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Hoping that someone can shed some light on my demon dreams, manifestations and oppression....

Okay, I am going to try to keep a very long story somewhat short and to the point...
My whole life I have lived with manifestations and "guidance" from beings that I believed to be ghosts- spirits of the deceased.  Recently I have come to the realization that these beings are most likely of an evil sort, tricksters, trying to lead me down a path of self destruction, and ultimately away from God and Jesus...  So, in my quest of spiritual discovery and biblical learning I feel like I have been thrown to the wolves so to speak by going up against things that I have been ill prepared for from my lack of education in Bible teachings..  I have a good support system from a great friend who is well learned so I am not totally alone, but I am looking for some further insight...
As I went back through my life and picked apart all that has happened- from seeing "friendly" manifestations to listening to their insight and hearing and believing in the future which they foretell-- I definitely think that I was under the influence of demon activity..  There are too many instances to tell, but they seem to be often times alcohol driven and most of the time they appear to be helping and beneficial, even sometimes mentioning God and church.  Anyway, since I have "found them out" the manifestations are few, but scary, no longer friendly and helpful.  I had one instance in my bedroom of thousands of Black, flying insects which I called on Jesus for help and spoke the words "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ" and they all instantly disappeared just like flipping a switch..  Other than that I have had numerous demon infested nightmares.  Now I know that nightmares are not necessarily visions or anything more than an active imagination, but some of them seem so real and always very detailed.  I am only going to recount my most recent one which was two nights ago...

I was in my grandmother's house (she is suffering the final stages of Alzheimer's disease and we as a family all take care of her) and out of her bathroom comes an ancient old man who appeared to be wheelchair bound..  But instantly I know that he is a demon, either in human form or possessing a human I don't know, but definitely a demon... So, though I know better I engage in physical combat with him hitting and kicking and screaming, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ" over and over.  Nothing is working on this demon.  And oddly enough he is not fighting back with fists or words.  I notice that the "old man" form is not bleeding or bruising or responding in any way and I wonder why it's not working.  So as not to give up I go to my Bible to find where I have gone wrong.  Before getting there a voice in the room sneers "Jesus has left you." And I think to myself in the dream, not aloud, that's not possible, Jesus would never do that.  So I go to my Bible, and without any hindrance of any kind I find my way to the index and to the "R's" and look up rebuke and suddenly my Bible is no longer a Bible but a story book of a boy and a demon called "Scandal."  The demon says "do you see how you let me in" to the boy, pop, staying up all hours of the night etc." And then I know that the demon I am confronting is the demon scandal. Of course he is, how will it look if I am caught abusing an old man, scandalous..  So, I go back to the "old man" and I call him by name.  "Demon Scandal, I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST." And suddenly when called out the body of the old man lurches up right and appears to be struggling and breaking and then I wake up...

I don't know what to take from this dream.  I have thought of different things.  One-- Jesus is the factor of course and without him I am not going to defeat any demon.  Two- when in need God led me to the answers I needed to succeed, through the Bible.  Three- Was it a test of faith?  
I don't know what kind of path I am on.  I'm scared sometimes of demonic oppression in my life, especially where my husband and children are concerned.  My one child seems unaffected but the other I have attributed demons for his anger and rage, which has subsided greatly with prayers.  Like I said, I have a great friend and she helps me always, but I am looking for some other opinions if anyone knows things about this subject.  I have read so many websites that I can't tell heads from tales about taking on demons.  Some sites say, Don't touch it, don't even think about it.  Others say that with Christ as a guide rebuking demons is something that Christians do.  But the dangers involved are immense.  I want to be knowledgeable in scripture but I really don't know where to start.  Any ideas?  And thanks in advance...

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First - what is paranormal activity according to the dictionary? The most common definition is: not scientifically explainable : supernatural.

Let's set a firm and biblical foundation before continuing on with this topic.
The main claim to paranormal activity is the existents of "Ghosts."

Main Entry: 1ghost
Pronunciation: \ˈgōst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gost, gast, from Old English gāst; akin to Old High German geist spirit, Sanskrit heḍa anger
Date: before 12th century
1 : the seat of life or intelligence : soul
2 : a disembodied soul; especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness
3 : spirit, demon4 a : a faint shadowy trace b : the least bit
5 : a false image in a photographic negative or o...

Do "Ghost" truly exist? Yes and No!

Definition #2 - a disembodied soul; especially: the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness. Is this accurate according to scripture? Nope! We have only two cases (as far as I can remember, please correct me if I am wrong) in the bible where a ghost, according to the aforementioned definition, are mentioned.

The first one is the prophet Samuel being conjured up by a local medium.

1 Samuel 28:
[ Saul Consults a Medium ] 3 Now Samuel had died, and all Israel had lamented for him and buried him in Ramah, in his own city. And Saul had put the mediums and the spiritists out of the land.
11 Then the woman said, “Whom shall I bring up for you?” And he said, “Bring up Samuel for me.”
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice. And the woman spoke to Saul, saying, “Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul!”

15 Now Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” And Saul answered, “I am deeply distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God has departed from me and does not answer me anymore, neither by prophets nor by dreams. Therefore I have called you, that you may reveal to me what I should do.”

The Christian family has never been in agreement whether this was really Samuel or just a demon/fallen angel impersonating Samuel.

The other appearance of dead people among the living was during the Transfiguration:

Mark 9:4
And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus. 5 Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”—

The first case of "Ghost" is very debatable and the second here on the transfiguration of Christ is a very unique occasion.

All that to say this - We can safely state that there is no such thing as "REAL GHOST" THE WORD SAYS:
Philippians 1:18-22
21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell.

WHY is it gain to die? BECAUSE:
2 Corinthians 5:6
So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

THERE are no Real Ghosts. It is appointed for us to live and then to die and then the judgment. No room in scripture for roaming spirits.

So how do we explain the humongous paranormal activity that has been recorded throughout the ages? Extremely simple:

The priority of demons is to get our focus off the truth, as long as we are preoccupied with fables, tales, superstitions etc. they are succeeding in their job. They keep humanity entertain in anything other than God.

So what about all the reports around the world, the reports of people seeing relatives etc. Well demons are familiar with our lives. A third of the angelic host felled along with Satan. We don't really know if that is millions or billions or a greater number but there must be a huge amount of them on the earth.


Any ways fallen angels/demons are familiar with our lives and can impersonate a person and have us thinking that is grandma Chony going hahaha around the house or when a person goes to a medium to ask for uncle Chui hahaha to be conjured up and uncle Chui appears and it's telling them facts about his life or their lives, what is going on then?

Demons that are familiar with those folk’s lives impersonate them to kill, still and destroy the truth and keep people confused. and Hollywood has always capitalized on such. Now a lot more than ...
Second -

This is what has work for me and it has never failed me when i am walking in holiness.

Since the Lord is not a respector of persons i am sure it will be effective for anyone.

Jude 1:9 (New International Version)

9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

Instead of yelling at them or fighting them with human strengh, we need to learn from the word.

If you smell, hear or see them immidiately say: "The Lord rebuke you!"

I am not scare easily so at one point when I was fed up, sick and tire of not being able to sleep in my room because it would become extremely cold, I made the mistake of grabbing my knife and calling them out. I told them to stop being cowers and manifest them self, so we could have it done and over with. With my Rambo (hahaaha for-reals) knife on hand, I called out to them, to "come on" and fight me. I was sick and tire of them taunting me, mine you I was back in the mud at this point of my walk, hence my stupidity, BUT MY LORD IS FAITHFUL AND DID NOT ALLOWED THEM TO HARM ME... THAT TIME BUT....

Being that I can be silly, when I saw one materialize I said to it - What? Am I supposed to be scare? With a very sarcastic tone and step out my house to go get something from my car and when I opened the door, it came full force at me, the door, and drop me as I was cover in blood from a huge cut on my forehead. I was floored and the Spirit told me very gently, and that was nothing son. You are asking for it son and I allow it because you are not getting it. Well I paid attention from there on...and stop challenging creatures that can beat up a human without a problem - Greater is He in us though bro. HE IS FAITHFUL!!! HE KEPT ME AND CLEANED ME UP AGAIN AND Taught ME TO FIGHT HIS WAY.


Philippians 4:5-7 (New King James Version)

5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Let the word of God dwell richly in you live and the peace of God will bring you the peace of mind needed.

As far as the dream goes, well WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT CHRIST and if the fallen angels/demons keep you preoccupied with dreams etc... They have succeeded.

So get in the Word, abide in it and you will know the truth that will set you free.
First I would like to say that David has told you exactly right. But I still feel the need to add my personal experiences that might help you in your search for answers. My story starts back on the early seventies when I was six years old. My father was the minister of a small church in northern Idaho. At one of the Wednesday night services, my dad was teaching about spiritual warfare. He was telling of the story of the demons being cast out of the people and into the swine. It was then that one of the older gentlemen made the comment that he was glad that we didn't have to worry about that now. My dad was confused about that statement and asked him to clarify. The man went on to say that since Jesus had died on the cross, we lno onger had to worry about spiritual war fare. It was then that my dad learned that there were many others that believed that. So he decided that he would use the Wednesday night services to teach about spiritual warfare.
For several weeks, nothing seemed to be wrong. But then simple things started to happening. Such as doors opening and closing, loud noises that shouldn't be there. As time progressed, things got a lot worse. I won't get into detail because I don't want to give satan any credit. But I will say that it got serious enough that if not for God's protection; I wouldn't be alive today.
Now for me the problem was that as I got older, I remembered this situation and the paranormal fascinated me. I read a lot of books that dealt with the paranormal. All fiction, but the idea was still there. Then we had some new neighbors move in and I found that the wife enjoyed the paranormal as well. So we would chat about it and even go on a ghost hunt now and again. I really didn't see the harm in what we are doing. But you have to remember that I was looking through the clouded mind. LIke it was said earlier, by David I think, that they are tricksters. They will do just enough to keep your focus away from God.
Now that I look back, I can see that the more I focussed on the paranormal, the more confused I became about God.
I had allowed satan to get into my mind.
Now not too long ago, I felt God calling me back. I wanted to be back with God, but it was hard to do. I am not saying that my struggles were directly related to my interest in the paranormal, but I do have to say that it did have an affect for sure. Then one day after I had rededicated my lfe to Christ, and struggling to feel his presence, I found a book on my book shelf. I have had the book for many many years, but never read it,.
Its called "Seductions exposed." In this book it has a section on the accult. One thing that it talked about was that there are many ways that we allow the devil into our home. Here is an exerpt from that book. The writer says "I believe that many CHristians are sick or opressed becase they are ignorantly dabbling with or wearing occultic objects or jewelry. Satan goes around as a roaring lion seeking those to destroy, according to 1peter 5:8 satan can not touch the CHristian who is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. But if the believer is wearing or in possession of occultic objects, they often give satan the legal right to kill, steal from, and destroy him.
Acts 19:: 19-20 says: Many of them also which used curious arts (sorcery, witchcraft, magic) brought their books together and burned them before all men.
This was what Paul told the new believers of Ephesus to do.
So I thought about it for a minute and realized that I still had all of my books. Now even though they were all fiction and fun to read, I realized that for me, they were keeping me from being as close to God as I wanted and needed to be, By having them in my house, I was granting satan a place to affect me,. So I gathered them up and went out side and built a fire in the pit and went to burning those books. Now I am not going to tell you that something amazing happened like seeing images of demons screaming in the fire, But what I am going to tell you is that I did feel God's presence. Not just a little bit, but a lot. And I have felt it every since. You see I was putting that stuff before God. Now I am not saying that I worshiped it. But just that fact that at one time, I was not willing to give it up, put a wedge betwen me and God. A wedge that God didn't want there. But since we have free will, he was waiting on me. And my act of getting rid of that material showed God that I ws ready to focus completely on him.
The reason that I am telling you this is that I would like you to look into your life, into your home and see if you have anything even remotely related to the occult. If you do, I hope that you are able to understand that allows satan free reign. ANd if you do, the Bible says that we are to destroy them.
One last thing in regards to Ghost and speaking to them.; which is called necromancy. God calls it an abomination. In Deuteronomy 18:10-14 says.
There shall not be found among you any one who maketh his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or useth divination, or an observer of times (horoscope), or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer(speaking with the dead). For all these things are an abomintaion unto the Lord; and because the abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God. FOr these nations, which thou shalt posses, hearkened unto observers of times and unto diviners.
So even though some one has been or is still involved with any thing like this; there is hope. Believe me, I know this first hand. All that person has to do is to bring it before God, ask his forgiveness and destroy anything that you might have that connects you back to the occult.
I used to watch everything that I could find on television that had any thing to do with ghosts. And the day that I decided to get rid of my books, I knew that I could no longer watch the television programs at all. At first I thought that it would be hard to do since they were my favorite shows. But I was surprised. God's presence has been so great, that I don't miss the shows at all. I am so much happier since I destroyed the wedge between God and I.
I heard Stephen King once say "this is how his movies were made" by the dreams he had..I am not making light of this by any means,, but when I hear things like this I always think of Ephesians 6:10-20,,,,I went thru something similar with my spouses mother, I had dreams that I knew I alone was in spiritual warfare for her.,,..Daily we need to put on the full armor of God,found in Eph..meditate day and night on Gods word..I for one don't believe all can do spiritual battle, only my opionon tho...some just choose to make movies..reluctant to send this, however, it could be the enemy feeding those thoughs...So I ask Our Heavenly Father to show u only what comes from Him alone..God Bless U, and may the peace of the Holy Spirit surround you. In closing I have never been one to watch anything scary supernatural, I have from a young age have always known garbage in garbage out. I heard there is a song out like that now, I should get some kind of royalties,,LOL stay strong in your Spirit Man while in battle, because I believe one day, God will reveal to you who were/are fighting for..
as well Gospel .com has some good topics on spiritual warfare
Great posts to everyone who decided to share! I too have dreams in which I believe I am being attacked by Satan or demons. Last night even I had a few. Most of my dreams are not pleasant in nature. That could be due to many things, but there are many which I truly believe I have been spiritually attacked. It could be the enemy's way of just trying to get to me, because when we all sleep we are at our weakest being unconscience, etc. The good part about those dreams though is that I can sense the Lord's presence and soverienty! I often times quote scripture and sing hymns of praise in my dreams! There have been plenty of times that I see the evil manifestations in my dreams just disappear when that happens. I had this odd dream last night where someone was coming after me to hurt me and I asked this man if he knew of the love of Jesus. I told him of the salvation that Jesus offers and how much He loves mankind. I even told him of how the cross to me reminds me of a how the Lord opens his arms out to embrace us. After I told him of this in my dream, the man who was going to hurt me collapsed. I'm not sure what the significance meant.

It's best to pray before going to sleep for the Lord to protect our unconscience minds during our dream periods.
Excellent advise brother Alan.

Once our enemies see that we have been set free in one area, they will quickly move on to attack a different front and at times one you never expected.

If they see that you no longer are preoccupied with dreams or whatever is distracting the person they start proving other areas.

The truth sets us free. Only the truth. The truth is that we can do nothing without Christ and must abide in Him to remain free from insecurities, fears, vanity and the pride of this age.
I like that point that you made about giving everything to Christ instead of trying to prove yourself. If everyone, including me, would practice that, I think that there would be a lot more smiles on everyones faces.
Thank you for your responses. Last time I checked there were only a couple on here and was surprised to see the new ones, which I am grateful for. Any advice is appreciated, along with scripture and support. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to share with others my experience. That said I am going to post another discussion about my most recent encounter.
PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!! I want to share with you sister, that the Lord saved me 1yr. ago from demon possession. I had many problems going on at one time in my life, and having an UN-GODLY belief system was one of them. I too, was curious and extremely interested in the "paranormal"; I believed, and bought into to the "New Age" religion. This is where people believe that "spirits" are "heavenly" beings (ie; strictly beings made by God; they are not or never have been human), and "ghosts" are dead people (ie; people who were once human, then physically die. In rejecting God, they then roam the earth. One, because they have some "un-finished business to attend to on earth, 2. they dont want to be with God, or 3. they have some "message" to relay to a living person. 4. some people believe there are "helping spirits" (not angels), that watch over or help the living.

I read tons of books on the subject. And innocently was into horoscopes/astrology. Later I became interested in psychics and tarot. I watched paranormal state, ghost hunters especially. Anything that was on that subject on t.v. I watched. Interestingly enough, I had know the truth of Jesus Christ...20yrs. prior at 19, I had been born again and was even baptized. After many negative life experiences, I started doubting there was a God. Because I gave up and turned away, it eventually led me to the devils door.

Because I succumbed to these FALSE BELIEFS, I made myself that much more vulnerable to the enemy! This opened a permanent door to the devil and his army of demons. After a certain amount of time, the enemy stepped through, and with him, if you give him just and inch, HE THEN RULES YOUR LIFE!!!! Before you know it, your interacting with demons, and without TONS OF PRAYER, WORSHIP, DELIVERANCE AND A BODY OF CHRISTIANS TO HELP YOU, YOU'RE FACING A HORRIBLE PROBLEM WAY BIGGER THAN YOU ALONE. Please sister, take it from one who has suffered demonic rape and other types of physical attacks (ie; choking ect...)

We as Christians, BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IN CHRIST, suffer more attacks from the enemy than non-believers. Why? Well, since the enemy HATES GOD, he hates all who believe IN Him. He hates what He stands for,& what He does. When we allow Christ to dwell in our hearts we also, stand for what He does, and try to imitate Him. This makes us smell foul to the enemy. Now, if we are NOT of God, then we are FOR the enemy. It says in the bible that we cannot serve two masters. So if we are not living for God, we are then living for the enemy. And if we are living for the enemy, WHY would he bother us? Dont get me wrong; the enemy still destroys those who follow him. But what im getting at is that when we are not on his side, his attacks become more often and in many diff. ways because we wants to thwart Gods work in us. Hes angry we're against him, and he tries to prevent Gods blessings to us and in our lives.

Please feel free to email me anytime you want. Im here for support, help, praise and anything else!
Love in Chirst,
This is my prayer, and it has given me deliverance to the point I felt the demons leave. I use the prayer whenever I feel as if I've messed up. I have been aware of the spiritual realm since I was a child. But I have to say a ouija board accelerated my occult learning. I purged all of it from my home.

A deliverance prayer from occult sins...

Father, I come before you with meekness and humility. I give you honor and praise and the glory. I confess that I have knowingly and unknowingly committed occult sins. (pause and reflect confess the sins you do know of)

I humbly apologize. Father, I am truly sorry. These are things which displease you and hurt your feelings. I get that now. I apologize and ask your forgiveness. (pause and reflect)

By the precious blood of Jesus, I denounce satan and his demons and all the hidden works of darkness and all occult sins that have been in my life and affected my life. By the precious blood of Jesus, I am free from these things. I am free from the chains of bondage that have held me captive. The chains are broken. By the precious blood of Jesus, I command satan and his other demons to be gone get out of my life, leave. You have no right.

Father, I now walk forward with newness of life, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I think the prayer is adjustable for other sins that a person could commit as well.
God bless,
Mary O.


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