All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others



The Shepherd loved His little lamb,
And gave it tender care...
And followed it with loving eyes
As it wandered here and there.

And as He sat by His grazing flock
Who so meekly His voice obeyed
He pondered sadly His little lamb
As again and again it strayed.

The little lamb had a loving heart,
And adored His Shepherd, true...
But would turn aside and seek his own way
As lambs will so often do.

With His gentle voice the Shepherd called,
To His loved and straying lamb,
"Come back, little one, for you are not safe
Unless you are where I am."

But still the lamb would soon forget
And unthinkingly wander away,
And not really noticing what he did,
From the Shepherd's side would stray.

Until one day, the Shepherd kind
Took His rod in His gentle hand,
And what He then did seemed so cruel
That the lamb could not understand.

For with one sharp and well-aimed blow
Down the rod so swiftly came
That it broke the leg of the little lamb
And left it crippled, and lame.

Then the little lamb, with a cry of pain,
Fell down upon his knees...
And looked up at his Shepherd, as though to say,
"Won't you explain this, please?"

Then he saw the love in the Shepherd's eyes
As the tears ran down His face,
As He tenderly set the broken bone,
And bound it back in it's place.

Now he was utterly helpless,
He could not even stand!
He must trust himself completely
To his Shepherd's loving hand.

Then day by day, 'till the lamb was healed
From the flock he was kept apart...
And carried about in the Shepherd's arms,
And cradled near to His heart.

And the Shepherd would whisper gentle words
Into his now listening ear...
Thus he heard sweet words of love
That the other sheep could not hear.

He felt the warmth of the Shepherd's arms
And the beat of His faithful heart...
Until it came a blessing to seem,
By his weakness to be set apart.

Every need of the little lamb
By his Shepherd so fully was met
That through his brokenness he learned
What he never again would forget.

And as the broken bone was healed,
And once more became whole and strong...
Wherever the Shepherd's path would lead,
The lamb would follow along.

Thus at the Shepherd's side he walked
So closely, day by day,
For once a lamb has a broken leg
It will never again go astray.

For the cords of love had bound it so
In its hour of weakness and need...
That it had no desire to wander away,
When once again it was freed.

Could it be you are broken today,
And you cannot understand
The painful blow of the Shepherd's rod
Nor believe it came from His hand?

He only seeks, by this painful thing,
For a time to call you apart...
To cradle you close in His loving arms,
And draw you near to His heart.

So look up into your Shepherd's eyes,
And earnestly seek His face...
And prove in the hour of your weakness and need
The sufficiency of His grace.

For as you are borne in His loving arms,
And carried there, day by day...
He will bind you so close with the cords of His love
That never again will you stray

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Replies to This Discussion

Awesome poem Nancy!! Woman, you know how to get to my heart!! I was that little lamb. I will follow him always, now and forever. Thank you so much for this!!! You are such a blessing!
Hi Maggie! I cannot take credit for this poem sis.The author is unknown and this was found on a sharing site.It spoke to me as well Maggie and I am sure for most of us can relate well to this.
I am very happy to hear you have been blessed as you as well continue to be a blessing through Jesus Christ our Lord.Keep shining His light beautiful sister!
Love and hugs to you,
In His Grace,

P.S- how are you doing anyway Maggie? Have not seen you around much since before Christmas.
Wow ! it brings tears to your eyes doesn't it ? the poem is so penetrating !
Awwww Nancy,just finished weeping over the tattered prison letter - - - -Faithful Is *HE*who calls us who also will do it. - - - -Our Alpha and Omega.Author and Finisher.First and the Last.Beginning and The end.The Almighty.Creator and Maker.*FATHER* and *FRIEND*.
Well if that didn't hit home. Amen Nancy. Thank you. Keep them coming.
I can read this one over and over again and it still brings me to tears so I can relate Edwin. But tears of pure joy.THE JOY OF JESUS!! AMEN!!!
I have used this story so many times when talking to individuals or while I preach the concise version of course, it's really good to see it up here.

Hebrews 12

Discipline of God

3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. 4 You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. 5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

“ My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6 For whom the LORD loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”[a]

7 If[b] you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9
WOW!! Hard to put words to thought and feeling that welled up with reading this! Our Savior Loves with a fierce love and devotion! I have come up short many times...But sometimes pain is the teacher to break our hearts to come to seek HIS healing and forgiveness. Thank GOD!!! But i do know that straying on beaten paths away from fellowship with Jesus, has somehow made it SO SO much harder to get back! But I am living proof of His patience in wooing me back. We can not draw near unless He draws us. JN6:44 says 'Noone can come to me except the Father draw him:...' How awesome and terrible it is to NOT bend our ear to Him!! God help us all and draw us to the Son of Life, our Jesus!!


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