All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

People people people believe in the kids and teach them who Jesus is
and tell them not to conform to the norm of society. Tell them they can
be whoever they want to be as long as they obey God and trust in Jesus
and never lose faith. teach them how to pray and tell them that God is
their Father who loves them dearly and that Jesus is their best friend
who will always be in their heart and if they ever need someone, tell
them to call on Jesus and he will save them. Tell them to stay out of
harm and be good. Tell them to listen to their elders and know that God
loves obedient children who listen to their parents and elders. tell
them to be kind and always be respectful and not to think they are all
that tell them to be humble and be nice, be honest and to be loving and caring
tell them everything will be alright because God is watching over you
and the Jesus Christ is in your heart. Also tell them that they have a
bunch of angels guarding them okay :) <3

I am about to go ballistic on some people with love and kindness ahahahah jk

No tho it is very important to believe in the Children for they truly are the future.

Parents have got to be more encouraging and loving and less critical and judgmental.

Parents if you show terror they will see the terror in you and be frightened as well

Parents yall are the example so be good perfect examples through Jesus Christ

Parents have got to have faith in the Children and just be loving and not yell at them.

All kids have baby souls that need nourishment not yelling or condemnation.

Parents have got to be nothing but love.

Love is straight up unconditional you can not say I love you, but........

you need to be cleaner next time....What the heckkkkkkkkkkk do not be hypocritical

Say something like this  "My child I love you and you know i love you sooo much so go clean your
room so that when you are done I can take you out to give you a reward for being such a good
kid :) "

Parents yall have got to start think outside of the box to be more loving.

Stop being so harsh and be gentle

Love and love, let Jesus do it all and watch your families build into a huge love castle :)

I may not have kids but I sure do know what if feels like to be one cuz I am always one at heart haha.

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What would you consider harsh?

I would define harsh as doubtfulness and painful to hear or heartbreaking. like I go from a smile to a frown or something like that...

I find it harsh when someone tells me I am too joyful or when someone tells me I shouldn't laugh so much. I get hurt when people think I am not mature when in fact I am way too mature for my age and then people tell me to act my age. ( I am out of my age level if that makes sense so if I act like a typical 19 year old that is not me) I am very very different I wonder if you have noticed already lol... Some people automatically judge me in the quickness and this is not an assumption because everywhere I go depending on what I am doing someone is always out like a hawk waiting to bring me down. I have many different sides and I choose to just be me however at times me just being me is a bit too much for people so I calm down or get to another level that matches with me sis, people think of me in many good yet different ways mostly inspirational or the other is too critical, or just hated. I am me just being me I would say. I find it difficult at times because my optimism is too much for people and I am way too enthusiastic about things and then when I get practical and realistic I am told that I am too practical and that I need to loosen up.hahhahaha i have no idea how to be anymore. If I be myself its too much, if I calm down its not me. anyways I am balancing myself tho. The cyber world is interesting for I have never been online for so long in my life like this lol hmm I guess you can say my spirit is a crazy kinda loving one. I really do not care much about what others think of me as long as I am shining for Jesus and obeying God then I am good. On the contrary when I am perceived the wrong way, it does bother my nerves a bit in a godly sense.

By the way the things I post are not in content with anyone on AAG just me sharing :) hopefully in all goodness and it is received well by readers :) nothing but real love

I am not someone to be taken lightly sometimes and I do not like to be caught in the serious mode. I mean I like to just chill and go with the flow and be who I am a happy fun loving girl.

I am not sure if anything I have talked about clears anything just putting it out :)

Ultimately what I hope for is for people to lighten up a little, just a tad bit just a little little bit lol not that I am saying people are too serious its just that a weight can be lifted if adults now and days were a little more just a tiny more loose if that makes sense meaning chillaxed like okay and breathe.

As far as this site it is awesome or else I wouldn't be staying or putting in my ideas or thoughts or insight on things. God did send me here on this site for a reason. Crazy story is this link showed up in my inbox on its own when I was checking my gmail account. This occurred sometime in February before I was reborn. I asked all of my friends and family members and my church home if they were the ones who sent this link, but they had no idea about this site.... anywhoo so that is how I came across AAG pretty crazy huh God does work in mysterious ways.

aites lata sista Linda love you lots :) <3

I am good in the Lord :) and growing in more love everyday :) <3

God Bless you abundantly :) <3

muahzzzz Godly kisses :)

You sound like me! My enthusiasm is out of the norm wherever I go, and people often look down upon it. But know this: You are a light in the darkness for those people...they need you. And I have a 10 year old son that I have raised with your very same philosophy. He is so bright, confident, secure, and I am trying to make it so he enjoys childhood while at the same time, learn to be a good person when he grows up. I think you would be glad to know that many people have criticized me for not being hard enough on my son, and also homeschooling him. But I have proven them wrong so far. I just knew in my heart that love would be the best approach. Thank you for your uplifting post. : )


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