All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Many of us struggle with the issue of Homosexuality.... this blog, explores and explains it from an entirely new viewpoint, one in which the church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to take note of.

What is Christ's view of the homosexual??

We know how scripture condemns the lifestyle...

but, do we also know that that same scripture says that letter brings death,

but, the spirit brings life?

So, if life is what the spirit brings, should we not also be light bearers?

And how can we do that, if we condemn?

Must we not accept...with the love of Christ?

Must we not come along side???

Must we not encourage ,and pray for, continually, anyone who is caught in this lifestyle?

Do they not need us, and our approval?

Of course they do, it is vital to their well being.

Did not Christ purchase them back with his blood?

Or did he leave them out??

No... he did not leave out one. No matter what sin they have commited.

Any who come to him, seeking repentance, shall be saved.

This is his word.

We the church...need to be about our Fathers business....

That of loving and supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ....

into wholeness.

God help us.... to do your will. GS. 3-26-10

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Repent means to turn away from.

If a person is truly repentant, they will turn away from whatever sin they are caught up in. Homosexuality is "an abomination to the Lord" but so is all sin. All sin is forgiven, if one ceases from it. The only one I know of that isn't forgiven is rejection of the Holy Spirit, which is understandable in light of the fact that He draws us to God and Salvation. If we reject Him, how can He draw us?

For the unrepentant homosexual, like any other sin that is unrepented, there isn't forgiveness.

When you are supporting a person who is committing a known sin, regardless of what it is, how are you supporting him/her? I don't think it should be by overlooking the sin, but rather praying for them to gain knowledge and understanding of what they are doing. If we overlook the sin, we are no better than the homosexual, because overlooking the sin causes us to accept the sin, and that is a sin.
Very good and wholesome words,Veronika. In the midddle of our sin, before Christ, we couldn't see the lines we crossed or our disobedience to a Holy God. He let Jesus be lifted up for us on the cross that we would see HIM, our deliverance from all the defilements of our flesh. The propitiation for our sins.I praise Him that now, in the Savior's salvation, we can see the words of law laid down by our Father as good, wise and preserving our very souls. It is with thanks that your words have reminded me to honour God with the respect and fear that He deserves. I need His reproofs. They are the way of life. 'For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:' Pr 6:23 May we all be open to the bitter as well as the sweet, from the loving hand of our Lord. It is for our own good. Blessings, terrie
Hi mischelle. I've read through alot of the discussions. It is true the churches are not open to the touching of this subject. I guess that would be my natural bent to not touch it either. I have struggled with some pretty strong feelings that I had thought were' homosexual' but never went beyond to any 'act'. Experiencing these feelings before I have always made the conscious decision to back away. But in this I can understand how people can cross the line and enter into a physical relationship in intimacy. Praise God that greater is He that is in me than He who is in the world,(the flesh, the devil) I know my Jesus has kept me from this particular sin, (and I am not ignorant about pride that can make me fall in this) And for you, who have come out of darkness into His Light with a love for others who are caught in this sin. It touches me so deeply that our Jesus in His great compassion will use you and His love in you to touch others with the grace you have recieved from Him!!! So, be blessed, my sister!!! 'Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the sons of God:therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shalll be like Him;for we shall see Him as He is.' IJohn 3:1,2. Praise the Merciful One who has delivered us from the death our sins created in God,s righteous judgement, satisfied by our wonderful Savior who died for us!! Blessings to you sister and may His watchful eye be upon you and guide you and protect you! Psalm 32:8
And thankyou for your encouragement, too! The darkness has to flee and satan too when we resist him and submit ourselves to our wonderful GOD! Praise Him, forever and ever and all the angels give Him praise!! Our hearts are for His dominion and command.
May we all be covered over with the grace and mercy and rightiousness of our wonderful Savior as we walk in this present darkness. Yes, my dear sister, as far as I can with His grace I will be who He has made me and is continueing to make me, into His image from glory to glory. His Love we will keep pouring out as we follow His leading. To be honest in a hostile environment or among a sinful people is truly a grace our Jesus gives, even as He stood and spoke among those who did not understand and misunderstood,the very religious leaders of His day. LORD, help us to see with your eyes of compassion, stand holy in the midst of unholiness and pour out the Love that you have poured into our lives,'Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.' I Cor. 110:33- I Cor. 11:1 Blessings to you Mischelle In His Love terrie
Hi sis I haven't heard from you in awhile good to see you in the forum :)

Many of us struggle with the issue of Homosexuality.... this blog, explores and explains it from an entirely new viewpoint, one in which the church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to take note of.

What is Christ's view of the homosexual??

No sin homosexuality is a sin and all other sins are despicable to the Lord he does not like sinners but he is willing to forgive them therefore repent and do away with evil

We know how scripture condemns the lifestyle...

indeed yes he will constantly try to get you to live out of such a dark lifestyle Lord Savior Jesus Christ wishes to love all people yet they keep negating what was done on the Cross

but, do we also know that that same scripture says that letter brings death,

condemnation to get a person to realize that they need a savior

but, the spirit brings life?

yes the Spirit of the Lord of light of goodness of truth of love of honor of God

So, if life is what the spirit brings, should we not also be light bearers?

Yes be the light of the world shine brightly make sure the wood is out of you eye or make sure even the tiniest splinter is out before you even try to shine for others. You do not want be a hypocrite. Leave no excuse for someone to call you a flickering light. I hope that makes sense if not let me know

And how can we do that, if we condemn?

You are to love and speak of how much God loves the people that he love his beautiful creations to the point where he gave us his own son to save us from the wretchedness of this world.

Must we not accept...with the love of Christ?

We must accept all who are seeking for help they need a savior use your discernment skills ask from God to give you a new sight to see the lost and shine for them in Christ bring them back home show them your love be compassionate and tell them the truth that God is there he wishes to hear all their pain so that they may be forgiven ... let them know that GOd loves you even after all the mistakes just like the prodigal son..tell them to be honest and to hold nothing back let it all out so that their hearts can be replaced with a new one. tell them that the love of God will not fill them up if their heart is filled with worldly desires. THe love of God is pure and you cannot mix the love of deceitful desires with GOds most perfect love amen.

Must we not come along side???

We must love shine in the light stay on the clear path of righteousness love and truth covered in grace and keep loving from the love of God for God's love is unconditional

Must we not encourage ,and pray for, continually, anyone who is caught in this lifestyle?

Yes always keep them in your prayers be genuine and empty yourself in all that you say Trust in God that all that you say in HIS name is heard

Do they not need us, and our approval?

They need us in Christ tremendously their baby souls are calling out they are hungry and thirsty for the love of God they need someone to hold them up and raise them up. Tell them the truth and do not be afraid to accept Jesus he will transform your life into a whole new beginning in peacefulness and love with Joy in the Lord

Of course they do, it is vital to their well being.


Did not Christ purchase them back with his blood?

You got that right

Or did he leave them out??

No way he loves us all and he does not want us to live in sin anymore so do away with it and live in the light

No... he did not leave out one. No matter what sin they have commited.

Any who come to him, seeking repentance, shall be saved.

Amen and know that God loves you truly madly and deeply he will not forsake you and his love endures forever

This is his word.

:) <3

We the church...need to be about our Fathers business....

yes we do in obedience and being steadfast and trusting in every step with the Lord and understanding what Church truly is

That of loving and supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ....

Amen amen amen LOVE AND LOVE Jesus is the answer for the world today and love is the way

into wholeness.

God help us.... to do your will. GS. 3-26-10

God is helping now we must follow :) and be the light of the world to save all nations and to bring them out of the darkness believe in the Power of Love from God amen.

-Love in Christ,
stacey a.
THE QUESTION WAS What is Gods perspective toward the homosexual community ?

Yes, we are all wounded people, and I have known those who are caught in this lifestyle and it breaks my heart. The need for love and acceptance they are crying for, is SO evident. Their whole perception of a love that is clean and pure and healthy, is missing in their life because they have been hurt or this love only came from a source that came from the same sex. God is the only one that can know the thoughts and reasonings a person has built up in their minds to turn them from natural affection to those of the same sex . I am sorry, Mischelle that you suffered the effects of the leper syndrome from the body of Christ. Thank God that there were others that had the Lords' Love to give you that place of affirmation and healing and were not afraid to touch 'the defiled', even though you had repented. God forgive us for this hypocrisy!! Yes, may it be shouted from the roof tops, our LORD SAVES AND DELIVERS!! from sin AND the stain of it.
My dear sister Mischelle,

Homosexuality is sin God's eyes and He says so many times in the bible. If you have repented and changed your lifestyle and stopped your sinning ways then I am sure that God will forgive you.

What I do not accept is people saying that God said to love everybody and pretend it's ok to condone homosexuality. If the homosexual accepts this truth and turns to Christ for a new life then it's no problem at all.

I believe God loves everyone because He is love, He came to save the sinner and once a sinner repents and accepts Christ that person will be saved.
but as john 8:11 says " jesus did not condemn the woman ' but he did tell her to go and sin no more'.
And remember, Imperator, not to judge more harshly than you would like to be judged. Have you repented of ALL your sins? When you repent, are you careful to NEVER, NEVER commit that sin again. I have been repenting for 50 years, and I am still sinning, maybe not the same sins, maybe not as often, but still a sinner! Yes, we must receive Christ, but that does not mean that we are no longer sinners. I have not committed the sin of homosexuality, and maybe you haven't either, but the homosexual's sins are not somehow nastier than ours.


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