All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Before I realized that what I was facing was demons, I thought that they were friendly spirits of people long deceased.  Now, I know the truth but l have not shared my new knowledge with my family, who is still under the impression that ghosts exist. My mom and dad have lived with their existence for so long that my witnessing to them is a super delicate situation and one that I am not yet ready to confront.  I keep praying that when the time comes God will guide me in the right direction.  
Anyway, given my parents beliefs I knew that upon my Grandma's death, (she recently passed after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease), I would most likely be told about or experience some sort of demonic activity, spirit activity where my parents are concerned.  In the past when they want to "play games" they have created a smell or a scent, reminding mom and dad of those who have passed.  For instance when they want to make my dad think that my Grandpa is "around" they make the smell of cigar smoke...  I figured the least I could expect after my Grandma's passing was the profession of the smell of (say) chocolate chips and apple pies or something along those lines.  Since it was something I was anticipating I said prayers over my Grandma right before her passing and in Jesus name asked that she be left to pass with Angels looking over her rather than demons.  I said the prayers in my parent's house where throughout my life is where most of the activity has taken place (any house where my parents dwell).  I don't know if it helped or not, but I pray that it did.  However, here in my own home the day after my Grandma's death, my five year old was on my counter top in the kitchen getting a cup.  I was walking down the stairs with my two year old under one arm and a puppy under the other when I heard W. jump down from the counter.  When I got into the kitchen he said to me "Mom, something pushed me off the counter." I know how kids are, especially my own, so I asked him a couple questions.  Number one I said "Are you telling me the truth?"  He said he was.  I felt a little scared so since I was getting ready to leave anyway, I put the kids in the car, came back in the house and said a prayer asking Jesus to please rebuke these demons from my home and to keep our family, pets and house safe.  The thought that W. had been making up a story had not escaped me so I waited about ten or fifteen minutes before getting back to him about it.  I said to him "W, what happened in the kitchen?" He said again that something had shoved him.  I asked him "Well, what did it feel like." And he told me that it felt like when his daddy pushes him on the swings.  It was a good detailed description without hesitation or a even hint of comedy.  So, I said to him "Did it feel like hands" and he said "yes."  Once more I asked him if he was telling the truth because he is five and when he is joking with me, he will come clean, but his response was the same.  He was telling me the truth.  
I managed to get through the rest of my day, but when I got home the fear that I felt was awful.  I started feeling like it was one thing to mess with me and my dreams and whatever, but it was a totally different situation when it started involving my son.  This is the same son that I suspected to be emotionally influenced by demons.  Once I started praying for him in Jesus name his anger and rage subsided to almost a non-existent level.  The fact that they had put their filth on my child made me scared and angry and I spent several hours on the phone with my best girlfriend, the one who helps me to carry this burden.  She talked to me about scripture and helped my try to figure out why this was happening.  By the end of our conversation I had come to a few conclusions.  They most likely got what they wanted with my fear eating at me all day.  I thought maybe also that it had to  be a test of faith.  I realized that God could have allowed something worse to happen and when I  have faith and put my problems on His plate, He will take care of me and my family. I also wondered if this wasn't the direct result of my Grandma's passing but just something rearing it's ugly head to see if I had yet lost my faith and if the slimy thing could worm its way back into our lives. 
This was the last instance of anything demonic happening here.  Thank God.  I pray every night for dreamless sleep, spiritual blinders, faith, and safety from whatever harm may lurk.  In my last post I got the advice to get rid of all things in my home "occult related" and though I didn't think of it before as a problem, having remnants of my old life here may be keeping a door open.  So, it looks like I have some cleansing to do.  Meanwhile, any advice and comments are welcome.  Thanks for reading....  

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The truth is that these ghost investigators are really dealing with demons, many of whom are impersonating people who lived in or were associated with the place they are investigating. Now, do they realize this and continue doing what they are doing anyways for ratings. etc is another question. I think Christy explained it well already in her post but I hope between her and my explanation that it clarifies things for you.

God Bless!
Sandra- I think the truth of it is that these shows are teaching people world wide that ghosts and spirits are an acceptable reality, when in fact they aren't. They are dealing with demons and allowing them into their lives. We humans are so gullible and so willing to believe in ghosts because it gives us a feeling of security, that there is a life after we die. BUT, our Faith in God is supposed to be all the comfort we need. Demons know that humans have trouble with blind faith and like to see and touch and hear to believe, hence ghosts... It's an almost easy way for them to have an effect on our lives, to find a doorway in because ghosts have been romanticized with their tragedies and untimely deaths. The theory tugs at our heartstrings and Satan knows it, so he uses it. That is why I don't watch... I'm trying to close those doors... On too many occasions fear has held me captive, and Dianna is right.. Fear is a way for demons to sidetrack us and keep our minds from Jesus.
Thank you guys!
Since 1983, I have worked in Ministry. One church I worked for from 1995 to 2001, experienced some demonic activity. The demon chose to impersonate me. It is a long convoluted story, but ghosts are demons impersonating people. The reason the demon chose to impersonate me, was to cause confusion and doubt in the minds of believers.
I was heavily involved in day to day ministry and was affecting many lives. I believe in Spiritual Warfare. You have to remember, what the devil does is just a smoke screen. There is no power behind it, if God does not allow it to happen. Satan cannot do anything without God's permission. Be aware, we do have a responsibility to do our part in walking in the spirit, not in the flesh. Also to put on the whole armour if God and pray! Christianity is not a cake walk.
Thanks Duane! You're so right!!! Christianity is definitely no cake walk... If you ever type out your story send it my way..
Not sure ny what you mean, type out the story?
Duane- Having a demon impersonate you could be a story that would be interesting to read. If you ever type it out on this website, I would like to see it!
I have been reading y'alls posts, I have seen things since I was a child and tormented, I also saw who I call "The Lady in White" which was explained to me not to long ago that they believe she was my angel, I believe that now because her face never turned distorted, but everything that I saw and dreamt and felt caused so much fear, my oldest child was the same and a few years back I was being tormented and I kept praying and asking God why I was cursed well when I was running errands one day he told me to stop at this church and I admit I laughed and said ok if there is a car in the parking lot when I drive by then I will stop and speak to someone, (didn't think I would it was a Tuesday), but I have learned God def. knows what he's doing because he had the last laugh, when I drove by the parking lot was full of cars, so I obeyed and went in and this man came up to me I started shaking, because I learned as a child not to tell anyone because people didn't understand and it scared them, I have always felt different and isolated. That man truelly was a divine appointment, he told me that it was not a curse that it is a gift from God called the Seer's Gift and that the enemy came in when I was a child to terrify me of it and that my daughter to has the Gift and for the first time in my life I didn't feel alone he told me that I could fight back and not to let fear settle that it was time that I ask God to break it off me, so he can start to use me, it has been a long road but a well worth it, I have always known My Lord and Savior but I never had an intimate relationship with him, now I could never go back, He is the one I depend on, and Love with all my heart, my life will never be the same and I am so thankful, for everyone He puts in my life that keep teaching me, I know He lines people up in our lives to help teach us, grow us, and guide us. I know people still don't understand me, but that's ok, I am not ashamed and I am not beaten down with fear because I know who my Father is and no one can take Him from me. Christy you have done the right thing by blessing your house and yes he feeds off our fear and that is one of the biggest lessons Our Father has taught me, keep seeking him and he will continue in guiding you and preparing you for the time of battles that come.
God Bless y'all


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