I am married for 5 years and my husband just told me the first week of January that he loved me to death as the mother of his kids but not in love with me. I felt like a knife just ripped through my heart. We had so much going on when we got married that I do acknowledge that we forgot about ourselves. I was already pregnant when we got married (we planned the baby before the marriage) then a year after that we had anotehr baby, bought a home, finances, husband bad luck with jobs, got laid off twice in one year to busy with kids we forgot about going out like a date night or things that we use to do before the kids were born. Husband and I rarely saw each other, I worked day time he workd night time. Now that he has been in this job for a year he feels that he is finally succeding and that his job is number 1, himself and the boys and I am not in the picture at all. We tried counseling but I stopped that I did not see that doing anything to us, I told my husband to move out, he did, his stuff still here but he does not sleep here. I ask god every day to please heal his heart and let him realize what he is doing to us, I am in so much pain that I decided to file for divorce he will be getting served next week. He wanted a legal separation but I rather just end it. If anyone has been going through what I am please pray for me and kids, so my husband can realize what he is doing, he is a different person, I feel like satan has taking over him. I know god is listening to me every day and I even feel his presence or when I am crying I know he is beside me. Thank you for your support.