Please pray for my family once again! My husband has been arrested for drugs and firearms and is in jail facing felony charges. I caught him with another woman whom I believe to be a stripper and a prostitute and things have escalated from there. I have filed for a divorce but that was not my wishes. I so wanted this to have a happy ending and that my family and marriage be saved. We desperately need prayers and God to work in our lives. Please help us and say a prayer for me and my children and husband! Thank you and God Bless!!!
Beloved Denise, I can feel the pains you are going through. Let us pray "heavenly and merciful father, you commanded us to cast our troubles on you for you care about us. I present before you my beloved sister asking that you intervene in her family and restore unto her the peace that the devil has taken from the family, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN
Beloved, just stand your ground and see what the lord have planned for you. Read Jer 29:11. Yours in chris
Lord, as Denise and her family are going through these hard times, give them the strength to press forward. I ask that you give Denise a sense of love towards her husband and replace anger, depression, hate, dissapointment and all the negative emotions with love. I pray Lord that you shine your light on her husband and open his eyes to You Lord. Let him see the things he has done to himself and his family. I pray Lord that you give them all strength to turn to You at this time and rely on You to heal these bruises and wounds, shine Your love and happiness on her children and help them get through this!