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Has anyone had a vision from God or a dream they would like to share? I would love to hear about them.

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Hi sis Mercy I hope I can help and be of service

I had a dream recently
Cool means good news or some new changes

that I felt was a last days type of dream.

there is a new coming of the Lord he is actually risen

In my dream it was day.

LIGHT or Let there be light meaning God

I was with my husband

rejuvenating marriage and be happy and in love again and again everyday :) <3

but I could not say exactly where I was,


it seemed like it was unfamiliar to me but it was in a housing section of a town.

warm home welcome to a new place :) <3

The day was bright and seemed pleasant

Good to hear but there is more

but when I heard some noise in the sky I turned to see what looked to be a tornado, perhaps more than one, not far from us and approaching us quickly.


I sensed in my spirit that we needed to take shelter immediately.

Be prepared :) <3 for the goodness of the Lord

It seemed that I was unable to even voice my warning before the storm was upon us.

It will come to you like whoa!

Somehow both my husband and I quickly dove to shelter and the storm was over in mere seconds but what lay outside was complete devastation---the kind one sees after a tornado has completely ripped through a town.

New world of Goodness, for you have been loyal and obedient to the Lord so you are saved

We both looked around in wonder and couldn't believe how quickly, without warning this storm hit and the ruins it left behind.

It will hit you like whoa! Because you didn't realize who was watching over you and who has been in front of you this whole time and been on this site :) <3

In my dream I remember thinking, "I don't know where I'm at, much less what I should do now."

Trust in Jesus

Then suddenly a small child was with us and we knew instantly that we were his/her caretakers.

Take care of the who one who comes to you in timing of the Lord and watch over the Children who are living in Christ

Before we could think of what to do we looked up and out of the ruins of the house across the road stepped an elderly gentleman, not too spry, but able to move and take care of himself. He offered his help to us and seemed to know what to do. I remember that he was quiet and had a gentle, kindly way about him.

Jesus Christ is he but not who you expected and how he was gonna look like lol

Then the dream changed to a church (once again I did not recognize the pastor or anyone in the congregation).

Many in oneness in Christ who are you family as well as they are the body of Christ do be loving and welcoming to all who come to you in Christ

It seemed like it was the day after the devastation
Yup Christ is definitely risen

My husband and I were in the dream
Together forever you two will be in peace love and Joy in Christ eternally

but I don't remember that the child or older gentleman was with us.

No, Jesus Christ is everywhere in the light of Children and in those who believe, but one body exists where he is fully and completely manifested and in perfection number 7 born and Chosen one

The focus now became the pastor and the church.

Be ready to tell the good news of the Lord

I sensed it was a type of church we were familiar with in that it preached the Word of God, but we couldn't be certain since we had never attended before that day.

New good news of the Lord

The pastor spent a goodly amount of time talking about the upcoming church potluck

celebration for Christ is alive in the body of the Chosen one and she lives

and also spent most of his time teasing and jesting and making comments about one of the ladies in the church.
He lives in the Chosen Lady

The church seemed OK with his humoring them and not preaching the Word.

Great Joy to the World, Thank God

The pastor seemed caught up in himself and thought he was quite entertaining.

Much enjoyment

Meanwhile we sat there, in the same clothes we had worn the previous day. We both couldn't believe what we were hearing.


After the service the pastor was shaking hands and when it came to our turn we asked him why he didn't say anything about the huge storm and the effects of the storm.

You knew of the Good new this whole time why didn't you share?

(Somehow we knew everyone knew of all of these happenings but they were having 'church' as normal.)

Waiting on you to tell people the whole congregation of Christ that Jesus Christ is risen and living. He lives in the Chosen Lady she is very much alive

His response was just a shrug and "Oh, well". It didn't seem to bother him or matter in the least and the congregation seemed just as out of tune as he was.

Good news but still live good lives to live and love while serving the Lord God Almighty

I believe this was a dream of the Lord because I still remember it vividly.

Good fresh and new like the good new for those that God will reveal the truth to about the Lady who was Chosen to walk in one with fully fully fully living in Christ by the Holy Holy Holy Spirit

If it is a dream of no consequence I usually forget it and forget all the details. I remember the details of this dream and even how I felt while in the dream.

I hope your emotions were of goodness in the Lord

There are teaching videos on YouTube which John Paul Jackson has made available to those interested in dreams and visions. It has helped me understand how God uses dreams and visions in our walk with Him.

I would be interested in hearing interpretations of my dream to see how they match with my thoughts/intrepretations.

Here you go :) <3 Prayed over all done in the Spirit of Christ I hope this helps :) <3
Stacey Osana Arquines yours truly in Christ :) <3
lol tis good sis every person has a gifted and unique interpretation i speak in the name of the Lord God for he has granted me many gifts that you may not know of :)

lots of love in Christ
God be with you always sis :) <3
sis i only see the good things sorry if i brought you disappointment for showing you the good things..... i do have the gift of discernment, and many other ones. I did not fail I succeeded to you it may look like a failure but to me it is not. You may believe what you desire sis.

If you believe in Jesus Christ and the day comes for judgment will you fear Jesus or will you rejoice in him for you have been saved?

I understand that you may have pity on the souls that are not saved but for how long will they take God for granted?

I pray that God has mercy on that Day yet I am thankful that Jesus Christ is risen and alive and is working through many.

Lots of love in Christ to you sis

<3 :)

Lots of love to you in Christ.

I do not wish to boast of my gifts.

nothing but love in Christ to you

One night as I lay asleep I had  a demon threatening to kill me in my sleep , I awoken out my sleep my heart was pounding in my chest with fright

I have never read the holy bible so I had know idea what was in it, as I lay asleep the next night I was dreaming I was in water with Jesus, there way rays of light everywhere, Jesus look at me and spoke and said into me, you belong to me before you was ever conceived into your mother’s womb, once I awoken from my night sleep I thought to myself what does that mean

I can find the words to explain to you that peace that stillness of peace I felt when I was with him.


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