All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

justin martyr provides the most damaging & systematic condemnation of GODS SABBATH & the first explicit account of christian worship. he taught on infant baptizing,that the law of moses was only temporary, that GOD had imposed HIS LAWS only on the nation of Israel , circumision,the seventh day sabbath & his holy sabbaths as punishment soley on them as a mark of their wickedness to single them out to other nations.he did not follow Jesus or the apostles teachings. the only (on record) was polycarp bishop of smyrna who was trained by the apostle John , ordained by the apostles & the only person recorded to have known john & the other apostles whom had known Jesus. a real living link between the apostles and second century church.letters were written of his faithfulness to the true teachings of the churche of Jesus. he lived by what apostle john and others disciples of jesus had handed down to him including the passover & feast of the unleaven bread..NOT easter .he even journeyed to rome to anicetus bishop in roman over keeping the jewish passover on nisan 14 as he was taught by john. he even stated to him the the ones who gave the teachings to him was john but still that did not change the bishop in romans mind .he passed all his teaching down to & they held fast to those teachings because even after he was martyred. he was also ordained by the apostles.

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Is the Bible the "only book" you ever read? Reading the writing so fthe early church leaders gives us insight as to what the eraly church was like and what they taught and believed. Do we read them as inspired? No. Are the beneficial? Absolutely. If one wishes to not read them, they are freewill beings, don't read them.

Lord Bless,

So a man cannot ever be saved and changed from what He was and become a true Christian? His past will always carry over and God cannot break through? I think God changes people (2 Cor. 5:17) and that we all come from a past that was apart from God (Rom. 3:23).

Let's run this thread a little:
A muslim that gets saved cannot break away from his prior teaching and thus everything he would say about Christianity is tainted.
An atheist that gets saved cannot break away from his prior teaching and thus everything he would say about Christianity is tainted.
A Hindu that gets saved cannot break away from his prior teaching and thus everything he would say about Christianity is tainted.
A Jehova's Witness that gets saved cannot break away from his prior teaching and thus everything he would say about Christianity is tainted.
A lost person that gets saved cannot break away from his prior teaching and thus everything he would say about Christianity is tainted.
Paul was the persecutor of the church and seeking to put people to death. Can we trust Him?

One does not read the early church leaders in order to trump the Bible, but to see what their views were at the time. The Bible is the authority and, yet, much can be learned from history.

Again, if one wishes not to read them ... don't.

One question. To those who stand against the early church leaders and in particular Justin the Martyr, have you actually read their writings?

Lord Bless,
What false doctrine do you believe they presented?

And where does he say that in his writings and in what context was it said?


Actually his writings are available and have been translated into English. I prefer to read the real deal instead of having people tell me what they think someone meant by a certain comment.

The point of all this is simply that God's Word is the Authority, bar-none. Studying the writings of various church leaders from the past gives us some insight regarding many things. What did the early church believe and why? Why do we have certain doctrines in the church now and how did they come about. Those are just two issues. In my position as a pastor having this info is vital because I deal with so many different people from so many different backgrounds. This is just one more tool to be utilized.

Hopefully that makes sense to you.

Lord BLess,

I focus and preach purely on the death/sacrifice and resurrection of our Living Savior and our hope found in Him. This week my message is on the cross and next on the new life.

Though we preach Christ risen every week in our message we still recognize, like it or not, many people will come to church only on what is called Easter and Christmas and we will make sure they hear the gospel message.

I cannot help if people bring teachers around them to tickle their ears. I am responsible for what I preach and teach to those with whom I come into contact. This responsibility includes my church, my walk and connection here on AAG.

Lord Bless,
No I read many books. I read about Plato, Socrates, Locke, Mill, Berkeley and other philosophers. I also read about art, food, and the power of colors :) I love reading about history, and I love connecting everything to God and the life of Jesus Christ. There is so much goodness in life if only people would not be so blind :)


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