All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Before I realized that what I was facing was demons, I thought that they were friendly spirits of people long deceased.  Now, I know the truth but l have not shared my new knowledge with my family, who is still under the impression that ghosts exist. My mom and dad have lived with their existence for so long that my witnessing to them is a super delicate situation and one that I am not yet ready to confront.  I keep praying that when the time comes God will guide me in the right direction.  
Anyway, given my parents beliefs I knew that upon my Grandma's death, (she recently passed after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease), I would most likely be told about or experience some sort of demonic activity, spirit activity where my parents are concerned.  In the past when they want to "play games" they have created a smell or a scent, reminding mom and dad of those who have passed.  For instance when they want to make my dad think that my Grandpa is "around" they make the smell of cigar smoke...  I figured the least I could expect after my Grandma's passing was the profession of the smell of (say) chocolate chips and apple pies or something along those lines.  Since it was something I was anticipating I said prayers over my Grandma right before her passing and in Jesus name asked that she be left to pass with Angels looking over her rather than demons.  I said the prayers in my parent's house where throughout my life is where most of the activity has taken place (any house where my parents dwell).  I don't know if it helped or not, but I pray that it did.  However, here in my own home the day after my Grandma's death, my five year old was on my counter top in the kitchen getting a cup.  I was walking down the stairs with my two year old under one arm and a puppy under the other when I heard W. jump down from the counter.  When I got into the kitchen he said to me "Mom, something pushed me off the counter." I know how kids are, especially my own, so I asked him a couple questions.  Number one I said "Are you telling me the truth?"  He said he was.  I felt a little scared so since I was getting ready to leave anyway, I put the kids in the car, came back in the house and said a prayer asking Jesus to please rebuke these demons from my home and to keep our family, pets and house safe.  The thought that W. had been making up a story had not escaped me so I waited about ten or fifteen minutes before getting back to him about it.  I said to him "W, what happened in the kitchen?" He said again that something had shoved him.  I asked him "Well, what did it feel like." And he told me that it felt like when his daddy pushes him on the swings.  It was a good detailed description without hesitation or a even hint of comedy.  So, I said to him "Did it feel like hands" and he said "yes."  Once more I asked him if he was telling the truth because he is five and when he is joking with me, he will come clean, but his response was the same.  He was telling me the truth.  
I managed to get through the rest of my day, but when I got home the fear that I felt was awful.  I started feeling like it was one thing to mess with me and my dreams and whatever, but it was a totally different situation when it started involving my son.  This is the same son that I suspected to be emotionally influenced by demons.  Once I started praying for him in Jesus name his anger and rage subsided to almost a non-existent level.  The fact that they had put their filth on my child made me scared and angry and I spent several hours on the phone with my best girlfriend, the one who helps me to carry this burden.  She talked to me about scripture and helped my try to figure out why this was happening.  By the end of our conversation I had come to a few conclusions.  They most likely got what they wanted with my fear eating at me all day.  I thought maybe also that it had to  be a test of faith.  I realized that God could have allowed something worse to happen and when I  have faith and put my problems on His plate, He will take care of me and my family. I also wondered if this wasn't the direct result of my Grandma's passing but just something rearing it's ugly head to see if I had yet lost my faith and if the slimy thing could worm its way back into our lives. 
This was the last instance of anything demonic happening here.  Thank God.  I pray every night for dreamless sleep, spiritual blinders, faith, and safety from whatever harm may lurk.  In my last post I got the advice to get rid of all things in my home "occult related" and though I didn't think of it before as a problem, having remnants of my old life here may be keeping a door open.  So, it looks like I have some cleansing to do.  Meanwhile, any advice and comments are welcome.  Thanks for reading....  

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Well it seems like you got it cover. The fact that you understand that their goal is to keep us preoccupied with "whatever" other than God and Godly activities is a Huge plus. I am glad to hear it.

I often pray the following along my nightly prayers: i lay in peace and in peace i will weak up and i tend to sleep like a baby. :)

Blessings beloved.

1 John 4:4
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
I too have had demonic interactions. 1yr ago the Lord saved me from demonic possession. I was being demonically raped, choked, scratched, made sick, ect...The reason I reach out to you is to say that I am happy for you that you have the dwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT in you now!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!! I can truely say I UNDERSTAND what you have been through, for I have experienced it too. We must stick together sister; email me anytime for prayer, worship, support and praise! Love in Christ,
Another thing you can do is to anoint with oil all your door posts and windows. Anoint them in Jesus name. Command the demons to leave and ask Jesus to send holy angels to your house to drive out any demons. These are just suggestions. I will pray for you and your family. God bless.
I think that it is interesting that you mentioned how it has been believed that the "ghosts" were thought to be the spirits of deceased family or friends. The reason that I think that this is interesting is because when I was younger, the common belief, even in the secular world was that ghosts were the result of ones immagination. Now don't get me wrong, there were those that did believe in ghosts back then, but they probably didn't admit it openly.
But now we have "Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State,, Ghost Encounters, Celebrity Ghost Encounbters, Paranormal Cops,"etc. Its amazing how the view on "ghosts" has changed over the years. Just in my life, it was something that wasn't talked about much when I was a kid, to now, where there are so many television shows that promote the idea that Ghosts are real. This has made the belief in ghosts even easier, more acceptible. But as Christians we need to understand that when our body dies, that our spirit is one of two places. It is not wandering the earth. Now some might argue that ghosts are real because they do exactly what the person that passed would have done. But I have read, and believe that we have a spritual war going on around us and the evil ones know us better than we want to believe. That is how their act is so convincing.
Now goingback to he television shows and the thought that ghosts are our loved ones,the BIble says this about talking with the dead,.
Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 13
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in fire (or makes them pass through the fire) who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11. Or cast spells or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12. Anyone who does these things are detestible to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive you out of those nations before you. 13. You must be blameless before the Lord your God.
Necromancy- talking to or consulting the dead,
The reason that I wanted to add that verse is because I used to really enjoy watching the shows that I mentioned above. And I was like a lot of other people, thinking that there was little harm in watching them. Then I read that verse. It was reffered to in the book "Seductions Exposed" And the thing that got me was the necromancy- talking to the dead is detestible to God. ANd everyone of those shows, the investigators are trying to get EVPs. Which is by asking questions and hoping to get a response on a tape or digital recorder. Now there are those that might not agree with me, but to me that is necromancy, at least at some level.
So for me at least, I have decided that it is best for me and my family that I not watch those shows. I just don't want to willingly leave any cracks in the protective hedge. And if I am right, believing that it is wrong, then I'm eliminating something in my house that God does not approve of. And I am also making it harder for satan or any of his followers to affect my family.
I don't know if your parents are Cristians or not Christy, but if they are, then the verses above might help when you do feel it is the right time to talk to them.
Thank you for your posts and reminding us that there is a spiritual war going on around us and that we do need to understand that God will take care of us through it.
God Bless.
I also have stopped watching the shows that are reality based, where people are trying to contact the dead. I feel that they are misled and are on a path to self-destruction, leaving the door wide open for demons to do their work. My parents are God fearing people, but their interactions with the "other side" have led them astray. The "ghosts" who full well believe in God have even used Him as part of their ploy. They pretend to be here doing God's work, but I have put the puzzle together from beginning to end and have seen them for what they really are. I truly don't know how my parents haven't. Some of the things that they have done seem good. As they have to. Without the "good" that they do, they wouldn't ever have been perceived as something to be bothered with. They know humans so well, being that they are as old as time. Having watched humans forever they know how we tick and how to pull at our heartstrings with their stories of tragic, untimely deaths. It's a romantic Hollywood notion that humans just can't seem to see through. We want physical evidence of life after death. We are not content with our faith. We need concrete proof that something exists beyond this world and "ghosts" fit that bill. Demons prey on our lack of faith.
You're right Rodney, we are at war here. And a lot of people are going in unarmed. We are too accepting of paranormal shows and books and John Edward. We open doors without even meaning to. It seems like one of the biggest ins for evil in this time. Of course our sins allow for openings, but dealing with "ghosts" or trying to communicate with them is direct contact with demons and it's dangerous.
I hope that in my own small way I can help to expose these 'ghosts' and help to bring Christ into others' lives.
Reply by Christy Anne 2 hours ago
I also have stopped watching the shows that are reality based, where people are trying to contact the dead


Just for my own information, did those "demonic activities" begin when you started watching such programmes? And don't forget, it's not just "reality programmes" similar to the ones you mentioned..but horror movies, fictional TV series (there was one on TV in the UK recently entitled "Demons") too are mind damaging in like manner
To answer your question, no, the activity didn't start with watching these shows. Demonic influence in my family started years ago. I just feel a pull from God not to watch because of their association with actual demons. I have not felt the same pull with fiction. The thing I feel most strongly about with fiction is the fact that it does desensitize some people and diminishes the severity of the things out there that need to be recognized.
Okay, I was replying to this and evidentally the devil didn't like what I was saying as I hit the backspace button and my post disappeared. I was only a couple of words of finishing. LOL. Hopefully I can remember most of what I had written.
I like that you said that you had quit watching the shows mentioned. Not because of anything that was stated here, but because you felt a pull from God. Thats the best reason ever.
The other thing that caught me attention was that you mentioned that the demons had been around so long that they knew us so well that they understand what makes us tick. I think that sometimes we believe that we are tougher and stronger than we really are. Now I know that we have the ultimate power through Jesus Christ and that is what we are to depend on. But the comment made me realize that our enemy has had generations to prepare, while we have had only the years of our life.
Then you made the comment that with your situation, that they even did things that at least appeared good. And that just goes to show how subtle he can be. I remember when Ghost hunters first aired. I remember people saying that they were amazed that the show was even on, and that there was no way that it would survive. Now several years later, it is not only still on, but has opened the door for several more shows. So little by little, society is being introduced to the paranormal. Things like speaking to the dead and psychics. Which according to the verse I posted earlier, is an abomination to God. And I don't see any end to these programs.
One last thing that I want to add is that the devil does not treat everyone the same. He can blend into the world so quietly that some will say that the only thing that they know of the devil is what they have learned at Church. While others can say that they have dealt with his demons personally.
I think that society and even some Christians have been convinced that these things only happen in the movies. So when they hear of stories like this, they have a tendancy not to believe the person, which is exactly what he wants.
But we must never forget, God has given us the power to rebuke him. And it is important that we use it.
God is so much more powerful. The devil doesn't stand a chance in the end. But I believe that we can lower his success in the here and now just by realizing that he wants our attention on anything other than God.
God Bless
ANd to Marry Ann,
I like what you did with your house for the reminder that in your house you will serve the Lord. Not everyone might think that would be required, but I like it. Even if its just a reminder for me, which I do need at times,
Thank you for posting that.
But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord...... I love this.. Thank you so much for that, MaryJane...

Rodney- I just want you to know that I am glad for your response if for no other reason than you do believe what I say! That matters to me. I have only a couple people in my life that I have been able to share this with. I am grateful that I can come here and tell my story. Maybe others can even take it and some of my new found knowledge to witness to someone they may know. My personal research has taught me plenty, but it didn't teach me how not to feel somewhat alone. I know I have Jesus in all of this but it's helpful to me and my strength to have people to encourage me. Thank you all!

Also, though a lot of my experience has been physical, I also have experienced some of the weight that demons put on the body just by being present. I have dealt with anger and rage in my child which I believe was (is) demon related and some of my own lapses in my faith, as well as my own sinning which at one time was a lot. Throughout all of this I have seen the power of God and what He can do as a powerful presence in my life. I am not an expert in this area by any means but I definitely feel that I am learning enough to be able to share with others and help in any way I can.

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song....
I, too, used to watch those paranormal investigation shows, particularly Ghost Adventures. Now that I have seen the truth about what is really happening I have stopped watching those shows as I know that the Lord would never approve of watching a show about something that he clearly condemns. However, my mother loves watching these shows and I need to find a way to reveal to her the truth about all of this. She is still under the impression that they are really making contact with spirits of deceased persons who lived or were associated with whatever location the ghost investigators are investigating.
i watch Ghost adventures...whenever i do, i feel like i shouldnt....but i find it to be kind of interesting, i guess i just like the scare, but just a question, whats the truth of it? what do you mean by that


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