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Please respond to this in kindness. I'm obviously a woman and do not subscribe to chauvinistic ideology. However, I DO believe the Bible reveals a natural order that signifies God's original intention and purpose for His created.


Happy discussing! ;)

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No Way! I won't go. LOL!

Thanks Linda, hahaha

Lord Bless,
Ohhh.. Dave, haha. Don't be silly. Of course I had no intention of ending my participation. I think there is plenty of maleness here to offer me oversight and keep me in line ;-) Your self, for one, hahaha. Thanks bro! I love yall right back!

First, I agree with what you wrote above.

Second, I was rereading some of the responses, and I'd like to expound on your statement, "Ok so we guys get to work hard and the woman, wow?" …sorta, yeah – hahaha don’t I wish ;-)


Previously, I was grasping for a way to explain how men and women's roles differ, yet complement each other in such a way that proves both parties are of equal importance and dignity. I'd like another shot at it here, lol.

In general, and biologically speaking, I think most can agree that men are more firm, independent, reliable, and even more locked in to their own ideas (some would call it stubbornness or closed mindedness) than are women. Women tend to be more sensitive, impulsive, and collective. I cannot think of any reason to doubt that these differences were deliberately manufactured. (Next sentence for women only, lol.. J/K) - While at times men may appear disconnected and confused (characteristically weak), women actually comprise, equally, some basic character flaws, for lack of a better way to put it at this time, haha. More precisely, according to the Bible, women are the weaker vessel (perhaps because of fluctuating emotions that fog our discernment, such as, for example, in thinking they are mightier than they are). How is that? You can see it in the basic characteristics I just described. Why is that? God only knows, haha, no but seriously. Let's look at this a minute.

God created the earth and everything in it. He CREATED IT, which means He adores it and finds glory in it. Women, being more influenced by nature than men are, have a very special role in this entire creation. God enjoys that women are sensitive to nature (remember, He made us that way) because He adores His creation. He wants us to appreciate and foster it. Furthermore, because women are sensitive and collective, which universally appear less in men, women have something of special value to offer men. Something that is beneficial, important, and mainly attributed to women; In other words, joining a woman has its particularly special advantages for a man. The same goes for women. Men comprise important attributes that benefit us. For example, when emotions begin to override a woman's common sense, a man can help rectify that issue ((smile)). Anyway, I think you can get the idea. Men and women complement each other with their differences. Neither of the two are of greater value. They simply have different roles to play. Besides, the Bible also expresses that men and women are viewed as one by God's perspective. When a couple marries, for instance, God regards the man and the woman to be as one. That is because of the complementation linking the two individuals together, creating a fully functional one unit machine. It would seem that, from a biblical perspective, and dealing only with duty and not with personal worth, God holds mainly men accountable for large scale operations involving governance of the earth, whereas He basically holds women accountable for aiding, supporting, and on a personal level, influencing men in ways that help them accomplish their duty to God. Both parties have special tasks assigned to them by God. The value of those tasks equal. One might choose to view it this way, too - Women are equally accountable, if not more so, for the governance of earthly operations because we carry an ability to critically influence men’s decisions. We hold the steering wheel. Not that men are so controlled by women they can’t make their own decisions… but, very often women’s influence has a great deal to do with shaping men’s ideas and actions, one must admit. Most important is that men and women are equally valuable and dignified. They just represent different God-given functions, both of which complement the other.

Now that I hopefully explained better my position on the equality of men and women, this thread's topic was never to indicate that somehow men are greater than women or vice versa. The question was whether women should take the role of official leadership in a church institution, not meant to imply by the word "leadership" that women are less dignified. The question is about duty, responsibility, and obedience to God's Word. Therefore, no one should have become offended by the topic presented here.

Hi Everyone,

This has been an excellent discussion.. I haven't read all the replies....but most of them.. Thanks for it.. :)

Blessings, Carla

Dave, that's hilarious.... perfect! lol
hahahaha.. That's great! ..nice singing voice too! :)
Just a thought here...As women of GOD and as godly wives don't we already possess positions of awesome authority? If we are lifting our men to God in prayer, supplying their needs, "keeping the fort" allowing them to fulfill their GODLY roll, raising our sons to take their place as Godly men don't we already have "Top rank" positions in the church? God bless you all.
Erin, good response! In that way, yes.. we sure do! ;-) Man and woman's roles are perfectly complementary. Once we realize that, the entire struggle for commanding rank goes away.
Right on Erin. You got it.
GOD does indeed have it!!! I am so thankful to be a woman of Christ! Personally I cannot imagine a more powerful position in this life. God Bless you all!
Amen Erin!


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