I belong to the Body of Christ - a group of believers that are fully trusting in Jesus. They encompass many institutions.

What you refer to as an institution I refer to as my Mother. And good Christians on this site routinely refer to her as a Whore. That is just not something I find encouraging or educational.


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