All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I need to hear from members on AAG, what they understand by the terms "Body"  "Soul"  and "Spirit"  Let's look forward to a lively discussion as to your impression and beliefs on the subject.


"Do men and women possess three entities, namely a "Body" that possesses a "Soul" and a "Spirit"?


The Lord Bless all on AAG




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Your welcome 'lil sis,,, :)
Nou Ja my broer,
What a lovely surprise..
They say, "Look under a carpet, look in any hole and you will find a S. African.
Have a lovely day in Canberra.
Soentjies hoor
Hi Rod,

So your a naughty guy hey! Leading people up the garden path.......
But I have forgiven you, and will keep to English instead.

The Lord is good in that He has provided this network where we can
get to know each other, so that when the Rapture happens..... Why! We'll be
old mates.

Hou die blink kant bo. Keep the shiny side up.

Ron to Rod
Hi Linda,

Trust that you are in good health today
with bright eryes and waggy tail

I love you for your boldness and positive attitude and for the person you are.

My Bride and I will remember Saturday and support you. I am sure that those here on AAG will help form a body of Believers who will be in agreement with both of you on Saturday.

The Lord Bless you both.

Ron n Gene
Hi Linda,
Thank you for confirming our Prayers for you.

We turn to god believing three things when praying. Two are promises from the Word and the third is common logic.

The two verses from the Word are:

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

God is a God God, that cannot lie. Titus 1:2

The common logic is: When it is time for God to bring Glory to Himself and increase our faith, then God will do it as He promised in scripture. Once more He has kept His promises. Thank you Father.

Ron n family
Dear Tim,

I asked you to share the gospel with me..and you told me something that sounds nothing like the gospel that is shown to us in Scripture.

This is the Gospel:
1Cr 15:1 Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand,
1Cr 15:2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast [fn] the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.
1Cr 15:3 For I delivered to you [fn] as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
1Cr 15:4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

and this is very very important:

Gal 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel [fn] contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be [fn] accursed!
Gal 1:9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel [fn] contrary to what you received, he is to be [fn] accursed!
Gal 1:10 For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.

Thank you for your response Tim., However, you still have not addressed the issue that you have changed the gospel as it is revealed in Scripture. The reason that you are in minority here, is because the majority of the people who are in on this discussion are reading the scriptures and prayerfully asked God for understanding. .....not consulting a cultic interpretation.

The narrow road that Jesus is referring to is 'Born again believers' vs...all people who are not born again. There are a great number of people who are not born again..Including various cults who claim to be 'christian'. This verse does not mean what you are attempting to imply.

You also have not responded to my earlier post regarding the two sides of Hades.. I suppose it is because you don't know what to say because the evidence in Scripture is compelling.

I am done in this forum discussion and I leave you in God's hands to do with you as He will. If you respond to my earlier posts with scripture and support for truth, then I will respond.


If man pays for his own sin through death and gets a clean slate and a second chance, why did Jesus have to die?

What purpose was there for the Lamb of God to come Who takes away the sin of the world?

According to your theory, if I get a clean slate at death and my death paid for my sin what motivation do I have to live a godly life now? I can live however I want now as long as I get it right after I am resurrected.

Why do I need to study to gain accurate knowledge and ever-lasting life when I get a second chance after I am resurrected? Besides according to your theory I will forget everything after death and must be raised with a blank mind as well.

I always thought that the soul and spirit is within each person. So what's the big deal with this long thread?
Ima go through it again lol

"Do men and women possess three entities, namely a "Body" that possesses a "Soul" and a "Spirit"?

yes men and women have three entities because of God

Body for God = you are his >>>YOU ARE GODS
Soul for life = you have life>>> THERE IS GRANTED POWER
Spirit to live = in Christ >>>>>>BECAUSE OF JESUS WHO SAVED YOU

Does that all make sense now?

O mayan just going through this discussion makes me laugh in all Godliness tho yo the answer has been written and will never change


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